Bug 2430
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
[PP] Mac - Crash sitting at cnn page
(Core Graveyard :: Viewer App, defect, P1)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: glynn, Assigned: gordon)
Mac Jan 14 PPC optimized Seamonkey build
PBook G3
1. Launch Seamonkey
2. go to: and let the app sit at this page. About 15 to 30
min on a 64MB machine or better yet let it sit overnight when you go home.
• Crash with PPC unmapped mem exception at OTSetNonBlocking - which sounds like
the aged OT NSPR issue we have been fighting, and perhaps this is an easier test
case for same if it turns out to be a duplicate. Does not occur on Windows and
Linux is too unstable to try at this time.
Crawl follows, trim down as necessary:
MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98
PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 0BE5B22C OTSetNonBlocking+00044
15-Jan-1999 11:43:00 AM (since boot = 4 hours, 14 minutes)
Current application is Òviewer.appÓ
Machine = 312 (PowerBookG3Series), System $0850, sysu = $01008000
ROM version $077D, $41F5, $0002 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
VM is on; paging is currently safe
NIL^ = $FFC10000
Stack space used = +8503088
Address 0BE5B22C is in VM file-mapped logical memory space
It is in the CFM fragment ÒOTClientLibÓ at 0BE5A860
It is 000009CC bytes from the start of the fragment
and 0000094C bytes into a non-writeable code section at 0BE5A8E0
PowerPC 740/750 Registers
PC = 0BE5B22C CR 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 1000 0010 1000
LR = 0A7803C0 <>=O XEVO
CTR = 0BE5B1E8
MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count
Int = 0 XER 001 00 00 MQ = 0035237C
R0 = 0A7803C0 R8 = 000003E8 R16 = 00FDEBD4 R24 = 00FDC7C4
SP = 038DE830 R9 = 6806DCEC R17 = 02F70CD0 R25 = 02F707B4
TOC = 00349790 R10 = 003421E8 R18 = 02F70CCC R26 = 02F70820
R3 = 00FDEBDB R11 = 000FD560 R19 = 00000000 R27 = 0A593548
R4 = 696D6167 R12 = 003497F8 R20 = 02F707D0 R28 = 00000002
R5 = 00000000 R13 = 00000000 R21 = 02F707A0 R29 = 00000001
R6 = 00000000 R14 = 00000000 R22 = 00FDEBD4 R30 = 038DE808
R7 = 027C713B R15 = 00000000 R23 = 00000000 R31 = 038DE808
Disassembling PowerPC code from 0BE5B204
+0001C 0BE5B204 clrlwi. r4,r3,0x1E |
+00020 0BE5B208 beq OTSetNonBlocking+0002C ; 0x0BE5B214 |
+00024 0BE5B20C li r3,-0x0C88 |
+00028 0BE5B210 b OTSetNonBlocking+00050 ; 0x0BE5B238 |
+0002C 0BE5B214 lwz r3,0x0000(r3) |
+00030 0BE5B218 cmplwi r3,0x0000 |
+00034 0BE5B21C bne OTSetNonBlocking+00040 ; 0x0BE5B228 |
+00038 0BE5B220 li r3,-0x0C53 |
+0003C 0BE5B224 b OTSetNonBlocking+00050 ; 0x0BE5B238 |
+00040 0BE5B228 lwz r4,0x0000(r3) |
+00044 0BE5B22C *lwz r12,0x0010(r4) |
+00048 0BE5B230 bl OTFindOption+00BB8 ; 0x0BE5DE04 |
+0004C 0BE5B234 lwz RTOC,0x0014(SP) |
+00050 0BE5B238 addi SP,SP,0x0040 |
+00054 0BE5B23C lwz r0,0x0008(SP) |
+00058 0BE5B240 mtlr r0 ; LR = 0x0008 |
+0005C 0BE5B244 blr |
+00000 0BE5B248 cmplwi r3,0x0000 |
+00004 0BE5B24C bne OTSetBlocking+00010 ; 0x0BE5B258 |
Heap zones
#1 Mod 10706K 00002800 to 00A7709F SysZone^
#2 Mod 7K 0000BE50 to 0000DD1F ROM read-only zone
#3 Mod 256K 00791C50 to 007D1C4F
#4 Mod 51486K 00A770A0 to 03CBEA9F Process Manager zone
#5 Mod 9993K 02F01700 to 038C3DFF Òviewer.appÓ ApplZone^ TheZone^
#6 Mod 410K 038DFF10 to 039468BF ÒStickiesÓ
#7 Mod 18K 039A1FA0 to 039A685F
#8 Mod 793K 039A6D70 to 03A6D46F ÒSpeed Doublerª 8Ó
#9 Mod 942K 03A982B0 to 03B83DAF ÒFinderÓ
#10 Mod 83K 03B98640 to 03BAD53F ÒTime SynchronizerÓ
#11 Mod 361K 03BBBDD0 to 03C164CF ÒFolder ActionsÓ
#12 Mod 89K 03C67080 to 03C7D77F ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ
#13 Mod 6143K 04000000 to 045FFFCF
#14 Mod 216K 04061370 to 0409736F
#15 Mod 27K 040FB450 to 0410217F
Checking all heaps
The System heap at 00002800 is ok
The ROM read-only heap at 0000BE50 is ok
The heap at 00791C50 is ok
The Process Manager heap at 00A770A0 is ok
The Òviewer.appÓ heap at 02F01700 is ok
The ÒStickiesÓ heap at 038DFF10 is ok
The heap at 039A1FA0 is ok
The ÒSpeed Doublerª 8Ó heap at 039A6D70 is ok
The ÒFinderÓ heap at 03A982B0 is ok
The ÒTime SynchronizerÓ heap at 03B98640 is ok
The ÒFolder ActionsÓ heap at 03BBBDD0 is ok
The ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ heap at 03C67080 is ok
Totaling the Òviewer.appÓ heap at 02F01700
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 2A4D #10829 001A0170 #1704304
Nonrelocatable 0256 #598 0066094C #6687052
Relocatable 73FC #29692 001C1C00 #1842176
Locked 0006 #6 000D0830 #854064
Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0
Heap size A09F #41119 009C26BC #10233532
The target heap is the System heap at 00002800
Totaling the System heap at 00002800
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 0035 #53 00010620 #67104
Nonrelocatable 0C49 #3145 0052ED9C #5434780
Relocatable 0DC2 #3522 005354A0 #5461152
Locked 0219 #537 003A5990 #3824016
Purgeable and not locked 0082 #130 00074AF0 #477936
Heap size 1A40 #6720 00A7485C #10963036
The target heap is the Òviewer.appÓ heap at 02F01700
Displaying File Control Blocks
fRef File Vol Type Fl Fork LEof
0002 System Macintosh É zsys dW rsrc #6125235
0060 **** EXTENTS B-TREE Macintosh É ¥¥¥¥ dw data #4194304
00BE **** CATALOG B-TREE Macintosh É ¥¥¥¥ dw data #12582912
011C **** VOLUME BITMAP Macintosh É ¥¥¥¥ dw data #253952
017A VM Storage Macintosh É ZSYS dW data #73400320
01D8 System Resources Macintosh É zsyr dw rsrc #727502
154E System Macintosh É zsys dw data #4072175
15AC Platinum Sounds Macintosh É tsnd dW rsrc #1094612
160A Display Enabler Macintosh É INIT dw data #358412
1668 Open Tpt AppleTalk LiÉ Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #502792
16C6 Open Transport Library Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #524771
1724 OpenTransportLib Macintosh É otsl dw data #501392
1782 Shared Library ManageÉ Macintosh É INIT dw rsrc #211694
17E0 Open Transport Library Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #524771
183E IrLanScannerPPC Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #6501
189C IrDALib Macintosh É shlb dw data #241190
18FA OpenTptAppleTalkLib Macintosh É otsl dw data #48738
1958 OpenTptInternetLib Macintosh É otsl dw data #257182
19B6 Open Tpt AppleTalk LiÉ Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #502792
1A14 Open Tpt Internet LibÉ Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #461056
1A72 OpenTpt Remote Access Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #1083183
1AD0 OpenTpt Modem Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #91506
1B2E OpenTpt Remote Access Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #1083183
1B8C Remote Access Log Macintosh É lzlg dW data #253952
1BEA Serial (Built-in) Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #63254
1C48 Open Transport Library Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #524771
1CA6 OpenTpt Serial ArbitrÉ Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #7974
1D04 OpenTpt Serial ArbitrÉ Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #7974
1D62 ATI Video Memory ManaÉ Macintosh É shlb dw data #25104
1DC0 Users & Groups Data FÉ Macintosh É BTFL dW data #126976
1E1E ix3D Driver Update Macintosh É ndrv dw data #433096
1E7C Apple Guide Macintosh É INIT dw data #417352
1EDA ColorSync Extension Macintosh É appe dw data #301152
1F38 Contextual Menu ExtenÉ Macintosh É INIT dw data #66663
1F96 SOMobjectsª for Mac OS Macintosh É shlb dw data #129152
1FF4 OT AutoPush Support Macintosh É INIT dw data #7392
2052 QuickTimeª Macintosh É INIT dw data #369846
20B0 Sound Manager Macintosh É INIT dw data #15008
210E ix3D Video Memory ManÉ Macintosh É shlb dw data #5134
216C **** EXTENTS B-TREE RAM Disk ¥¥¥¥ dw data #32256
21CA **** CATALOG B-TREE RAM Disk ¥¥¥¥ dw data #32256
2228 Speech Manager Macintosh É INIT dw data #4000
2286 ~ATMª Macintosh É cdev dw data #881790
2342 Macintosh É APPL dW rsrc #7418
23A0 Control Strip ExtensiÉ Macintosh É appe dW rsrc #67084
23FE Macintosh É APPL dw data #94142
245C Control Strip ExtensiÉ Macintosh É appe dw data #3160
24BA Folder Actions Macintosh É appe dW rsrc #4877
2518 Time Synchronizer Macintosh É appe dW rsrc #6319
2576 Finder Macintosh É FNDR dw rsrc #638602
25D4 QuickTimeª PowerPlug Macintosh É INIT dw data #219681
2632 Finder Macintosh É FNDR dw data #1870234
2690 Color Picker Macintosh É INIT dw data #6400
26EE File Sharing Library Macintosh É shlb dw data #91214
274C File Sharing Library Macintosh É shlb dw rsrc #3190
27AA Finder Preferences Macintosh É pref dW rsrc #510
2808 Speed Doublerª 8 Macintosh É cdev dw rsrc #399896
2866 Speed Doublerª 8 Macintosh É cdev dw data #225274
28C4 NSRuntime.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #13085
2922 Desktop DB Macintosh É BTFL dW data #507904
2980 Desktop DF Macintosh É DTFL dW data #3081618
29DE UDF Volume Access Macintosh É INIT dw data #234132
2A3C PrintingLib Macintosh É shlb dw data #1103024
2A9A Time Synchronizer Macintosh É appe dw data #37169
2AF8 Desktop DB RAM Disk BTFL dW data #2048
2B56 Desktop DF RAM Disk DTFL dW data #2
2BB4 Untitled DDB Macintosh É BTFL dW data #126976
2C12 Untitled DDF Macintosh É DTFL dW data #2
2C70 Find CM Items Macintosh É cmpi dw data #21987
2CCE Folder Actions Menus Macintosh É cmpi dw data #10205
2D2C Folder Actions Macintosh É appe dw data #17331
2D8A AppleScriptLib Macintosh É shlb dw data #22636
2DE8 MemAllocator.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #11839
2E46 AppleTalk Switch Macintosh É sdev dw data #5066
2EA4 Battery Monitor Macintosh É sdev dw data #9210
2F02 Energy Settings Macintosh É sdev dw data #5890
2F60 File Sharing Strip Macintosh É sdev dw data #8634
2FBE File Sharing Library Macintosh É shlb dw rsrc #3190
301C HD Spin Down Macintosh É sdev dw data #3034
307A Media Bay Macintosh É sdev dw data #7174
30D8 Monitor BitDepth Macintosh É sdev dw data #4794
3136 Monitor Resolution Macintosh É sdev dw data #9750
3194 Sound Volume Macintosh É sdev dw data #4154
31F2 Video Mirroring Macintosh É sdev dw data #4426
3250 Web Sharing CS Macintosh É sdev dw data #21334
32AE NSStdLib.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #206492
330C Stickies Macintosh É APPL dW rsrc #103586
336A NSPR20.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #188034
33C8 MoreFiles.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #44690
3426 base.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #88789
3484 PowerPlant.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #1317402
34E2 WASTELib Macintosh É shlb dw data #117737
3540 xpcom.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #26848
359E gfx.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #98609
35FC NetworkModular.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #506469
365A JavaScript.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #350682
36B8 libpref.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #36492
3716 zlib.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #39306
3774 libimg.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #102983
37D2 Open Tpt Internet LibÉ Macintosh É libr dw rsrc #461056
3830 JPEG.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #54046
388E libutil.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #2224
38EC widget.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #156768
394A layout.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #1692028
39A8 dom.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #372154
3A06 htmlparser.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #158411
3A64 webshell.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #63475
3AC2 plugin.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #53229
3B20 view.shlb Macintosh É shlb dw data #43272
3B7E StdLog Macintosh É TEXT dW data #65487
#229 FCBs, #163 in use (including #53 fonts not listed), #66 free
Displaying Driver Control Entries
No drivers are busy.
Displaying resource information:
> Map $02F01888, flags $0000, file $2342 =
+ Map $000031F0, flags $801A, file $0003 = ¥ROM resources that override
S Map $000032E8, flags $000D, file $0002 = System
Map $00003148, flags $0014, file $01D8 = System Resources
[Skipped $0035 maps belonging to font files]
Calling chain using A6/R1 links
Back chain ISA Caller
00000000 PPC 0B759528
038DFC40 PPC 0B7501E4
038DFBA0 PPC 0A4A745C nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&,
038DFAC0 PPC 0A4A7940 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&,
038DFA60 PPC 0A68E350 LPeriodical::DevoteTimeToRepeaters(const
038DFA00 PPC 0A753638 TimerPeriodical::SpendTime(const EventRecord&)+00064
038DF9A0 PPC 0A75324C TimerImpl::Fire()+00024
038DF960 PPC 0A5CB288 NS_NewImageRenderer+00D2C
038DF920 PPC 0A4C8E7C
038DF8E0 PPC 0A4C8E18
038DF8A0 PPC 0A4CBB40 IL_Type+00AB0
038DF840 PPC 0A5CEC40 nsTransform2D::AddScale(float, float)+01008
038DF7F0 PPC 0A57E2FC NS_OpenURL(nsIURL*, nsIStreamListener*)+00060
038DF790 PPC 0B708788
038DF740 PPC 0B7093CC
038DF6F0 PPC 0A57D0C8 TimingElapsedTimeToString+1CA08
038DF680 PPC 0A55B36C NET_RegisterProtocolImplementation+01524
038DF1B0 PPC 0A5780C0 TimingElapsedTimeToString+17A00
038DF120 PPC 0A578134 TimingElapsedTimeToString+17A74
038DECB0 PPC 0A5743D0 TimingElapsedTimeToString+13D10
038DEC50 PPC 0A55608C
038DE950 PPC 0A770D48 PR_NewTCPSocket+00020
038DE910 PPC 0A770CEC PR_Socket+000D8
038DE8C0 PPC 0A7803BC _MD_PutEnv+0219C
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller
038DEBFC PPC 00480040
038DEB48 PPC 0BB6635C LocalStdText+00320
038DEAC8 PPC 0BF2A3A0 NQDStdBits+0037C
038DEA68 038DEA60 PPC 0BF28C18 NQDCalcMask+00E24
038DEA5C 68K 038DEB56
038DEA28 038DEA20 PPC 0BF28868 NQDCalcMask+00A74
038DEA1C 68K 038DEB56
038DE9F8 038DE9F0 PPC 0BFEE8DC NQDStdText+00108
038DE9C8 038DE9C0 PPC 0BF28204 NQDCalcMask+00410
038DE9B8 68K 038DEB56
038DE974 68K 038DEB56
038DE958 PPC 0A55608C
038DE918 038DE910 PPC 0A770D48 PR_NewTCPSocket+00020
038DE8E8 038DE8E0 PPC 0A55E5A4 NET_RegisterProtocolImplementation+
038DE8C8 038DE8C0 PPC 0A770CEC PR_Socket+000D8
038DE898 038DE890 PPC 0A5862E8 NSGetFactory+008B0
038DE888 038DE880 PPC 0A76CEB0 PR_AllocFileDesc+00018
038DE878 038DE870 PPC 0A7803BC _MD_PutEnv+0219C
038DE858 038DE850 PPC 0A772648 PR_Malloc+00014
038DE838 038DE830 PPC 0A780F4C PL_Base64Decode+001F4
Displaying memory from 0
00000000 FFC1 0000 030C 3110 001D 7FB6 001D 7FB8 ÿÁ¥¥¥¥1¥¥¥¶¥¥¸
00000010 001D 7FBA 001D 7FBC FFC0 3378 FFC0 337A ¥¥º¥¥*ÿÀ3xÿÀ3z
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: sdagley → gordon
Comment 1•26 years ago
Yup, it's the OT/NSPR bug. Letting Gordon decide how he wants to kill it.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•16 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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