Closed Bug 107206 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

new mail notification / unread status (green arrow and in tray) not updated correctly when mail is read, deleted or filtered to different folders / accounts


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: sspitzer)



I have an IMAP account that recives a lot of mail that I automaticly deletes with a filter. But Mozilla still shows the green icon for the account, so it seems like I have new mail. It's quite annoying. build 20011027
So you want us to only show the green icon if there is new mail that will not become deleted?
Summary: new mail is reported (green icon) even thought I have a filter that deletes it → new mail is reported (green icon) even though I have a filter that deletes it
only show new mail icon if there's new mail in the folder. So if mail is deleted dont show it. Since there isn't new mail. If the mail is moved to another account show the new mail icon for that acount...
Summary: new mail is reported (green icon) even though I have a filter that deletes it → Filter does not update unread status for folder when it deletes messages upon arrival
This is trange. I tried setting up a filter that deleted all mail messages with a special word in it. I tried mailing such a bad email to myself, and when I received it, I didn't get the "green icon" on anything except the whole account. Another strange thing I noticed was that the message wasn't deleted as specified, it was merely *moved* to the Trash. Gemal, are you seeing similar behaviour? Is your email deleted or only moved to the trash? (That could be another bug we should report.)
My setup: a IMAP account a filter that "deletes" all mails that are sent from a specific mailadress auto mail check every 1 min Now I just highlight the account and wait... when a mail arrives I can see the number of messages in the trash increases with 1 and the green arrow on the account name appears in the folder pane. build 20012027
ups... I meant "for account" not "for folder"...:)
Summary: Filter does not update unread status for folder when it deletes messages upon arrival → Filter does not update unread status for account when it deletes messages upon arrival
This is a bug in the Delete action implementation. ->Filters
Assignee: sspitzer → naving
Component: Mail Window Front End → Filters
QA Contact: esther → laurel
Summary: Filter does not update unread status for account when it deletes messages upon arrival → Filter does not update unread status for account after it deletes messages upon arrival
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2
This bug does not appear to be confined to the Delete action. Under Win2000, reading of all unread email causes the "new mail" icon in the Windows services box to disappear, as it should. But if a filter automatically moves new mail to another folder, the new mail icon stubbornly remains in the Windows service box even after all the new mail has been read. This looks like the same bug to me -- filter actions aren't properly updating the new mail count associated with each folder.
When moving mail to another folder the new mail icon will only go off when I go to the Inbox folder for the account where the mail was originally sent, even if it is empty. I would expect the icon to go off when I first select an unread mail, regardless of the folder it was moved to.
I have the same problem with multiple pop3,win98SE build 2002072104 (actually ever since I use filter which was about 0.98) many of my filters automatically delete messages but then the "new mail" icon is in the taskbar the green arrow is on the mail icon in mozilla and the trash folder gets bolded. all this only disappears when I go into the tras folder and select/read the deleted msg.
*** Bug 134153 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
updating summary based on dupe (and the dupes thereof). bug 192039 is related - probably a subproblem of this...
Summary: Filter does not update unread status for account after it deletes messages upon arrival → new mail notification / unread status (green arrow and in tray) not updated correctly when mail is read, deleted or filtered to different folders / accounts
*** Bug 190815 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 195448 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Isn't this a dupe, or at least somehow related to bug 116181?
I think Bug 116181 is a duplicate of this. In addition, the long-standing Bug 91498 (don't notify on Trash) is a special case of this, as is its newer relation Bug 189289 (don't notify on Junk).
If I may add my 2c worth, hopefully it helps a little. My setup is that I have 3 accounts all checking mail from different sources but I have filters setup to move mail from 2 of those accounts into subfolders of the other account (my primary account). When new mail comes in, the account that received the new mail has the new mail indicator and the system tray icon appears as well as the folder the mail was moved to indicating that it contains unread messages. I read the messages but the receiving account still indicates there is new, unread mail and the system tray icon persists until I click on the Inbox folder of the account that received the mail even though it is empty.
mass re-assign.
Assignee: naving → sspitzer
Another related bug, not quite a dupe: Bug 202783
Depends on: 206050
*** Bug 214624 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 215953 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I think this was fixed the other day 20030930
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Henrik Gemal, what exactly do you think was fixed the other day? The symptom described in your original report is still present in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20030930 Specifically, if a new message is deleted by a filter, the receiving account gets the green arrow "new flag"; also, systray notification and component bar new mail icons are shown. If you switch to look in the Trash, the message is flagged with a green arrow, as well. The only reason that a green arrow doesn't show on the Trash folder is because there is no icon for Trash-With-New in any of the themes. (Note: if you are viewing the Trash folder when the new message arrives, it will not be flagged with the green arrow; see bug 192039.) Henrik, your original complaint was specific to the green arrow on the account; but bug 91498 is the first extant bug to complain about new mail notification on filter-deleted mail. Perhaps this is just a dupe of that? Per comment 7 & 8, the systray icon does clear now, on almost any action taken to navigate folders; that's been fixed for a while now (but, per comment 16, see bug 116181 comment 28, and also bug 189878). Per comment 4, mail that is filtered with "Delete Message" is marked as read, so the unread count displayed next to the Trash does not increment (but see bug 201917). Bug 189289 (suppress notify on Junk) has a patch checked in, but it is unclear whether that should have anything to do with this bug. An earlier patch there was claimed to suppress notification for mail marked as read, but the current patch is said to only suppress notification for junk (bug 189289 comment 113). I don't know whether that patch suppresses the green arrow on the account. Clearing milestone, in case you reopen this.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2alpha → ---
No response from Henrik. As I note in comment 22, I am still seeing the symptom described in the original report; therefore, reopening.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
-> all/all
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
ditto comment #16 exactly (i'm using thunderbird 0.4)
I looked for a way to solve it some months ago ... I saw that that various status related to this are scattered in many classes. To link these statuses, there would be to change a good bunch of code in order to introduce some pointers. So before to propose any patch there is to know exactly the expected behavior. 1) Does the Green arrow next to account name should disappear at the moment when the first inbox/directory is read? Or does it should disappear when all subdirectories are marked as read? 2) Same question for the inbox|directories: Does the arrow should disappear at first email in the directory or inbox being read? Or should it disappear when all have been read... 3) Maybe I am forgetting any similar interrogations... Feel free to add any precisions/interrogations. Depending what the expected behaviour really is, I believe there should be lighter implementations possible.. So knowing that is important before getting any task under way. I am posting too on bug 116181 a call to answers to get any feedback to these questions from people-from-the-other-bug.
I believe there could be a very simple fix. There appears to be some logic in the program right now that says if a new message arrives in a folder/account, then the green arrow (orange in 0.4 thunderbird) should display until the folder is opened (the newly arrived mail needn't be "read", just the folder opened) This logic simply needs to change so that the program waits until AFTER all the filters have been executed to determine if there truly exists new mail in the folder/account. I believe this is the major first step to fixing this bug. There is also an alternative fix (possibly easier, possibly better). If you simply gave the user the ability to flag/unflag a folder/account as having new mail using the filters, then the user could completely control this as he/she wished. But these are suggestions from a user who knows nothing of the internal workings.. perhaps these are more difficult than they seem, and perhaps there are better ways?
I had also a kind of problem like these. I've an IMAP account. I use a filter to automatically MARK as been read & MOVE to a specific folder mails containing my email adress (due to use of some strange mailing lists) In fact i don't get the systray icon indicating that new mails are arriving, as they are marked read. But when i open the MailNews, it still shows the green arrow on the specific folder where mails are redirected, with the count of so called "new" mails, that in fact are marked as read. It desappears when i GO to this directory. I think that, as it's said in comment #27, the count of new mails is done BEFORE all filters are applied, and before some mails are been marked as READ. Well, correct me if i'm wrong.
I too am experiencing the same thing under Mozilla 1.6b. I have filters that move mail from 10 different POP3 accounts to one Inbox. Even though they move sucessfully, the green arrow remains on each POP3 account until I go to that account and open the Inbox.
I see this constantly under TB 0.5. I have filters that move and mark as read certain incoming messages. Even if all the messages are marked as read, I get the new mail notification and each destination folder is marked as having unread messages (which they do not) as in comment #3. It's very, very annoying to get the new mail notification when your're trying to avoid being interrupted by less important messages.
The problem described in Lindsey Smith's comment 30 has been fixed in 1.7a builds due to a patch for bug 206050. The milestone 1.7a is scheduled to be released this week. I believe that fix also addresses the original report, in a round-about way: messages deleted by filters are marked as read, so notification for those messages is also suppressed. See my comment 22. I am marking this bug as a dupe of bug 91498 -- and I believe that bug will soon be resolved as Fixed, based on the patch for 206050. I think all other symptoms that have been mentioned in this bug prior to that comment are addressed in that comment. Regarding other symptoms mentioned *since* comment 22: - Dan Weis's comment 29 (like comment 16) describes the basic issue in bug 116181 (a bug, like this one, that contains descriptions of several somewhat-related problems). - Maxxyme's issue in comment 28 sounds like a combination of bug 227657, which has been partially fixed, and bug 201917, which has a workaround. The remaining portion of 227657, which is the New arrow appearing on the destination folder, is now bug 230805. People who have a vote in for this bug are encouraged to move it to one of the cited bugs, or to something else you'd like to see fixed. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 91498 ***
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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