Closed Bug 1420 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

URL: partial URL in IMG SRC crashes


(Core :: Networking, defect, P1)

Windows NT





(Reporter: buster, Assigned: raman)




(Keywords: testcase)

open a local .html file that has <IMG SRC="/this/that">. The point here is teh src attribute is defined local to the server the page came from. You crash. If you set src="", the page works correctly. stack: PL_HashString() line 462 + 19 bytes PL_HashTableLookup() line 343 + 10 bytes nsNetFile::GetFilePath() line 172 + 16 bytes WH_FileName() line 960 + 51 bytes NET_I_XP_Stat() line 1317 + 13 bytes net_check_file_type() line 180 + 115 bytes net_ProcessFile() line 1291 + 9 bytes net_FileLoad() line 1273 + 9 bytes NET_GetURL() line 3028 + 12 bytes nsNetlibService::OpenBlockingStream() line 497 + 20 bytes URLImpl::Open() line 698 + 22 bytes HTMLContentSink::ProcessLINKTag() line 2065 + 24 bytes HTMLContentSink::AddLeaf() line 1743 + 12 bytes CNavDTD::AddLeaf() line 2896 + 22 bytes CNavDTD::HandleStartToken() line 690 + 15 bytes NavDispatchTokenHandler() line 259 + 12 bytes CTokenHandler::operator()() line 80 + 14 bytes CNavDTD::HandleToken() line 500 + 18 bytes nsParser::BuildModel() line 701 + 16 bytes nsParser::ResumeParse() line 666 nsParser::OnDataAvailable() line 894 + 15 bytes nsDocumentBindInfo::OnDataAvailable() line 1463 + 24 bytes OnDataAvailableProxyEvent::HandleEvent() line 606 + 45 bytes StreamListenerProxyEvent::HandlePLEvent() line 452 + 12 bytes PL_HandleEvent() line 395 + 10 bytes PL_ProcessPendingEve testcase: <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV=Expires CONTENT=0> <META http-equiv=PICS-Label content='(PICS-1.1 "" l comment "RSACi North America Server" by "" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))'> <META name=ms.locale content=EN-US> <title>MSN.COM</title> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="/global/start_NS4_new.css"> <!-- 11/19/98 1:55:47 PM 17911 //--> <script language="Javascript"> var userEng = true; var CookieAUTOREF = ""; var qurls = new Array();qurls["sALTA"]="";qurls["sAOL N"]=""; qurls["sEXCI"]="";qurls["sHOTB"]= " earch.y=7&MT=";qurls["sINFO"]=" frames&nh=10&qt=";qurls["sLYCO"]=" &mtemp=ms1&etemp=ms1error&part=MICROSOFT&query=";qurls["sYAHO"]="http://search.y";qurls["sMSN"]=" sp?RS=CHECKED&UN=doc&CO=20&Form=MSNH&MT=";qurls["sSNAP"]=" arch/directory/results/1,61,hmc-0,00.html?";qurls["sGOTO"] =""; function 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border=0> <tr> <td valign=top rowspan=9 class=provider width=114>microsoft<br>investor</td> <td> <table cellspacing=0 CELLPADDING=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td class=stockhd width=56><b>Symbol</b></td> <td class=stockhd width=135><b>Name</b></td> <td class=stockhd width=65 align=center><b>Last</b></td> <td class=stockhd width=50 align=center><b>Chg</b></td> <td class=stockhd width=50 align=center><b>%Chg</b></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor=#F1F1F1><TD height=15 width=56 class=sym><span class=hand><a title="Click for detailed quote" class=index href="$INDU">$ INDU</a></span></TD><TD class=com width=135>Dow Jones Industrials Index</TD><TD ALIGN=center width=65 class=com>9,056.05</td><td align=center width=50 class=com><span style="color:green">+14.94</span></td> <td align=center width=50 class=com><span style="color:green">+0.17%</span></td></TR><TR><TD height=15 width=56 class=sym><span class=hand><a title="Click for detailed quote" class=index href="">XAX </a></span></TD><TD class=com 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class=com><span style="color:green">+0.71%</span></td></TR> </table> <table cellspacing=0 CELLPADDING=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td align=left class=customize><a href="/personalizing/personalizing.asp?target=WEBQ">Add your own stocks</a> <P> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2 class=customize> <form NAME="WebQForm" Action="Default.asp" OnSubmit="LinkToInvestor(1);return false;" Method="POST"> <input Name="Symbol" TYPE="text" VALUE="" SIZE="8" MaxLength="15" class="txtStock">&nbsp;<input Name="Action" TYPE="button" VALUE="get quote" class="btnStock" onClick="LinkToInvestor(1);">&nbsp;<input Name="Action" TYPE="button" VALUE="get chart" class="btnStock" onClick="LinkToInvestor(2);">&nbsp;<a HREF="" alt="Click here to find a symbol" class="lrgblue"><b>Find symbol</b></a> </form> Generated <span Id="ETime">Nov 19, 1998 4:50 PM</span> Eastern Time.<br>Quotes supplied by <a href="" target="_top">Standard & Poor's Comstock</a> and delayed at least 20 minutes. </td></tr> </table> </td></tr> 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Assignee: bogus → valeski
on the surface, looks like this bug and bugz#1461 could be related to the same or a similar parsing error. -pn
Assignee: valeski → rickg
Assignee: rickg → kipp
I know you're not mr. Image, but it would be great if you could whack this one.
Assignee: kipp → gagan
(a) the bug is caused by a null pointer de-reference in nsNetFile.cpp (b) to recreate the crash, save the sample in this bug report to a file and then try to bring it up in the viewer (c) the nsNetFile code is not documented; I have no idea what it is supposed to be doing in this case. The header file is useless. I'm not convinced I wouldn't bust things horribly by attempting to fix the bug. (d) the bug has nothing to do with images. It's trying to load a url in a LINK'd style sheet and for some darn reason we end up in the nsNetFile code.
It might be a useful clue to note that this seemed to happen when Judson switched on the NS_NET_FILE define. I'll bet if you rebuild without that define, the crash will go away. From that we might be able to learn what ought to be happening here.
Summary: opening a local file with an image crashes → ss:opening a local file with an image crashes
Putting on ss: radar.
Summary: ss:opening a local file with an image crashes → rn:opening a local file with an image crashes
Taking off ss: list per bug mtg today. Will Release Note - Local file with image may fail.
Summary: rn:opening a local file with an image crashes → opening a local file with an image crashes
This now on Release Notes, removing rn: status.
Assignee: gagan → raman
WH_FileName is doing stat on an absolute path (a path like /global/start_NS4_new.css) and GetFilePath seems to remove the forward slash and then it gets into trouble. I think every variable becomes NULL because of that. There seems to have been an assumption that fileTok can never be NULL. But that is not true for the above case. I have changed the code to the following and it doesn't crash. As kipp pointed it is not very clear what this routine is supposed to do. With the following change, there were no crashes, the page displayed properly. gagan/rpotts, if you think the following change is ok, I will check it in. thanks much, raman if (fileTok) { faFile = (nsFileAssoc*)PL_HashTableLookup(mHTFiles, fileTok); if (faFile) fileName = faFile->name; else fileName = fileTok; // It wasn't a token after all; } else { fileName = (char*)aName; }
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified fixed using 1.28.99 builds on Mac OS and Win32. (Not masochistic enough to try to verify this on a 32 MB RAM Linux system right now, maybe after the RAM comes...)
Heeeelp...I cannot control my nature...I cannot resist the allure of anal- retentiveness...I'm tester! anyway, verified on Linux 1.29.99. emacs is my friend.
Changing all Networking Library/Browser bugs to Networking-Core component for Browser. Occasionally, Bugzilla will burp and cause Verified bugs to reopen when I do this in a bulk change. If this happens, I will fix. ;-)
Bulk move of all Networking-Core (to be deleted component) bugs to new Networking component.
Keywords: testcase
Summary: opening a local file with an image crashes → URL: partial URL in IMG SRC crashes
*** Bug 1356 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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