Closed Bug 1327679 Opened 8 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Alt+Selection in codemirror instances ignores empty lines


(DevTools :: Source Editor, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)


>>> My Info: Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509 STR_1: 1. Open url [1], copy all text, open scratchpad, paste all text. 2. Alt+select 4 (four) lines: hold Alt key, move mouse in 4th line after the last letter, hold left mouse button, move mouse to the 1st line before the first letter, release left mouse button 3. Select text "zzz", press Delete key 4. Press Ctrl+V AR: Caret pasts 3 lines of text; line 3 (empty line) is lost ER: Caret should paste all 4 lines of text, including 3rd line "" STR_2: 1. Open url [1], copy all text, open scratchpad, paste all text. 2. Alt+select 4 (four) lines 3. Create 4 carets, each between symbols `"` and `"`: hold Alt key, move mouse to the line with "Link_1", between `"` and `"`, hold left mouse button, move mouse to the line with "Link_4", between `"` and `"`, release left mouse button 4. Press Ctrl+V AR: Each caret pastes 3 lines of text ER: Given that I copied 4 lines of text, each caret should paste 1 (one) corresponding line of text > [1] data:,http://a.b/1st%0Ahttp://a.b/2nd%0A%0Ahttp://a.b/4th%0A%0A%0Azzz%0A%0A%0A<a href=""></a>Link_1<br>%0A<a href=""></a>Link_2<br>%0A<a href=""></a>Link_3<br>%0A<a href=""></a>Link_4<br>
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools: Source Editor
Product: Firefox → DevTools

Scratchpad is deprecated.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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