Closed Bug 1423 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

malformed URL locks up browser


(Core :: Layout, defect, P1)

Windows NT





(Reporter: buster, Assigned: raman)




this locks up both raptor and nav4.5. The malformed URL is: <img src="//" width=34 height=16 alt="new" align=bottom> ================== test case ================================ <HTML><BODY topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000 link=#000000 vlink=#000000 alink=#000000> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5 border=0 width=100% style="margin-top:4px;"> <tr> <td align=left valign=top width=150> <p class=ch0><a href="" title="Auto purchasing information from CarPoint" class=chan>Autos</a><br> <p class=ch0><a href="" title="Products, services and entertainment information on Sidewalk" class=chan>Buyer's&nbsp;Guide</a><br> <p class=ch0><a href="" title="Shareware and resources on Computing Central" class=chan>Computing</a><br> <p class=ch0><a href="" title="Free online games on the MSN Gaming Zone" class=chan>Games</a><br> <p class=ch0><a href="" title="Have a smarter, simpler, saner season" class=chan>Holidays</a> <img src="//" width=34 height=16 alt="new" align=bottom><br> <p class=ch0><a href="" title="Inside 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Assignee: gagan → kipp
Component: Networking Library → Layout
I am not sure this is a netlib problem, reassiging to layout to investigate...
Assignee: kipp → gagan
In simple breakpoint in the network/nsURL.cpp would show you that the url is being translated into a windows network pathname which is why it hangs; the hang eventually completes as soon as // can't be found. the url code should be updated to check for this (on windows) and disallow it?
Assignee: gagan → raman
While single stepping through the code to trace this bug, I got an access voilation because viewer is NULL. Shouldn't we handle for viewer being NULL? I will keep digging into it. thanks much, raman nsGenericElement::AddScriptEventListener(nsIAtom * 0x0122dfe0, const nsString & {...}, const nsID & {...}) line 1353 + 11 bytes nsGenericHTMLElement::SetAttribute(nsIAtom * 0x0122dfe0, const nsString & {...}, int 0x00000000) line 482 nsHTMLFormElement::SetAttribute(nsHTMLFormElement * const 0x012eb3f0, nsIAtom * 0x0122dfe0, const nsString & {...}, int 0x00000000) line 103 + 29 bytes AddAttributes(const nsIParserNode & {...}, nsIHTMLContent * 0x012eb3f0, nsIScriptContextOwner * 0x00000000) line 461 SinkContext::AddLeaf(const nsIParserNode & {...}) line 1025 + 17 bytes HTMLContentSink::AddLeaf(HTMLContentSink * const 0x013a0ee0, const nsIParserNode & {...}) line 1789 + 15 bytes HTMLContentSink::OpenForm(HTMLContentSink * const 0x013a0ee0, const nsIParserNode & {...}) line 1634 CNavDTD::OpenForm(const nsIParserNode & {...}) line 2634 + 22 bytes CNavDTD::OpenContainer(const nsIParserNode & {...}, int 0x00000001) line 2765 + 12 bytes CNavDTD::HandleDefaultStartToken(CToken * 0x013b1420, nsHTMLTag eHTMLTag_form, nsIParserNode & {...}) line 845 + 14 bytes CNavDTD::HandleStartToken(CToken * 0x013b1420) line 932 + 23 bytes NavDispatchTokenHandler(CToken * 0x013b1420, nsIDTD * 0x013a2980) line 446 + 12 bytes CTokenHandler::operator()(CToken * 0x013b1420, nsIDTD * 0x013a2980) line 80 + 14 bytes CNavDTD::HandleToken(CNavDTD * const 0x013a2980, CToken * 0x013b1420, nsIParser * 0x013a0e30) line 697 + 18 bytes nsParser::BuildModel() line 724 + 20 bytes nsParser::ResumeParse() line 689 nsParser::OnDataAvailable(nsParser * const 0x013a0e34, nsIURL * 0x0139be60, nsIInputStream * 0x0139c840, int 0x00002000) line 929 + 15 bytes nsDocumentBindInfo::OnDataAvailable(nsDocumentBindInfo * const 0x0139bde0, nsIURL * 0x0139be60, nsIInputStream * 0x0139c840, int 0x00002000) line 1553 + 24 bytes OnDataAvailableProxyEvent::HandleEvent(OnDataAvailableProxyEvent * const 0x0139d4e0) line 606 + 45 bytes StreamListenerProxyEvent::HandlePLEvent(PLEvent * 0x0139d4e4) line 452 + 12 bytes PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * 0x0139d4e4) line 395 + 10 bytes PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * 0x011d97b0) line 357 + 9 bytes _md_EventReceiverProc(void * 0x005602b4, unsigned int 0x0000c0ae, unsigned int 0x00000000, long 0x011d97b0) line 675 + 9 bytes USER32! 77e71250() 011d97b0()
It is really amazing, this URL loads after few minutes. As kipp pointed out, it looks as though it was hanging while accessing But it worked ok. There was a proxy problem too. I have put the trace from netlib code here. I apoloszie for sending so much output. I will see if it works for me consistently. There seem to be some timing problem. Once it crashed for me. Once it worked for me (when I have enabled the netlib tracing). thanks, raman Entering NET_GetURL Called NET_GetURL with FO: 102 URL file://C:/TEMP/test1.html -- with method: 0, and post headers: none mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - C: mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - file://C:/TEMP/test1.html Load File: looking for file: /C:/TEMP/test1.html Entering ProcessFile with state #0 Looking for file: /C:/TEMP/test1.html MKFILE: Trying to open: /C:/TEMP/test1.html Leaving GetURL with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #7 Trying to look at content type: (null) Entering StreamBuilder: F-in: text/html F-out: 38 Enc: None Specified StreamBuilder: Comparing text/html and application/http-index StreamBuilder: Comparing text/html and multipart/x-mixed-replace StreamBuilder: Comparing text/html and multipart/mixed StreamBuilder: Comparing text/html and * Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream put_block. Length = 8192 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 0 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream put_block. Length = 8192 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 0 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 0 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream put_block. Length = 4652 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream complete. End of transfer, entry (soc=0, con=0) being removed from list with 1 status: file://C:/TEMP/test1.html In: net_CheckForWaitingURL with 0 connection waiting URL's, 0 active waiting URL's and 0 open connections -------NET_AreThereActiveConnectionsForWindow called! net_ReleaseContext: not releasing non-modular context Leaving process net with 0 items in list Entering NET_GetURL Called NET_GetURL with FO: 102 URL file://// -- with method: 0, and post headers: none mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - // Load File: looking for file: // Entering ProcessFile with state #0 Looking for file: // NET_ExplainErrorDetails generated: Mozilla is unable to find the file or directory named // Check the name and try again. End of transfer, entry (soc=0, con=0) being removed from list with -215 status: file://// In: net_CheckForWaitingURL with 0 connection waiting URL's, 0 active waiting URL's and 0 open connections -------NET_AreThereActiveConnectionsForWindow called! net_ReleaseContext: not releasing non-modular context Leaving GetURL with 0 items in list mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - C: Entering NET_GetURL Called NET_GetURL with FO: 102 URL -- with method: 0, and post headers: none mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - Entering NET_ProcessHTTP NET_BeginConnect called for url: mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - net_CheckDNSCache: comparing and Leaving GetURL with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 19047104 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #19047104 con_sock #19047104 Item has data ready for read Entering NET_ProcessHTTPmkparse: ParseURL: parsed - C: NET_FinishConnect called for url: mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - ParseURL: parsed - C: net_CheckDNSCache: comparing and TCP.c: Found address and port 80 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 19047104 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #19047104 con_sock #19047104 Item has data ready for read Entering NET_ProcessHTTP NET_FinishConnect called for url: mktcp.c: Successful connection (message 1) Freeing TCPConData...Done with connect (i hope) Connected to HTTP server on sock #19047104 Entered "send_http_request" mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - /images/edit_button.gif mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - HTTP: Not sending proxy authorization (yet) net_CheckForAuthorization: checking for auth on: HTTP: Not sending authorization (yet) mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - /images/edit_button.gif HTTP: Not sending cookie Sending HTTP Request: --------------------------------- mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - Entered: net_parse_first_http_line Leaving process net with 1 items in list mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - C: Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 19047104 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #19047104 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering NET_ProcessHTTP Entered: net_parse_first_http_line HTTP: Scanned 2 fields from first_line: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Receiving HTTP1 reply, status: 200 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: HTTP/1.1 200 OK parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 20:19:03 GMT Parsing date string: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 20:19:03 GMT Parsed date as GMT: Mon Dec 07 20:19:03 1998 Parsed date as local: Mon Dec 07 12:19:03 1998 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Content-Type: image/gif Found content_type: image/gif parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Accept-Ranges: bytes Document Allows for BYTERANGES! parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Last-Modified: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:56:17 GMT Parsing date string: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:56:17 GMT Parsed date as GMT: Tue Oct 20 20:56:17 1998 Parsed date as local: Tue Oct 20 13:56:17 1998 Found last modified date: 908916977 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: ETag: "9c85fb146cfcbd1:eab" parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Content-Length: 93 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Finished parsing MIME headers NET_ProcessHTTP: setting up stream Entering StreamBuilder: F-in: image/gif F-out: 102 Enc: None Specified StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and * Setting up cache stream. Have URL: Entering StreamBuilder: F-in: image/gif F-out: 38 Enc: None Specified StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and application/http-index StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and multipart/x-mixed-replace StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and multipart/mixed StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and * cache: URL_s->must_cache is FALSE cache: want_to_cache is TRUE mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 Entering NET_GetURL +++ stream put_block. Length = 35 NET_ProcessHTTP: pulling data +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8157 NET_ProcessHTTP: write ready returned 8157 NET_ProcessHTTP: just read 58 bytes. +++ stream put_block. Length = 58 +++ stream complete. +Cleaning up JS Cookie Filters End of transfer, entry (soc=19047104, con=0) being removed from list with 1 status: In: net_CheckForWaitingURL with 0 connection waiting URL's, 0 active waiting URL's and 0 open connections -------NET_AreThereActiveConnectionsForWindow called! net_ReleaseContext: not releasing non-modular context Leaving process net with 0 items in list Called NET_GetURL with FO: 102 URL -- with method: 0, and post headers: none mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - Entering NET_ProcessHTTP NET_BeginConnect called for url: mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - net_CheckDNSCache: comparing and Leaving GetURL with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 19038624 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #19038624 con_sock #19038624 Item has data ready for read Entering NET_ProcessHTTP NET_FinishConnect called for url: mktcp.c: Successful connection (message 1) Freeing TCPConData...Done with connect (i hope) Connected to HTTP server on sock #19038624 Entered "send_http_request" mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - /images/ie-static.gifnsAsyncStream is being destroyed... mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - HTTP: Not sending proxy authorization (yet) net_CheckForAuthorization: checking for auth on: HTTP: Not sending authorization (yet) mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - /images/ie-static.gif HTTP: Not sending cookie Sending HTTP Request: --------------------------------- mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - Entered: net_parse_first_http_line Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 19038624 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #19038624 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering NET_ProcessHTTP Entered: net_parse_first_http_line HTTP: Scanned 2 fields from first_line: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Receiving HTTP1 reply, status: 200 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: HTTP/1.1 200 OK parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0bam_exit_routine was called... nsConnectionInfo is being destroyed... parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: CACHE-CONTROL: POST-CHECK=0, PRE-CHECK=86400 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 20:19:03 GMT Parsing date string: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 20:19:03 GMT Parsed date as GMT: Mon Dec 07 20:19:03 1998 Parsed date as local: Mon Dec 07 12:19:03 1998 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Content-Type: image/gif Found content_type: image/gif parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Accept-Ranges: bytes Document Allows for BYTERANGES! parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Last-Modified: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:56:21 GMT Parsing date string: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:56:21 GMT Parsed date as GMT: Tue Oct 20 20:56:21 1998 Parsed date as local: Tue Oct 20 13:56:21 1998 Found last modified date: 908916981 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: ETag: "f0c988176cfcbd1:da3" Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 19038624 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #19038624 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering NET_ProcessHTTP Read 987 bytes from socket 19038624 Read 987 bytes from socket parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Content-Length: 975 parse_http_mime_headers: Parsing headers, got line: Finished parsing MIME headers NET_ProcessHTTP: setting up stream Entering StreamBuilder: F-in: image/gif F-out: 102 Enc: None Specified StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and * Setting up cache stream. Have URL: Entering StreamBuilder: F-in: image/gif F-out: 38 Enc: None Specified StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and application/http-index StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and multipart/x-mixed-replace StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and multipart/mixed StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and * cache: URL_s->must_cache is FALSE cache: want_to_cache is TRUE mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream put_block. Length = 975 +++ stream complete. +Cleaning up JS Cookie Filters End of transfer, entry (soc=19038624, con=0) being removed from list with 1 status: In: net_CheckForWaitingURL with 0 connection waiting URL's, 0 active waiting URL's and 0 open connections -------NET_AreThereActiveConnectionsForWindow called! net_ReleaseContext: not releasing non-modular context Leaving process net with 0 items in list Freeing stub context... mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - bam_exit_routine was called... nsConnectionInfo is being destroyed... Freeing stub context... nsAsyncStream is being destroyed... bam_exit_routine was called... nsConnectionInfo is being destroyed... Freeing stub context... nsAsyncStream is being destroyed... bam_exit_routine was called... nsConnectionInfo is being destroyed... Freeing stub context... Entering NET_GetURL Called NET_GetURL with FO: 102 URL file:///E|/raptor/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/gfx/icon_1.gif -- with method: 0, and post headers: none mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - mkparse: ParseURL: parsed - /E|/raptor/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/gfx/icon_1.gif Load File: looking for file: /E|/raptor/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/gfx/icon_1.gif Entering ProcessFile with state #0 Looking for file: /E|/raptor/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/gfx/icon_1.gif MKFILE: Trying to open: /E|/raptor/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/gfx/icon_1.gif Leaving GetURL with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #7 Trying to look at content type: (null) Entering StreamBuilder: F-in: image/gif F-out: 38 Enc: None Specified StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and application/http-index StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and multipart/x-mixed-replace StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and multipart/mixed StreamBuilder: Comparing image/gif and * Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream put_block. Length = 297 Leaving process net with 1 items in list Entering ProcessNet! ready_fd: 0 Found item in Active Entry List. sock #0 con_sock #0 Item has data ready for read Entering ProcessFile with state #9 +++ stream is_write_ready. Returning 8192 +++ stream complete. End of transfer, entry (soc=0, con=0) being removed from list with 1 status: file:///E|/raptor/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/gfx/icon_1.gif In: net_CheckForWaitingURL with 0 connection waiting URL's, 0 active waiting URL's and 0 open connections -------NET_AreThereActiveConnectionsForWindow called! net_ReleaseContext: not releasing non-modular context Leaving process net with 0 items in list nsBlockingStream is being destroyed... bam_exit_routine was called... nsConnectionInfo is being destroyed... Freeing stub context...
We are calling _stat on // in NET_I_XP_Stat which is relly weird. The fix may be as simple as not doing a stat on URL from NET_I_XP_Stat routine. The code waits for the stat to fail and then the URL loads. thanks, raman Looking for file: // NET_ExplainErrorDetails generated: Mozilla is unable to find the file or directory named // NTDLL! 77f67a67() KERNEL32! 77f0c47b() _stat(char * 0x0139c120, _stat * 0x00126d5c) line 186 + 17 bytes NET_I_XP_Stat(char * 0x0139bf80, _stat * 0x00126d5c, XP_FileType xpURL) line 1320 + 14 bytes net_check_file_type(_ActiveEntry * 0x0139be50) line 180 + 115 bytes net_ProcessFile(_ActiveEntry * 0x0139be50) line 1291 + 9 bytes net_FileLoad(_ActiveEntry * 0x0139be50) line 1273 + 9 bytes NET_GetURL(URL_Struct_ * 0x0139ba20, int 0x00000066, MWContext_ * 0x0139bcb0, void (URL_Struct_ *, int, MWContext_ *)* 0x004223b7 bam_exit_routine(URL_Struct_ *, int, MWContext_ *)) line 3029 + 12 bytes nsNetlibService::OpenStream(nsNetlibService * const 0x011fcdb0, nsIURL * 0x0139b690, nsIStreamListener * 0x0139b900) line 364 + 20 bytes nsDocumentBindInfo::Bind(nsIURL * 0x0139b690, nsIStreamListener * 0x0139b8b0) line 1365 + 23 bytes nsDocLoaderImpl::OpenStream(nsDocLoaderImpl * const 0x0121e1e4, nsIURL * 0x0139b690, nsIStreamListener * 0x0139b8b0) line 1035 + 16 bytes URLImpl::Open(nsIStreamListener * 0x0139b8b0) line 712 + 26 bytes ImageNetContextImpl::GetURL(ilIURL * 0x0139b5c0, NET_ReloadMethod NET_NORMAL_RELOAD, ilINetReader * 0x0139b850) line 487 + 15 bytes IL_GetImage(char * 0x0139ae80, _IL_GroupContext * 0x0139ab80, OpaqueObserverList * 0x0139b170, _NI_IRGB * 0x00000000, unsigned long 0x00000000, unsigned long 0x00000000, unsigned long 0x00000000, void * 0x0139ac10) line 1918 + 35 bytes ImageRequestImpl::Init(void * 0x0139ab80, char * 0x0139ae80, nsIImageRequestObserver * 0x0139ac50, unsigned int * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0x00000000, unsigned int 0x00000000, unsigned int 0x00000000, ilINetContext * 0x0139ac10) line 107 + 54 bytes ImageGroupImpl::GetImage(char * 0x0139ae80, nsIImageRequestObserver * 0x0139ac50, unsigned int * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0x00000000, unsigned int 0x00000000, unsigned int 0x00000000) line 237 + 46 bytes nsFrameImageLoader::Init(nsFrameImageLoader * const 0x0139ac50, nsIPresContext * 0x01356b60, nsIImageGroup * 0x0139ab00, const nsString & {...}, unsigned int * 0x00000000, nsIFrame * 0x01334b30, unsigned int (nsIPresContext &, nsIFrame *, int)* ...) line nsPresContext::StartLoadImage(nsPresContext * const 0x01356b60, const nsString & {...}, unsigned int * 0x00000000, nsIFrame * 0x01334b30, unsigned int (nsIPresContext &, nsIFrame *, int)* ...) line 564 + 43 bytes nsHTMLImageLoader::StartLoadImage(nsIPresContext * 0x01356b60, nsIFrame * 0x01334b30, unsigned int (nsIPresContext &, nsIFrame *, int)* 0x00537870 UpdateImageFrame(nsIPresContext &, nsIFrame *, int), int 0x00000000, int & 0x00000000) line 186 + 37 bytes nsHTMLImageLoader::GetDesiredSize(nsIPresContext * 0x01356b60, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, nsIFrame * 0x01334b30, unsigned int (nsIPresContext &, nsIFrame *, int)* 0x00537870 UpdateImageFrame(nsIPresContext &, nsIFrame *, int), ...) line 230 nsImageFrame::GetDesiredSize(nsIPresContext * 0x01356b60, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}) line 396 nsImageFrame::Reflow(nsImageFrame * const 0x01334b34, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00127a38) line 437 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00127a38) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x01334b30) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowInlineFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013416c0, nsIFrame * 0x01334b30, unsigned int & 0x00000000, int & 0x00000000) line 3565 + 18 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013416c0, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 2834 + 28 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013416c0) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::ResizeReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2685 + 19 bytes nsBlockFrame::InitialReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2255 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x013342f4, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x0012867c) line 1702 + 18 bytes nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x0012867c) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x013342f0) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013417e0, nsIFrame * 0x013342f0, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 3344 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013417e0, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 2827 + 24 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013417e0) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::ResizeReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2685 + 19 bytes nsBlockFrame::InitialReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2255 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x01334954, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x001292c0) line 1702 + 18 bytes nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x001292c0) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x01334950) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013418a0, nsIFrame * 0x01334950, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 3344 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013418a0, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 2827 + 24 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x013418a0) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::ResizeReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2685 + 19 bytes nsBlockFrame::InitialReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2255 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x01333304, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00129f04) line 1702 + 18 bytes nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00129f04) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x01333300) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341960, nsIFrame * 0x01333300, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 3344 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341960, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 2827 + 24 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341960) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::ResizeReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2685 + 19 bytes nsBlockFrame::InitialReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2255 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x01333da4, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x0012ab48) line 1702 + 18 bytes nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x0012ab48) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x01333da0) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341a20, nsIFrame * 0x01333da0, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 3344 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341a20, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 2827 + 24 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341a20) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::ResizeReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2685 + 19 bytes nsBlockFrame::InitialReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2255 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x01333124, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x0012b78c) line 1702 + 18 bytes nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x0012b78c) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x01333120) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341ae0, nsIFrame * 0x01333120, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 3344 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341ae0, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 2827 + 24 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01341ae0) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::ResizeReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2685 + 19 bytes nsBlockFrame::InitialReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2255 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x01332c54, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 1702 + 18 bytes nsBodyFrame::Reflow(nsBodyFrame * const 0x01332c54, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 268 + 25 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x01332c50, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes nsTableCellFrame::Reflow(nsTableCellFrame * const 0x01332b94, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 293 nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x01332b90, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes nsTableRowFrame::InitialReflow(nsTableRowFrame * const 0x01332a40, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, RowReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000, nsTableCellFrame * 0x00000000, int 0x00000001) line 761 + 34 bytes nsTableRowFrame::Reflow(nsTableRowFrame * const 0x01332a44, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 1364 + 39 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x01332a40, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsTableRowGroupFrame * const 0x01332900, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, RowGroupReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000, nsTableRowFrame * 0x00000000, nsReflowReason ...) line 365 + 3 nsTableRowGroupFrame::Reflow(nsTableRowGroupFrame * const 0x01332904, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 873 + 39 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x01332900, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes nsTableFrame::ResizeReflowPass1(nsTableFrame * const 0x01332530, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000, nsTableRowGroupFrame * 0x00000000, nsReflowReason ...) line 1700 nsTableFrame::Reflow(nsTableFrame * const 0x01332534, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 1551 + 43 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x01332530, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes nsTableOuterFrame::Reflow(nsTableOuterFrame * const 0x013324b4, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 990 + 37 bytes nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 498 nsInlineReflow::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame * 0x013324b0) line 271 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowBlockFrame(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01399910, nsIFrame * 0x013324b0, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 3344 + 12 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01399910, unsigned int & 0x00004100) line 2827 + 24 bytes nsBlockFrame::ReflowLinesAt(nsBlockReflowState & {...}, LineData * 0x01399910) line 2697 + 20 bytes nsBlockFrame::FrameAppendedReflow(nsBlockReflowState & {...}) line 2420 + 16 bytes nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsBlockFrame * const 0x012feb34, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 1724 + 18 bytes nsBodyFrame::Reflow(nsBodyFrame * const 0x012feb34, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 268 + 25 bytes nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x012feb30, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes nsScrollFrame::Reflow(nsScrollFrame * const 0x012fedb4, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 392 nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame * 0x012fedb0, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 391 + 28 bytes RootFrame::Reflow(RootFrame * const 0x012fd2b4, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsHTMLReflowState & {...}, unsigned int & 0x00000000) line 209 nsHTMLReflowCommand::Dispatch(nsHTMLReflowCommand * const 0x01399620, nsIPresContext & {...}, nsHTMLReflowMetrics & {...}, const nsSize & {...}, nsIRenderingContext & {...}) line 163 PresShell::ProcessReflowCommands() line 754 PresShell::ExitReflowLock(PresShell * const 0x012c5980) line 453 PresShell::ContentAppended(PresShell * const 0x012c5988, nsIDocument * 0x01354750, nsIContent * 0x012fdcac, int 0x00000001) line 889 nsDocument::ContentAppended(nsDocument * const 0x01354750, nsIContent * 0x012fdcac, int 0x00000001) line 889 nsHTMLDocument::ContentAppended(nsHTMLDocument * const 0x01354750, nsIContent * 0x012fdcac, int 0x00000001) line 428 + 17 bytes HTMLContentSink::WillInterrupt(HTMLContentSink * const 0x01355120) line 1398 CNavDTD::WillInterruptParse(CNavDTD * const 0x012c5c40) line 3574 + 18 bytes nsParser::ResumeParse() line 692 nsParser::OnDataAvailable(nsParser * const 0x01354f94, nsIURL * 0x013521d0, nsIInputStream * 0x013549f0, int 0x0000122c) line 929 + 15 bytes nsDocumentBindInfo::OnDataAvailable(nsDocumentBindInfo * const 0x01352d60, nsIURL * 0x013521d0, nsIInputStream * 0x013549f0, int 0x0000122c) line 1553 + 24 bytes OnDataAvailableProxyEvent::HandleEvent(OnDataAvailableProxyEvent * const 0x01307490) line 606 + 45 bytes StreamListenerProxyEvent::HandlePLEvent(PLEvent * 0x01307494) line 452 + 12 bytes PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * 0x01307494) line 395 + 10 bytes PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * 0x011d97b0) line 357 + 9 bytes _md_EventReceiverProc(void * 0x00410390, unsigned int 0x0000c0ae, unsigned int 0x00000000, long 0x011d97b0) line 675 + 9 bytes USER32! 77e71250() 011d97b0()
One more note: With the latest build, this page loads, it takes more than one minute to load (but it loads). The change I have suggested in the previous note, may not be necessary. thanks, raman
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
This should be reopened for performance relayed work.
verified loads fine, and does not take as long as it used to.
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