Open Bug 1328024 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Changing src of <video> on Ctrl+Right shortcut causes new video to start from 5% from the beginning


(Toolkit :: Video/Audio Controls, defect)





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)

>>> My Info: Win7_64, Nightly 53, 32bit, ID 20161119030204 (2016-11-19) STR_1: 1. Open url [1] 2. Execute code [2] in scratchpad or web console 3. Click on "Link1" 4. Pause the opened video, click in the center of timeline 5. Press Ctrl+Right, then (not necessary) immediately stop the video AR: New video starts from ~5% from the start ER: New video should start from the very beginning STR_2: (difference in Step 1) 1. Open local folder with at least 2 long videos (probably even 1 video is enough) 2. Execute code [2] in scratchpad or web console 3. Click on "Link1" 4. Pause the opened video, click in the center of timeline 5. Press Ctrl+Right, then (not necessary) immediately stop the video Notes: 1) I wrote that script several years ago, only remember that it replaces "src" of video on Ctrl+Right 2) In case of long videos 5% from the start is several minutes, so it's quite noticeable This is regression from bug 1274520. Regression range: > [1] > data:text/html,<a href="">Link1.webm</a><br><a href="">Link2.webm</a><br> [2] (function (){ var i, Obj, Target = null, Extension = "", Links = [], CurrentNum = null, isVisible = false, isAutoplayList = true; video = document.createElement("video"); for (i in Obj={ /*loop:"",/**/ autoplay:"", controls:"", style:"position:fixed; width:50%; height:50%; margin:auto; background:black; top:0%; bottom:0%; right:0%; z-index:1000; display:none; background:none no-repeat center center / auto 100% black;" +"width:80%; height:80%; left:0%;" }) {video.setAttribute(i,Obj[i]);} video.onended=function(){ if (isAutoplayList) InitVideo(null,CurrentNum+1) }; // = "url('file:///e:/Downloads/tumblr_nmu9blZtgH1relaado1_400.gif')"; document.body.appendChild(video); var setTitle = function(cur){ var getTimeString = function(time, delim){ if (typeof time != "number") return typeof time; var hour = Math.floor(time/(60*60)); time = time%(60*60); var min = Math.floor(time/60); var sec = time%60; return (hour?hour +delim: '') +(min>9||min<1||!hour?'':'0')+min +delim +(sec>9?'':'0')+sec; } var setTitleInner = function(){ var time = Math.round(video.duration); document.title = cur+ " / "+ Links.length+ " of "+ Extension+ " ["+ getTimeString(time,":")+ "] ["+ decodeURIComponent(video.src).split("/").slice(-1)[0]+ "]"; video.removeEventListener('loadedmetadata', setTitleInner, false); } video.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', setTitleInner, false); document.title = cur+ " / "+ Links.length+ " of "+ Extension+ " ["+ "--:--" + "] ["+ decodeURIComponent(video.src).split("/").slice(-1)[0]+ "]"; } var InitVideo = function(href, num){ if (typeof num == 'number'){ num = (num + Links.length) % Links.length; CurrentNum = num; // update CurrentNum video.src = Links[num].href; setTitle(num+1); } else if(href){ video.src = href; setTitle((CurrentNum+1) + " (?)"); } else{ console.log("scratchpad player by 2033: no arguments in InitVideo()\nOpenning the video...") // return; // do nothing if there's no valid track num or link } = "inline"; isVisible = true; // video.focus(); // I guess this isn't needed. } var CloseVideo = function(){ video.pause(); document.body.focus(); = "none"; isVisible = false; } var UpdateOnClick = function(targ){ // returning "extension.isValid" Target = targ; // update Target var tempExt = /[.][^.]*$/.exec(Target.href); if (!tempExt || [".mp3",".webm",".mp4",".m4a", ".ogg"].indexOf(tempExt[0])==-1) return false; // if extension isn't valid, then just try to load the link if (Extension!=tempExt[0]){ Extension = tempExt[0]; // update Extension Links = []; var tempArr = document.querySelectorAll("A:not([onclick])[href$='"+ Extension +"']"); for (i=0, L=tempArr.length; i<L; i++) // update Links array Links.push(tempArr[i]); } return Links.indexOf(Target); // update CurrentNum in InitVideo } var clickHandler = function(e){ if (e.button != 0) return; if ( &&"A"){ e.preventDefault(); InitVideo(, UpdateOnClick(; } // else if (!=video) // CloseVideo(); }; addEventListener('click',clickHandler,false); function ToggleReplay(){ if (video.hasAttribute('loop')){ video.removeAttribute('loop') = "#000"; } else{ video.setAttribute('loop',''); = "#300"; } } // Hotkeys var keyHandler = function(e){ if ('textarea' ||'input' ||"contenteditable")) return; switch( e.keyCode || e.charCode ){ case e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE:{ e.preventDefault(); if (!isVisible){ InitVideo(); break; // player shouldn't be closed when it's invisible } else CloseVideo(); if (e.shiftKey){ // destroy all11 removeEventListener('click',clickHandler,false); removeEventListener('keypress',keyHandler,false); document.body.removeChild(video); } break; } case e.DOM_VK_UP: case e.DOM_VK_DOWN: if (!e.ctrlKey) break; e.preventDefault(); Links[CurrentNum].scrollIntoView({behavior:'smooth'}); break; case e.DOM_VK_LEFT: var increment = -1; case e.DOM_VK_RIGHT: if (!e.ctrlKey || !isVisible) break; e.preventDefault(); var newNum = CurrentNum + (increment || 1); InitVideo(null,newNum); break; case 'r'.charCodeAt(0): case 'R'.charCodeAt(0): case 'к'.charCodeAt(0): case 'К'.charCodeAt(0): if (e.ctrlKey || !isVisible) break; ToggleReplay(); break; case 'a'.charCodeAt(0): case 'A'.charCodeAt(0): case 'ф'.charCodeAt(0): case 'Ф'.charCodeAt(0): if (e.ctrlKey || !isVisible) break; isAutoplayList = !isAutoplayList; break; } } addEventListener('keypress',keyHandler,false); })(); /* OLD */ /* (function (){ var video = document.createElement("video"); video.setAttribute("style","position:fixed; width:50%; height:50%; margin:auto; background:black; top:0%; bottom:0%; right:0%; z-index:1000; display:none; background:none no-repeat center center / auto 100% black;"); = "url('file:///e:/Downloads/tumblr_nmu9blZtgH1relaado1_400.gif')"; video.setAttribute("autoplay",""); video.setAttribute("controls",""); document.body.appendChild(video); var handler = function(e){ if ( &&"A"){ if (e.button != 0) return; e.preventDefault(); video.src =;"inline"; } else if (!=video) { video.pause();"none"; } }; addEventListener('click',handler,false); })(); */@ Xidorn Quan [:xidorn] (UTC+10): It seems that this is a regresion caused by your change. Please have a look.
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Video/Audio Controls
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Severity: normal → S3
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