Bug 1273
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
floating image not laying out correctly
(Core :: Layout, defect, P2)
(Reporter: buster, Assigned: buster)
with the latest floater code, this page still doesn't lay out correctly. The
main image in the center of the page at the top.
test case:
<META NAME="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
//<!-- = "_newshome";
// Weather and affiliate code
//===== Function to get a cookie content
function Get_Cookie_Content(cook, end) {
var c = null;
if( end > -1 )
c = cook.substring(0, end);
c = cook;
return c;
//===== Get the cookie for cities and affiliates.
var city = "index";
var affiliate = "index";
var str = "";
cookie = document.cookie;
start_index = cookie.indexOf("AFFILIATE=");
if( start_index >= 0 ) {
str = new String(cookie.substring(start_index + 10));
end_index = str.indexOf(";");
content = Get_Cookie_Content(str, end_index);
if( content != null)
affiliate = content;
start_index = cookie.indexOf("CITY=");
if( start_index >= 0 ) {
str = new String(cookie.substring(start_index + 5));
end_index = str.indexOf(";");
content = Get_Cookie_Content(str, end_index);
if(content != null)
city = content;
if ((city=="index")||(city==""))
var weatherimage= "<a href =
src='/images/weather_index.gif' width=120 height=35 vspace=6 border=0></a>";
var weatherimage = "<a href =
'/cgi/" + city +
".html&name=fp_weather'><img src='/images/weather/" + city + ".gif' width=120
height=35 vspace=6 border=0></a>";
if ((affiliate=="index")||(affiliate==""))
var localimage = "<br><a href='/local/index.html'><img
src='/images/hp_local_prereg.gif' border=0 width=119 height=39></a>";
var localimage = "<center><a href = '/local/" + affiliate +
"'><img src='/local/images/" + affiliate + ".gif' border=0 width=90
// Launch the default popoff window
function launchPopoff() {
if (((parseInt(navigator.appVersion)) >= 3) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 4.0")) >= 0) {
launchURL("/ns3_frame.html", "popoff", 141, 330);
} else {
launchURL("/ie_frame.html", "popoff", 128, 296);
// Launch the Customized Remote
function launchRemote() {
if (((parseInt(navigator.appVersion)) >= 3) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 4.0")) >= 0) {
launchURL("/ns3_framec.html", "remote", 136, 272);
} else {
launchURL("/ie_framec.html", "remote", 120, 237);
// LaunchURL main function
function launchURL(url,name,x,y) { = "_newshome";
var ItsTheWindow;
ItsTheWindow =, name,
function getSWID() {
i = document.cookie.indexOf("SWID=",0);
if(i == -1) {
return "";
i += 5;
if(document.cookie.indexOf("SWID={") >= 0) {
j = i + 38;
else {
j = i + 36;
swid = document.cookie.substring(i,j);
swid = unescape(swid);
return swid;
function getPID() {
i = document.cookie.indexOf("PID=",0);
i += 4;
if(document.cookie.indexOf("PID={") >= 0) {
j = i + 46;
else {
j = i + 44;
swid = document.cookie.substring(i,j);
swid = unescape(swid);
if(i == 3) {
swid = getSWID();
return swid;
function personalization_check() {
if((document.cookie.indexOf("PERSONALIZED=") >= 0) &&
(document.cookie.indexOf("SWID=") >= 0)){
return 'true';
return 'false';
function writePersonalization() {
if(personalization_check() == 'true')
763&srvc=nws&guid=2498FAA5-74FD-11D2-95C9-00A0C9C76CD7" target="_top"><img
src="/ad/sponsors/beeline/bee001-120.gif" width=120 height=60 border=0
alt="Sponsored by Transcom Beeline"></a><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=7
height=10><br><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=110 height=7><br>');
document.write('<A HREF="javascript:launchRemote()"><img
src="/images/remotetop.gif" border=0 width=134 height=19 HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0
align="right"></a><br clear=all>');
code=RemoteControl.class name=RemoteControl width=134 height=207
ARCHIVE=RemoteControl.ZIP align="right"><param name="cabbase"
value=""><param name="COOKIE" value="' + getPID() +
'"></applet><br clear=all>');
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rowspan=3> <br></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td valign=top align=left><font
face="geneva, arial, helvetica" size=1 color=white>');
document.write('<b>Now you can customize to get the
up-to-the-minute stock quotes, sports scores and headlines you want. It\'s fast
and easy.<br>');
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (agent.indexOf("mac") != -1)
personalization.asp?swid=' + getSWID() +
personalization.asp?swid=' + getSWID() +
document.write('<img src="/images/here.gif" width=68 height=20
vspace=6 hspace=4 border=0 alt="Click Here"></a></b></font><BR>');
document.write('</td></tr><tr><td valign=bottom align=right><a
763&srvc=nws&guid=2498FAA5-74FD-11D2-95C9-00A0C9C76CD7" target="_top"><img
src="/ad/sponsors/beeline/bee001-120.gif" width=120 height=60 border=0
alt="Sponsored by Transcom Beeline"></a></td></tr>');
document.write('</table><br clear=all>');
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hspace=0 vspace=0 border=0><img src="/images/homepage/hp_Thursday.gif" width=230
height=68 border=0 hspace=0 vspace=0></a></nobr></td>
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e=9019&srvc=nws&guid=2498FAA5-74FD-11D2-95C9-00A0C9C76CD7" target="_top"><img
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alt="Sponsored by Microsoft"></a></td></tr>
<!-------------- spacer cell --------------------->
<td width=10 valign=top>
<img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=10 height=1>
<!---------- LEFT COLUMN: Headline Ticker, Factoid & Poll -------------->
<td valign=top align=right width=140><br>
<img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=140 height=1 hspace=0>
<!------ Headliner Applet ------>
<!-- Begin Headliner Applet --->
<script language="javascript">
<!----- End Headliner Applet ----><br><br>
<!---- Poll or Fact of the Day ---->
<table bgcolor="#0088dd" border=0 width=140 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td valign=top> <center> <IMG SRC="/poll/images/ban_homepoll.gif"
WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=35 BORDER=0 ALT="What do you think?"> <br> <img
src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=100 height=2 vspace=6 align=center> <br>
<table width=130 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr><td> <center> <img
src=><br> </center>
</td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> <!-- Poll & Factoid ------>
<!--------- End of Left Column ---------->
<td bgcolor="white" width=340 align="center" valign=top>
<img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=340 height=1 hspace=0>
<!------------interior headlines table----------->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=320>
<td width=320 valign=top>
<a href="/gallery/981105_history.html">
<font size=1 face="geneva, arial, helvetica"><b>November 5</a>, 1998</B></FONT>
<img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320 height=1 vspace=3 hspace=0><br>
<!-- Begin Sectional Ticker-->
<Applet codebase="/java/"
code="" width=320 height=17
<param name="cabbase" value="">
<Param name="Data URL" value="/data/SectionalTicker.dat">
</Applet><!--End Sectional Ticker --><img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320
height=1 vspace=3 hspace=0><br>
<!------ BEGIN CALLOUT TABLES ------>
<table width=125 cellpadding="2" cellspacing=0 border=0 align=left>
<td align=right>
<a href="/sections/us/DailyNews/gingrich981105.html">
<img src="/media/FrontPage/images/ap_gingrich981105_fp.jpg" width=125 height=125
vspace=0 hspace=3 border=0 alt="'Newt Gingrich'"></a><br>
<font size=1 face="geneva, arial, helvetica"><b>T O P S T O R
<font face= "arial, helvetica" size=5><b>
<a href="/sections/us/DailyNews/gingrich981105.html">Eye On
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=2>There's a rumbling in the ranks, as
Republicans wonder if it was leader Newt Gingrich who fumbled on Election Day.
Could a challenge to the House speaker be in the works?
<a href=""><b>
Exit Polls: “Drop Impeachment” <img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4 border=0></b></a>
<a href=""><b>
Referendums: Medical Pot OK <img src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9
height=10 hspace=4 border=0></b></a>
<a href=""><b>
Black Voters Made Themselves Heard</b></a>
<a href="/sections/us/DailyNews/gingrich981105.html"><img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4 border=0></a>
<br clear=all>
<img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320 height=2 vspace=6 hspace=0><br>
<font size=1 face="geneva, arial, helvetica"><b>U S</b></font><br>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=4><b>
<a href="/sections/us/DailyNews/impeach981105_hyde.html">Impeachment, At Hyde
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=2>As part of an expedited impeachment
inquiry, House Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde will have only one star witness and
also will ask the president to establish the facts about his relationship with
Monica Lewinsky.</font>
<a href="/sections/us/DailyNews/impeach981105_hyde.html"><img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4 border=0></a>
<br clear=all>
<img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320 height=2 vspace=6 hspace=0><br>
<table width=60 border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align=right>
<td align=right>
<a href="/sections/science/DailyNews/parrot981104.html">
<img src="/media/FrontPage/images/PN3_parrot_sfp.jpg" width=60 height=80
vspace=0 hspace=3 border=0 alt="parrot"></a><br>
<font size=1 face="geneva, arial, helvetica"><b>S C I E N C E</b></font><br>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=4><b>
<a href="/sections/science/DailyNews/parrot981104.html">Fossil Find Ruffles
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=2>A 65-million-year-old fossil has been
identified as the jawbone of a parrot. That would make it the only known land
bird to live during the dinosaur age.</font>
<a href="/sections/science/DailyNews/parrot981104.html"><img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4 border=0></a>
<br clear=all>
<img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320 height=2 vspace=6><br>
<table width=320 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 valign=top><tr><td
valign=top bgcolor="#ff9900">
<font size=4 face="times roman, serif" color=white>SCIENCE</font><font size=4
face="times roman, serif" color=black>THURSDAY<br>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=4><b><a
href="/sections/science/DyeHard/dye80.html">Bright Lights, Dark
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=2>It’s not a falling star. Just an
82-foot mirror orbiting Earth, designed to brighten the dark winters in Siberia.
Will it prove a big pain to astronomers?
<a href="/sections/science/DyeHard/dye80.html"><img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4
<img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320 height=2 vspace=6 hspace=0><br>
<font size=1 face="geneva, arial, helvetica"><b>M R. S H O W B I
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=4><b>
<a href="/sections/entertainment/index.html">Step Aside, Leo</a></b></font><br>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=2>He’s handsome. He’s rugged.
He’s heroic. And now, the man who’s played everyone from a space
buccaneer to a president has been crowned <i>People</i>’s “Sexiest
Man Alive.”
<a href="/sections/entertainment/index.html"><img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4 border=0></a>
<br clear=all>
<img src="/images/bluedot.gif" width=320 height=2 vspace=6 hspace=0><br>
<table width=60 border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align=left>
<td align=right>
<a href="/sections/travel/Europhiles/cinque.html">
<img src="/media/FrontPage/images/travel_cinque_sfp.jpg" width=60 height=80
vspace=0 hspace=3 border=0 alt="Cinque Terra"></a><br>
<font size=1 face="geneva, arial, helvetica"><b>T R A V E L</b></font><br>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=4><b>
<a href="/sections/travel/Europhiles/cinque.html">Italy’s Hilly
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=2>The Cinque Terre, a chain of coastal
villages linked by walking paths, is Italy's alternative to the French Riveria.
Take a stroll with <i>Eurofiles</i>.</font>
<a href="/sections/travel/Europhiles/cinque.html"><img
src="/images/teenyicon_arrow.gif" width=9 height=10 hspace=4 border=0></a>
<br clear=all>
<img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=320 height=1 vspace=0">
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Comment 2•26 years ago
per leger, assigning QA contacts to all open bugs without QA contacts according
to list at
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 4•26 years ago
Fixed in the March 23rd Build.
You need to log in
before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.