Closed Bug 128377 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Generalize turbo code


(Core Graveyard :: QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode), defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jelwell, Assigned: jelwell)




(2 files, 9 obsolete files)

The Turbo code needs to be generalized to allow other applications to modify the system registry, without trouncing the quicklaunch support. The proposal approved by Bill is to modify nsIWindowsHooks so that IsStatupTurboEnabled, startupTurboEnable and startupTurboDisable all pass in a string that is the command line argument that is to be dealt with. This way mail can add "-mail" to the "Mozilla Quick Launch" Key in a known documented manner without trouncing existing command line arguments.
Attached patch patch. (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
(1) I think "command" should be "option" in the renamed methods. It's really "commandLineOption" and "option" is a better abbreviation, IMHO. Thoughts? (2) + void IsCommandEnabled(in wstring command, [retval] out boolean result); That should be "isOptionEnabled" (lower case "i"). And just make the return type "boolean" instead of the "[retval] out boolean result"? I.e., boolean isOptionEnabled(in wstring option); (3) Can you put the function {}s the way they're supposed to be in this file (the *right* way :-)? People keep sneaking in this bogus style (or has the proper style become so out of style that it is now completely forbidden :-). (4) Should the command/option args be "string" rather than "wstring"? You're just converting them to "string" anyway. (5) I think having to prepend a " " to the command/option arg is awkward. Can we just do that inside the functions so callers don't have to? (6) The string fiddling around your ::StartupAddCommand seems wrong. Your foofile and keyvalue buffers may not be big enough and there is no checking on length when you strcat to it. I'll need to spend a bit more time examining that code.
1 & 2 I will do. 3 is odd. Where do you get your coding style guide? The new layout guide says this: "Curly braces on the same line as the if, for, while or switch statement. Curly braces on a new line for method implementations." which is completely opposite of what I just did. But I recall being told to at least do curly braces on a new line for if statements in the past. Oddly enough, and somewhat related, this document says use 4 space tabs while the New layout guide says use 2. And I know I've been told to use 2 in the past. 4. i will do this. 5. I think it's awkward as well. I can add the space in manually, it just seemed like wasted effort when I could just document the input, rather than shuffling strings around, causing a rediculously minor amount of extra performance requirements. 6. Please spend as much time as neccessary. I'll put off trying to get this code in until next week.
4 spaces for indentation unless the first line of the file (The emacs mode line) says otherwise. And never EVER use tabs. I'll try to review this soon.
Comment on attachment 72115 [details] [diff] [review] patch. > } > var winhooksService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsHooks); > if (winhooksService) { >- parent.isTurboEnabled = winhooksService.isStartupTurboEnabled(); >+ parent.isTurboEnabled = winhooksService.IsCommandEnabled(" -turbo"); I agree with bill, requiring the spaces is lame. the whole "documenting to avoid doing work myself" is the wrong attitude here :) >+ RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL ); >+ nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting(); >+ if (cargs.Find(NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(command).get(), PR_TRUE, 0, _MAX_PATH) != -1) >+ *_retval = PR_TRUE; Not -1, use kNotFound. >+void grabArgs(char* commandline, char** args) >+{ >+ strtok(commandline, "\""); >+ *args = strtok(NULL, "\""); > } this is bad! strtok() is verboten. Use nsCRT::strtok(). You'll have to maintain some state here with that. >+ char keyvalue[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; >+ if ( rv ) { >+ strcat(args, NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(command).get()); >+ strcat(keyvalue, "\""); >+ strcat(keyvalue, fileName); >+ strcat(keyvalue, "\""); >+ strcat(keyvalue, args); >+ RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, keyvalue ); >+ startup.set(); >+ } learn to use the string classes. this should be an nsCAutoString, and you should be using Append() not strcat() >+ RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL ); >+ nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting(); >+ char* args; >+ char* s = ToNewCString(cargs); >+ grabArgs(s, &args); >+ ack! I'm not sure this allocation is necessary once you switch to nsCRT::strtok() (I might be wrong though) It kind of seems like you don't want strtok(), instead you want to use Find() >+ nsCAutoString launchcommand; >+ launchcommand.Assign(args); all at once now: + nsCAutoString launchCommand(args); >+ launchcommand.ReplaceSubstring( NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(command).get(), (char *) " "); >+ launchcommand.CompressWhitespace(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); Hmmm.. an interesting approach, but it seems wasteful. if we know the length of command() why don't we just launchcommand.Cut(0,command.Length()); Am I reading this wrong? >+ nsCAutoString ufileName; >+ ufileName.Assign("\""); ufileName.Assign('\"'); - no need to create a literal string here. >+ ufileName.Append(fileName); >+ ufileName.Append("\""); same here >+ ufileName.Append(launchcommand); >+ PRInt32 foo = launchcommand.CompareWithConversion("", PR_TRUE, -1); >+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && foo == 0) Wow! A case-insensitive comparison with an empty string? What does "foo" mean? real variables are NEVER named foo. I think you mean: if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !foo.IsEmpty()) >+ { >+ HKEY key; >+ ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &key ); Maybe we ought to be #defining this registry key somewhere, I see it alot. Plus, a ditto on all of bill's review comments.
Attachment #72115 - Flags: needs-work+
Comment on attachment 72115 [details] [diff] [review] patch. also, even if you can avoid that application you should never use free() for something allocated with ToNewCString() - use nsMemory::Free()
Joe, (3) was just me complaining about *my* style being subverted, contrary to the "when in Rome..." rule at I can't tell you the number of times I've had to amend patches to files where I've forgotten to do it the other way, and turnabout is fair play. As to which way is right or wrong...that's why I put the :-) in there.
Alec: I didn't say *I* was avoiding work, as you can plainly see I've spent some time in getting this generalization done in a meaningful fashion. I said performance. That space needs to be there, and it would be minutely faster for the caller to just have it. But it's a rediculous amount to worry about, and I will be changing it. "learn to use the string classes. this should be an nsCAutoString, and you should be using Append() not strcat()" I know, generally, how and when to use the different and many string classes, if you notice that registry key wants a char*, this is windows only code of course. The code is littered enough with pushing strings from one class to another. Do we need more shoving about?
Joe - thanks for fixing the " " in the API. I don't think it would be that much shuffling, and you prevent a possible buffer overflow by using the string classes, and if you want to talk about speed, the string classes will be faster than strcat(), which needs to find the end of the string every time. Besides, you can go to |const char *| with a simple .get() does the registry code require const char* or char*? and if it's the latter, is it just a bad api, or are they actually writing out to the string? if it's the former, a NS_CONST_CAST will be in order. as for more shoving about, if you use the string classes from the get-go (for instance, instead of declaring a buffer, which is in the code that you put in the patch..) then you never end up shoving :)
Alec: one thing I don't follow: ufileName.Assign('\"'); - no need to create a literal string here. Is there an easier way to encapsulate the command with quotes?
Attached patch updated patch. (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #72115 - Attachment is obsolete: true
What I mean is, instead of doing this: foo.Assign("\""); do this: foo.Assign('\"'); The former appends a zero-terminated string, the latter appends a single character... faster/easier for the string code, is all.
I believe I did everything except for this: >+ launchcommand.ReplaceSubstring( NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(command).get(), (char *) " "); >+ launchcommand.CompressWhitespace(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); Hmmm.. an interesting approach, but it seems wasteful. if we know the length of command() why don't we just launchcommand.Cut(0,command.Length()); Does Cut do a find? I would imagine the first argument would need to be the starting position in the string where i'm cutting from.
Comment on attachment 72433 [details] [diff] [review] updated patch. >+ char foofile[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; >+ DWORD foosize = sizeof foofile; >+ int rv = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, fileName, sizeof fileName ); no foo! Please name these variables correctly. >+ RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL ); so is this long registry key getting a #define or what? I see it 6 other times in this pat >+ nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting(); >+ if (cargs.Find(option, PR_TRUE, 0, _MAX_PATH) != kNotFound) >+ *_retval = PR_TRUE; > return NS_OK; why _MAXPATH? cargs is a nsCString, you don't need a limit. > } >+ char fileName[_MAX_PATH]; >+ HKEY key; >+ char foofile[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; >+ DWORD foosize = sizeof foofile; again with the foo. >+ { >+ nsCAutoString keyvalue("\""); >+ keyvalue.Append(fileName); >+ keyvalue.Append("\""); append characters, not 1-byte strings keyvalue.Append('\"'); >+ keyvalue.Append(args); >+ keyvalue.Append(" "); same here. >+ RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL ); >+ nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting(); >+ char* args; >+ grabArgs(NS_CONST_CAST(char *, cargs.get()), &args); woah, if you're going to NS_CONST_CAST (which is a good indication you're doing the wrong thing) then at least add a comment. In this case, it looks like this is safe because grabArgs uses nsCRT::strtok, which only tweaks individual bytes of the string. but it's still evil :) >+ >+ nsCAutoString launchcommand(args); >+ launchcommand.ReplaceSubstring(option, (char *) " "); >+ launchcommand.CompressWhitespace(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); to respond to your query in the bug: yes, you'll have to use Find() here. And actually, looking at this code the above will simply FAIL unless the option in question is at the end of the run line. >+ nsCAutoString ufileName; >+ ufileName.Assign("\""); more byte vs. single-byute strin >+ ufileName.Append(fileName); >+ ufileName.Append("\""); >+ ufileName.Append(launchcommand); >+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && launchcommand.IsEmpty()) >+ { I don't understand why this NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) test is after all this ufileName.Append stuff.. very confusing. nsresult checks should happen immediately after failure, or you document why you're sticking code in between the failure and the actual code oh my goodness! looking back at the patch, I see that rv is an int (not an nsresult) that comes from ::GetModuleFileName(), which has nothing to do with NS_SUCCEEDED().. a perfect reason to always follow this pattern >+ HKEY key; >+ ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &key ); >+ ::RegDeleteValue( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY ); >+ ::RegCloseKey( key ); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ startup.setting = ufileName; >+ startup.set(); >+ } Not only that, but the value of ufileName only needs to be calculated inside this else {}
Attachment #72433 - Flags: needs-work+
Attached patch phase 3 :) (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #72433 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 72491 [details] [diff] [review] phase 3 :) Looks close, but I still don't understand why you insist on passing in 4 arguments to .Find() - it has default arguments, use 'em! (and besides, if there is a good reason for the 3rd and 4th argument, you should have added them as a knee-jerk reaction to my review) If the reviewer isn't clear, or is wrong in a suggestion, then assume anyone else would probably make the same mistake.. and document the code. >+ RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL ); >+ nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting(); >+ char* args; >+//grabArgs desperately wants a non const char* to tokenize. >+//this is evil :) >+ grabArgs(NS_CONST_CAST(char *, cargs.get()), &args); indentation.. and comments explain WHY you're doing something, they don't just rewrite the code in english. Why does it need a non-const char? (the answer being, that it modifies the incoming buffer) Why is this safe? >+ >+ nsCAutoString launchcommand(args); >+ >+ PRInt32 optionlocation = launchcommand.Find(option, PR_TRUE, 0, _MAX_PATH); >+ // modify by one to get rid of the space we prepended in StartupAddOption >+ launchcommand.Cut(optionlocation - 1, nsCRT::strlen(option) + 1); >+ >+ char fileName[_MAX_PATH]; >+ int rv = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, fileName, sizeof fileName ); >+ >+ if (rv) >+ { >+ if (launchcommand.IsEmpty()) >+ { >+ HKEY key; >+ ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &key ); >+ ::RegDeleteValue( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY ); >+ ::RegCloseKey( key ); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ nsCAutoString ufileName; >+ ufileName.Assign('\"'); >+ ufileName.Append(fileName); >+ ufileName.Append('\"'); >+ ufileName.Append(launchcommand); >+ startup.setting = ufileName; >+ startup.set(); >+ } >+ } > return NS_OK; > } >
Attachment #72491 - Flags: needs-work+
>+ if (cargs.Find(option, PR_TRUE, 0, _MAX_PATH) != kNotFound) This isn't quite right. The entry in the registry is "<path> -turbo -aim" and "<path>" can be _MAX_PATH bytes long. So "-turbo" or "-aim" won't necessarily start in the first _MAX_PATH bytes. >+ char fileName[_MAX_PATH]; >+ HKEY key; >+ char exefile[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; >+ DWORD exesize = sizeof exefile; >+ int rv = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, fileName, sizeof fileName ); >+ LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key ); >+ char* args; >+ if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) >+ { >+ LONG result = ::RegQueryValueEx( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)exefile, &exesize ); >+ ::RegCloseKey( key ); This is broken for the same reason. You might try: nsCString exeFile = RegistryEntry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, "").currentSetting(); Which might be better for other reasons, too (I believe in "the less code, the better"). Also, "exeFile" is a misnomer. It's more like "currentEntry" or "oldKeyValue" or something. >+ char keyvalue[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; This is leftover from previous revisions of the patch (and no longer needed)? >+ if ( rv ) >+ { >+ nsCAutoString keyvalue("\""); >+ keyvalue.Append(fileName); >+ keyvalue.Append('\"'); >+ keyvalue.Append(args); >+ keyvalue.Append(' '); >+ keyvalue.Append(option); If you use ::GetShortPathName (or thisApplication()), then you don't need the quotes around the executable path (which may simply things). I really think you should use thisApplication() to be consistent with the rest of this module. >+ ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &key ); >+ ::RegDeleteValue( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY ); >+ ::RegCloseKey( key ); I believe RegistryEntry::set() will delete the entry if its setting==0. >+ nsCAutoString ufileName; I kind of like "foo" better (at least it has some personality). "newSetting" or somesuch would have told me more about what you're doing with this variable.
Alec: I accidently forgot to remove the 3rd and 4th parameters in the Find. I have done so. Can you please produce a comment that you feel would justify the use of an NS_CONST_CAST? Bill: In StartupAddOption I would rather not switch to using the RegistryEntry class. In complicates string usage even more. But more importantly there's no way to find out if a key exists or not using the class. If currentSetting returned a null pointer if this statement failed, that might be more useful:
Attachment #72491 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 72680 [details] [diff] [review] I still needed the quotes. thisApplication does not quote it's string. ok, this one time I'll write your comments, but I suggest you read the "comments" chapter of "Code Complete" - you obviously are keen on comments, which is good :) Just remember the point is not to restate what you're doing, but to explain why you are doing it. (i.e. which includes why it is safe/unsafe) // exploiting the fact that nsString's storage is also a char* buffer. // NS_CONST_CAST is safe here because nsCRT::strtok will only modify the existing buffer make sure the comment is indented correctly. one other thing: + nsCString fileName = thisApplication(); stack-based strings should always be nsCAutoString/nsAutoString unless you're pretty sure the string is longer than AutoString's internal buffer (in which case you should comment as to why you're not using it) sr=alecf with the above
Attachment #72680 - Flags: superreview+
Do we need this for machv? I would rather not be touching turbo code for an architecture issue with no immediate need. If we do need this, or if you just want to get it in, please test very well. We can't afford to break turbo now.
alec: I was hoping you'd write the comment, because the code is based on your suggestions for that line. I'm not aware of the exact ramifications of dropping the const, other than that it's not a good idea. I used nsCString because that's what the function returns. Bill, do you have comments on that? Thanks for the super review.
blake: yes. i'm testing thoroughly.
ack! if you don't understand the ramifications of what you're doing, then you shouldn't be doing it :) - go learn about nsCRT::strtok() - note that it modifies the buffer that it passes in, an inserts "null" characters, whacking the string that you passed in - go look at the string classes - note that nsCAutoString derives from nsCString - just because a function returns doesn't mean it's the proper class the sad thing is, nobody should be returning nsCString objects from their function. some day someone should go fix that function...this function will create all sorts of ugly temporary objects, resulting in extra allocations, etc.
Usually if something is const it's because you don't expect the value to change, and if it does change you could end up with problems. What I don't know is why the string was const in the first place, obviously it wasn't to prevent people from altering individual characters in the string. Perchance it's because of some memory allocation issue? As for the nsCString, nsCAutoString issue, I will make that change. I'm grateful for your String guide, but I was going to ask why nsCString and nsCAutoString were left out.
Note to self: I need to catch old registry keys that aren't quoted and toss them and replace wipth new key format.
>Bill: In StartupAddOption I would rather not switch to using the RegistryEntry >class. In complicates string usage even more. But more importantly there's no >way to find out if a key exists or not using the class. If currentSetting >returned a null pointer if this statement failed, that might be more useful: Well, maybe it does complicate things, but so would writing the code so it worked. I'm not sure you understood what I've said twice already: the registry value can be considerably longer than _MAX_PATH bytes. You can't rely on reading it into a buffer that's only _MAX_PATH bytes long. >I still needed the quotes. thisApplication does not quote it's string. That's because it doesn't need to. That's the whole point of ::GetShortPathName.
Bill: What length do you think would be sufficient? I need the quotes because that's how I parse out the arguments. "Well, maybe it does complicate things, but so would writing the code so it worked." Are you talking about rewriting the RegistryEntry code being a lot of work? I still don't think it would even work to use the RegistryEntry class in StartUpAddOption because there's no way for me to use that class and know whether or not the key even exists. I want to be able to check if the key exists, not just if it's set to something.
RegistryEntry uses a 4K buffer. I don't think you care whether the registry key exists or not. Don't we get the same end result if the key is missing as if it's blank?
I will try and see if that works.
Attached patch finished. (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #73261 - Attachment is obsolete: true
You can simplify this code (to remove the registry entyr when the last option is removed), by re-using code already in RegistryEntry::set: + HKEY key; + ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &key ); + ::RegDeleteValue( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY ); + ::RegCloseKey( key ); by simply replacing it with: + startup.set(); Also, one question: How will this deal with existing registry settings out there that are missing the enclosing quotes around the executable name? It seems like we'll have to deal with that and it seems like adding "-aim" will lose "-turbo" if the entry is there without the quotes? That would be a bug and I think the code needs to deal with that. I don't think fixing the installer to add quotes is sufficient because that won't fix the registry settings out there. Once that issue is dealt with, then consider this r=law.
I've thought alot about how to deal with registry settings that are out there right now. I've tested this patch with values that aren't quoted and indeed if the user adds -mail then the original -turbo is deleted. I can add a hack so whenever we adjust the key value we first call IsOptionEnabled("-turbo") and hard code adding that one key back in. Note IsOptionEnabled doesn't bother parsing out the args. Is that reasonable?
Comment on attachment 73538 [details] [diff] [review] diff for installer to quote the executable string r=ssu for this patch. You need to also create a similar patch to a similar file under the ns tree (same sub path).
Attachment #73538 - Flags: review+
Attached patch ding (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #73527 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #73589 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 73589 [details] [diff] [review] ding everything looks good, 'cept the comments around isOptionEnabled still say "indicating that the app will preload when Windows starts" - I think it should probably say "indicating that the app will start with the given option" I notice that you still didn't change "nsCString cargs" to "nsCAutoString cargs" and that you're casting to get from thisApplication() to nsCAutoString? Is that cast really necessary? If the cast is not necessary then don't put it in there. In fact, you should be able to say nsCAutoString fileName(thisApplication()); I don't quite understand this: + // check for the old style registry key that doesnot quote its executable + IsOptionEnabled("-turbo", &retval); + if (retval) + newsetting.Append(" -turbo"); + since you just called IsOptionEnabled above. I'm not sure how the comment relates, since I don't see you changing any state that would make IsOptionEnabled() return anything different. And actually, I'm not sure why you need some of these temporaries. for instance: + nsCAutoString fileName = (nsCAutoString) thisApplication(); + nsCAutoString ufileName; + ufileName.Assign('\"'); + ufileName.Append(fileName); + ufileName.Append('\"'); you could just say + nsCAutoString ufileName; + ufileName.Assign('\"'); + ufileName.Append(thisApplication()); + ufileName.Append('\"'); oh, and you don't have to change this, but in the future, if you're going to have an entire function body inside an if (), you should just return early.. in StartupAddOption() you could have just said if (retval) return NS_OK; and saved yourself lots of indenting.
Attachment #73589 - Flags: needs-work+
alecf: that comment line has a - in fron of it. This comment explains the new IsOptionEnabled check. I'm reusing the retval now. But the check only happened if args == NULL, which meant we couldn't find any old arguments, even though they were there before. (old style runkey) If I don't cast, I get an error. I'm getting rid of some of the temporary strings. I guess going through 6 revisions causes some artifacts.
Attached patch tko (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #73589 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 73976 [details] [diff] [review] tko you have yet to explain the (nsCAutoString) casts :) and now they seem completely unnecessary... in some cases the casts are actually going to CREATE a temporary, resulting in an additional string copy - that's why I keep bitching about it. for example: + ufileName.Append( (nsCAutoString) thisApplication()); this will likely create a temporary. Why do it? Append even takes an nsCString!
Attachment #73976 - Flags: needs-work+
Append works fine. I pulled out the cast for both appends. but this line: nsCAutoString cargs = (nsCAutoString) startup.currentSetting(); will not compile if I don't leave the cast in. I get cannot convert from 'class nsCString' to 'class nsCAutoString' No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous.
ok, that's fine. This is why we shouldn't have functions that return concrete classes.. *sigh* anyway, just make "cargs" an nsCString and we'll be set.
At this point in the release cycle, shouldn't this at least be nominated for a release (or block an approved bug) if several engineers are going to spend significant time on it? Why is this needed?
trudelle: it blocks a bugscape bug 11992. i've nominated this bug in case that helps.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Attached patch final copy? (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #73976 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Blocks: 108795
Comment on attachment 74003 [details] [diff] [review] final copy? yay. well this certainly has been a learning experience for all involved (yes, myself inclued) :) sr=alecf as long as law is the reviewer
Attachment #74003 - Flags: superreview+
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::StartupAddOption(const char* option) { + NS_ASSERTION(option, "nsWindowsHooks::StartupAddOption requires something like \"-turbo\""); + PRBool retval; + IsOptionEnabled(option, &retval); + if (retval) return NS_OK; //already in there + + RegistryEntry startup ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RUNKEY, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL ); + nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting(); + nsCAutoString newsetting; + newsetting.Assign('\"'); + newsetting.Append(thisApplication()); + newsetting.Append('\"'); + if (!cargs.IsEmpty()) + { + char* args; + // exploiting the fact that nsString's storage is also a char* buffer. + // NS_CONST_CAST is safe here because nsCRT::strtok will only modify + // the existing buffer + grabArgs(NS_CONST_CAST(char *, cargs.get()), &args); + if (args != NULL) + newsetting.Append(args); + else + { + // check for the old style registry key that doesnot quote its executable + if (retval) + newsetting.Append(" -turbo"); + } You seem to have dropped the requisite line: + IsOptionEnabled("-turbo", &retval); somewhere between your "ding" and "tko" patches. That Append call will never execute, as it stands. Or am I missing something?
For some reason when I read alec's comment where he said I was calling IsOptionEnabled twice I thought it was ok to remove the second call. Adding it back.
I got confused by this: "since you just called IsOptionEnabled above. I'm not sure how the comment relates, since I don't see you changing any state that would make IsOptionEnabled() return anything different." The real answer is the second call is hardcoded to check for "-turbo" not the variable option. And it's to check for the old registry key value that doesn't quote it's executable.
Comment on attachment 74426 [details] [diff] [review] so this check is to make sure we don't remove the old -turbo for backwards compatibility r=law re: comment 43 nsCAutoString cargs( startup.currentSettings() ); would work (I believe). FWIW
Attachment #74426 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 73538 [details] [diff] [review] diff for installer to quote the executable string sr=syd for adding quotes around the executable to make it easier to parse the key.
Attachment #73538 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 74426 [details] [diff] [review] so this check is to make sure we don't remove the old -turbo for backwards compatibility ok.. I still don't understand what the 2nd IsOptionEnabled does..because you're checking for it above, and there's no change in state that indicates that "retval" is going to have a different value than the first time youc hecked it, above. but whatever, if it works it works :) sr=alecf yay!
Attachment #74426 - Flags: superreview+
alecf: thanks for the sr=. Just so you're clear here's the code in question: IsOptionEnabled(option, &retval); ... // check for the old style registry key that doesnot quote its executable IsOptionEnabled("-turbo", &retval); if (retval) newsetting.Append(" -turbo"); Notice the first IsOptionEnabled passes in option, which might be "-mail". The second call hard codes a check for "-turbo" and adds "-turbo" onto the argument string if it's found. This second call only gets called if after trying to parse out the argument string from the registry we have an empty string. This happens if the registry key is the old style where the executable isn't quoted.
ah! now I get it. :)
Tested on special build Joe gave me ... Results: 1. Exisiting Turbo mode pref is remembered at reboot 2. Re-starting Netcape with turbo mode and our new pref is OK 3. Turning off Turbo mode at will and exit/restarting or exit/rebooting works fine.
Comment on attachment 74426 [details] [diff] [review] so this check is to make sure we don't remove the old -turbo for backwards compatibility a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the 1.0 trunk
Attachment #74426 - Flags: approval+
Has this been checked in?
yes. I was out sick the day after. marking fixed. ;)
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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