Closed Bug 15305 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

CreateDirectory does not created nested directories


(Core :: XPCOM, defect, P3)

Windows NT





(Reporter: jimmykenlee, Assigned: dougt)



Build: 9/29/99 SeaMonkey build 1. From http://jimbob/trigger2.html, trigger http://jimbob/jars/f_fileop_dircreate_nested.xpi Install.StartInstall("Acceptance: f_fileop_dircreate_nested", "f_fileop_dircreate_nested", "", 0); f = Install.GetFolder("Program"); err1 = Install.DirCreate(f + "f_fileop_dircreate_nested/байинмутъщзвкофы/111/222/AAA/BBB"); Install.LogComment("Nested DirCreate returns = " + err1); err2 = Install.DirCreate(f + " "); Install.LogComment("One blank character DirCreate returns = " + err2); err3 = Install.DirCreate(f + ""); Install.LogComment("No characters DirCreate returns = " + err3); RESULT: No directories are created on any platform. For WinNT and Win98, the Install.log shows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://jimbob/jars/f_fileop_dircreate_nested.xpi -- 09/30/1999 15:31:22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acceptance: f_fileop_dircreate_nested ------------------------------------- ** Nested DirCreate returns = 0 ** One blank character DirCreate returns = 0 ** No characters DirCreate returns = 0 Item [1/3] Create Folder: C:\Program Files\moz929\x86rel\f_fileop_dircreate_nested\байинмутъщзвкофы\111\222\AAA\BBB Item [2/3] Create Folder: C:\Program Files\moz929\x86rel\ Item [3/3] Create Folder: C:\Program Files\moz929\x86rel\ Install completed successfully Finished Installation 09/30/1999 15:31:22 For Macintosh, the Install.log shows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://jimbob/jars/f_fileop_dircreate_nested.xpi -- 09/30/1999 15:38:47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acceptance: f_fileop_dircreate_nested ------------------------------------- ** Nested DirCreate returns = 0 ** One blank character DirCreate returns = 0 ** No characters DirCreate returns = 0 Item [1/3] Create Folder: Webbies:moz929:mozilla-mac-M11: Item [2/3] Create Folder: Webbies:moz929:mozilla-mac-M11: Item [3/3] Create Folder: Webbies:moz929:mozilla-mac-M11: Install completed successfully Finished Installation 09/30/1999 15:38:50 For Linux, the Install.log shows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://jimbob/jars/f_fileop_dircreate_nested.xpi -- 09/30/1999 15:33:20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acceptance: f_fileop_dircreate_nested ------------------------------------- ** Nested DirCreate returns = 0 ** One blank character DirCreate returns = 0 ** No characters DirCreate returns = 0 Item [1/3] Create Folder: /u/jimmylee/linux60/sep_29/packagef_fileop_dircreate_nested/байинмутъщзвкофы/111 /222/AAA/BBB Item [2/3] Create Folder: /u/jimmylee/linux60/sep_29/package Item [3/3] Create Folder: /u/jimmylee/linux60/sep_29/package Install completed successfully Finished Installation 09/30/1999 15:33:21 This test also intentionally investigates the scenarios where one blank space and no space are added, respectively, as a subdirectory name. No subdirectories are created in both cases. This appears to be correct. EXPECTED RESULT: Nested directories are created as described from the Windows Install.log.
I think we should support nested direcotry crate, but not a beta stopper... Sean?
Assignee: cathleen → ssu
Target Milestone: M15
agreed. Nested creation of directories should be implemented, but not beta1 critical.
Assignee: ssu → dougt
This is nsFileSpec() specific. Reassigning to dougt.
Component: XPInstall → XPCOM
QA Contact: jimmylee → dp
Summary: File Op: DirCreate does not created nested directories → CreateDirectory does not created nested directories
Workaround: do something like: nsFileSpec a(inSpec.GetNativePathCString(), PR_TRUE); a.CreateDirectory(); *warning* this will not work on the mac.
Depends on: 13320
Depends on: 22047
will be fixed by 22047
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
nsILocalFile does.
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