Bug 340480
Opened 18 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
Firefox core dumps when browsing with assistive technology
(Firefox :: Disability Access, defect)
(Reporter: tim.miao, Assigned: evan.yan)
(Keywords: access)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060527 Minefield/3.0a1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060527 Minefield/3.0a1
When browsing with GOK, firefox crashes frequently.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Launch GOK and firefox.
2. Browse different website in one browser, say , ,,, .
3. Select UI Grab->Back in GOK to browse previous website.
4. Repeat step 3 for 2 or 3 times.
Actual Results:
Firefox crashes.
Expected Results:
Firefox should go back to previous website quietly without crash.
This bug can be found on vermillion_42/svn_41 with Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060527 Minefield/3.0a1.
Here's the core stack trace:
core 'core' of 14360: firefox/firefox-bin
----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 --------------------
d2749b95 _lwp_kill (1, b) + 15
d270e0af raise (b) + 22
08580631 __1cNnsProfileLockSFatalSignalHandler6Fi_v_ (b, 0, 80457fc) + 9d
d274867f __sighndlr (b, 0, 80457fc, 8580594) + f
d273e3b0 call_user_handler (b, 0, 80457fc) + 247
d273e538 sigacthandler (b, 0, 80457fc) + bc
--- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
0974a623 __1cMnsAccessNodeG__vtbl_ (aa3d1f0, 96a6218, 8045a6c) + 5b
d2529426 __1cQnsQdDueryInterface2f6kMrknEnsID_ppv_I_ (8045a7c, 96a6218, 8045a6c) + 1e
d25294fb __1cNnsCOMPtr_baseOassign_from_qi6MknQnsQdDueryInterface_rknEnsID__v_ (8045aa8, aa3d204, 96a6218) + 27
08e60b1c __1cMnsAccessibleIShutdown6M_I_ (ab233c8) + 60
08e9e3b0 __1cMnsAccessNodePClearCacheEntry6FpkvrnInsCOMPtr4nNnsIAccessNode___pv_nPPLDHashOperator__ (ab233c8, ae7f0d8, 0) + 44
08e9e7b4 __1cPnsBaseHashtable4nNnsVoidHashKey_nInsCOMPtr4nNnsIAccessNode___Cpn0B__Ks_EnumStub6FpnMPLDHashTable_pnPPLDHashEntryHdr_Ipv_nPPLDHashOperator__ (ab1f1c4, ae7f0d0, 27, 8045b78) + 1c
d25292e6 PL_DHashTableEnumerate (ab1f1c4, 8e9e798, 8045b78) + 76
08e9e69e __1cPnsBaseHashtable4nNnsVoidHashKey_nInsCOMPtr4nNnsIAccessNode___Cpn0B__JEnumerate6MpFpkvrn0C_pv_nPPLDHashOperator_7_I_ (ab1f1c4, 8e9e36c, 0) + 2a
08e9e406 __1cMnsAccessNodeKClearCache6FrnUnsInterfaceHashtable4nNnsVoidHashKey_nNnsIAccessNode____v_ (ab1f1c4) + 16
08e9fddf __1cPnsDocAccessibleIShutdown6M_I_ (ab1f168) + 87
08e7732e __1cTnsDocAccessibleWrapIShutdown6M_I_ (ab1f168) + 1e
08e9fd4f __1cPnsDocAccessibleHDestroy6M_I_ (ab1f168) + 23
08ea5da8 __1cQnsRootAccessibleLHandleEvent6MpnLnsIDOMEvent__I_ (a0854f0, b1c933c) + 3c0
0899bb8e __1cWnsEventListenerManagerSHandleEventSubType6MpnQnsListenerStruct_pnTnsIDOMEventListener_pnLnsIDOMEvent_pnLnsISupports_II_I_ (98f49a8, a07a460, a0855a4, b1c933c, 9aa1b94, 2) + 276
0899bf37 __1cWnsEventListenerManagerLHandleEvent6MpnNnsPresContext_pnHnsEvent_ppnLnsIDOMEvent_pnLnsISupports_IpnNnsEventStatus__I_ (98f49a8, 0, 8046614, 8046100, 9aa1b94, 4) + 2cb
089b2ab2 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemLHandleEvent6MrnXnsEventChainPostVisitor_I_I_ (8046140, 80460f8, 4) + 82
089b2d23 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemWHandleEventTargetChain6MrnXnsEventChainPostVisitor_IpnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046140, 80460f8, 6, 0) + 77
089b2c4f __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046140, 804657c, 0) + eb
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (80461a0, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046200, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046260, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (80462c0, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046320, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046380, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (80463e0, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046440, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (80464a0, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046500, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b2bf6 __1cWnsEventTargetChainItemZCreateChainAndHandleEvent6MrnWnsEventChainPreVisitor_pnVnsDispatchingCallback__I_ (8046560, 804657c, 0) + 92
089b308e __1cRnsEventDispatcherIDispatch6FpnLnsISupports_pnNnsPresContext_pnHnsEvent_pnLnsIDOMEvent_pnNnsEventStatus_pnVnsDispatchingCallback_i_I_ (9e90648, 0, 8046614, 0, 0, 0) + 156
08950ded __1cKnsDocumentVDispatchEventToWindow6MpnHnsEvent__v_ (a6a8960, 8046614) + 41
089510d8 __1cKnsDocumentKOnPageHide6Mi_v_ (a6a8960, 1) + 114
087e2dae __1cSDocumentViewerImplIPageHide6Mi_I_ (a0d1dc0, 0) + 46
08c881a0 __1cKnsDocShellYFirePageHideNotification6Mi_I_ (9e849b8, 0) + 60
08c9477b __1cKnsDocShellTCreateContentViewer6MpkcpnKnsIRequest_ppnRnsIStreamListener__I_ (9e849b8, b1c9c78, b1c0424, b1b830c) + 117
08ca15a9 __1cWnsDSURIContentListenerJDoContent6MpkcipnKnsIRequest_ppnRnsIStreamListener_pi_I_ (9e85248, b1c9c78, 0, b1c0424, b1b830c, 804684c) + dd
08c67b03 __1cSnsDocumentOpenInfoSTryContentListener6MpnVnsIURIContentListener_pnKnsIChannel__i_ (b1b8300, 9e85248, b1c0424) + 1eb
08c66adc __1cSnsDocumentOpenInfoPDispatchContent6MpnKnsIRequest_pnLnsISupports__I_ (b1b8300, b1c0424, 0) + 4e0
08c66347 __1cSnsDocumentOpenInfoOOnStartRequest6MpnKnsIRequest_pnLnsISupports__I_ (b1b8300, b1c0424, 0) + 50f
0864e4eb __1cNnsHttpChannelSCallOnStartRequest6M_I_ (b1c03f8) + 1bb
08657b32 __1cNnsHttpChannelOOnStartRequest6MpnKnsIRequest_pnLnsISupports__I_ (b1c03f8, b1b8c60, 0) + ea
085eb7a1 __1cRnsInputStreamPumpMOnStateStart6M_I_ (b1b8c60) + 55
085eb6e3 __1cRnsInputStreamPumpSOnInputStreamReady6MpnTnsIAsyncInputStream__I_ (b1b8c60, b1b8cc0) + 23
d255b30b __1cXnsInputStreamReadyEventDRun6M_I_ (b1c9cd0) + 3b
d257bd2f __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (979e830, 1, 8046e24) + ef
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (979e830, 1) + 3b
087993d6 __1cOnsBaseAppShellDRun6M_I_ (97ec020) + 2a
08ee85d1 __1cMnsAppStartupDRun6M_I_ (984e0c8) + 2d
08576afa XRE_main (1, 8047138, 95bbf60) + 19e6
085706e8 main (1, 8047138, 8047140) + 18
08570642 _start (1, 80472b8, 0, 80472cc, 8047306, 8047319) + 7a
----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 --------------------
d2749625 __pollsys (cf2fbb50, 1, 0, 0) + 15
d270b377 poll (cf2fbb50, 1, ffffffff) + 52
d2031cf9 ???????? (97e9ae8, 1, ffffffff)
d2031eb6 PR_Poll (97e9ae8, 1, ffffffff) + 16
086008af __1cYnsSocketTransportServiceEPoll6MipI_i_ (97e9608, 1, cf2fbe00) + 73 086010cd __1cYnsSocketTransportServicePDoPollIteration6Mi_I_ (97e9608, 1) + 169 08600d39 __1cYnsSocketTransportServiceSOnProcessNextEvent6MpnRnsIThreadInternal_iI_I_ (97e9608, 97cbf50, 1, 1) + 4d
d257bcbd __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (97cbf50, 1, cf2fbeb0) + 7d
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (97cbf50, 1) + 3b
08600f0c __1cYnsSocketTransportServiceDRun6M_I_ (97e9608) + 1b4
d257bd2f __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (97cbf50, 1, cf2fbf60) + ef
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (97cbf50, 1) + 3b
d257b1cf __1cInsThreadKThreadFunc6Fpv_v_ (97cbf50) + 9b
d2033052 ???????? (97e9d78)
d274832f _thr_setup (d1b42400) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (d1b42400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 3 / thread# 3 --------------------
d27485d9 __lwp_park (979876c, 979e238, cf15ddf8) + 19
d27428b8 cond_wait_queue (979876c, 979e238, cf15ddf8, 0) + 3e
d2742c5f cond_wait_common (979876c, 979e238, cf15ddf8) + 1e9
d2742e8e _cond_timedwait (979876c, 979e238, cf15de70) + 4a
d2742f1f cond_timedwait (979876c, 979e238, cf15de70) + 27
d2742f5e pthread_cond_timedwait (979876c, 979e238, cf15de70) + 21
d202dec2 ???????? (979876c, 979e238, 100b)
d202e097 PR_WaitCondVar (9798768, 100b) + 67
d2580657 __1cLTimerThreadDRun6M_I_ (979e178) + e3
d257bd2f __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (9876d00, 1, cf15df60) + ef
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (9876d00, 1) + 3b
d257b1cf __1cInsThreadKThreadFunc6Fpv_v_ (9876d00) + 9b
d2033052 ???????? (9876e90)
d274832f _thr_setup (cf040000) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (cf040000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 4 / thread# 4 --------------------
d27485d9 __lwp_park (97f457c, 99cb924, ce97dda8) + 19
d27428b8 cond_wait_queue (97f457c, 99cb924, ce97dda8, 0) + 3e
d2742c5f cond_wait_common (97f457c, 99cb924, ce97dda8) + 1e9
d2742e8e _cond_timedwait (97f457c, 99cb924, ce97de20) + 4a
d2742f1f cond_timedwait (97f457c, 99cb924, ce97de20) + 27
d2742f5e pthread_cond_timedwait (97f457c, 99cb924, ce97de20) + 21
d202dec2 ???????? (97f457c, 99cb924, 23c34600)
d202e097 PR_WaitCondVar (97f4578, 23c34600) + 67
d202e371 PR_Wait (99cb920, 23c34600) + 39
d257dfe5 __1cMnsThreadPoolDRun6M_I_ (99cb828) + 119
d257bd2f __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (99cbf68, 1, ce97df60) + ef
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (99cbf68, 1) + 3b
d257b1cf __1cInsThreadKThreadFunc6Fpv_v_ (99cbf68) + 9b
d2033052 ???????? (99cc700)
d274832f _thr_setup (cf040400) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (cf040400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 5 / thread# 5 --------------------
d27485d9 __lwp_park (9c7ce24, 9cae390, 0) + 19
d27428b8 cond_wait_queue (9c7ce24, 9cae390, 0, 0) + 3e
d2742db9 _cond_wait (9c7ce24, 9cae390) + 69
d2742df9 cond_wait (9c7ce24, 9cae390) + 24
d2742e35 pthread_cond_wait (9c7ce24, 9cae390) + 1e
d202e0aa PR_WaitCondVar (9c7ce20, ffffffff) + 7a
086adaf9 ???????? (1, 9cae3f0, d25c3484, ce87defc, d2033716, ce87dec4)
086adc4c __1cQAsyncWriteThreadDRun6M_I_ (9ca2d48) + 14
d257bd2f __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (9cae3f0, 1, ce87df60) + ef
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (9cae3f0, 1) + 3b
d257b1cf __1cInsThreadKThreadFunc6Fpv_v_ (9cae3f0) + 9b
d2033052 ???????? (9cae580)
d274832f _thr_setup (cf040800) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (cf040800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 9 / thread# 9 --------------------
d27485d9 __lwp_park (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, ce77de78) + 19
d27428b8 cond_wait_queue (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, ce77de78, 0) + 3e
d2742c5f cond_wait_common (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, ce77de78) + 1e9
d2742e8e _cond_timedwait (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, ce77def0) + 4a
d2742f1f cond_timedwait (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, ce77def0) + 27
d2742f5e pthread_cond_timedwait (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, ce77def0) + 21
d202dec2 ???????? (9e9e9ac, 9ea0178, 61a8)
d202e097 PR_WaitCondVar (9e9e9a8, 61a8) + 67
08f42912 __1cLnsSSLThreadDRun6M_v_ (9ea2110) + 96
08f41821 __1cVnsPSMBackgroundThreadOnsThreadRunner6Fpv_v_ (9ea2110) + 11
d2033052 ???????? (9ea01d8)
d274832f _thr_setup (cf040c00) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (cf040c00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 10 / thread# 10 --------------------
d27485d9 __lwp_park (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, ce4fde88) + 19
d27428b8 cond_wait_queue (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, ce4fde88, 0) + 3e
d2742c5f cond_wait_common (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, ce4fde88) + 1e9
d2742e8e _cond_timedwait (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, ce4fdf00) + 4a
d2742f1f cond_timedwait (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, ce4fdf00) + 27
d2742f5e pthread_cond_timedwait (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, ce4fdf00) + 21
d202dec2 ???????? (9e9e9cc, 9ea02c8, 61a8)
d202e097 PR_WaitCondVar (9e9e9c8, 61a8) + 67
08f299c8 __1cYnsCertVerificationThreadDRun6M_v_ (9ea0278) + 64
08f41821 __1cVnsPSMBackgroundThreadOnsThreadRunner6Fpv_v_ (9ea0278) + 11
d2033052 ???????? (9ea0328)
d274832f _thr_setup (cf041400) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (cf041400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 14 / thread# 14 --------------------
d27485d9 __lwp_park (a0ff1dc, a087114, 0) + 19
d27428b8 cond_wait_queue (a0ff1dc, a087114, 0, 0) + 3e
d2742db9 _cond_wait (a0ff1dc, a087114) + 69
d2742df9 cond_wait (a0ff1dc, a087114) + 24
d2742e35 pthread_cond_wait (a0ff1dc, a087114) + 1e
d202e0aa PR_WaitCondVar (a0ff1d8, ffffffff) + 7a
d202e371 PR_Wait (a087110, ffffffff) + 39
d2579f1b __1cMnsEventQdDueueIGetEvent6MippnLnsIRunnable__i_ (a1e39b8, 1, ce67df30) + 77
d257bcff __1cInsThreadQProcessNextEvent6Mipi_I_ (a1e3998, 1, ce67df60) + bf
d2530993 __1cVNS_ProcessNextEvent_P6FpnJnsIThread_i_i_ (a1e3998, 1) + 3b
d257b1cf __1cInsThreadKThreadFunc6Fpv_v_ (a1e3998) + 9b
d2033052 ???????? (a11c510)
d274832f _thr_setup (cf041000) + 51
d2748580 _lwp_start (cf041000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
This bug could also be reproduced as follow steps:
1. Launch GOK and firefox, then leave GOK along.
2. Press Ctrl+L to focus on address bar.
3. Input a piece of link location, then press Enter to load it.
4. Repeat step 2 to step 3.
Firefox core dumped frequently.
erm. if you don't have symbols for your firefox, please build one for which you do, --disable-strip and --enable-debug or --enable-debugger-info-modules
this bug can be easier reproduced by locating to some URL after located to
no need to select Back in GOK UI Grab, just locating to some URLs with GOK running.
not everytime, but quite frequent.
Ever confirmed: true
Updated•18 years ago
Blocks: fox2access
Severity: normal → critical
accessibility code is changing a lot these days and not stable, It's hard to debug with the unstable code (In fact, GOK can't work with firefox lastest trunk build now and firefox often crashes before I can reproduce the bug). I'll leave this bug until we finished the new-atk development.
This bug is also reproducible on firefox 2.0a3 20060703 nightly build.
Comment 8•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #2)
> This bug could also be reproduced as follow steps:
> 1. Launch GOK and firefox, then leave GOK along.
> 2. Press Ctrl+L to focus on address bar.
> 3. Input a piece of link location, then press Enter to load it.
> 4. Repeat step 2 to step 3.
> Observation:
> Firefox core dumped frequently.
this is caused by bug 343375.
Tim, make sure comment 0 and comment above is description for different bugs
They looks alike for I can find same trace from core file.
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #8)
> this is caused by bug 343375.
> Tim, make sure comment 0 and comment above is description for different bugs
I don't think this bug is a dupe of bug 343375, they have different stack trace.
and I have ever reproduced this bug by both of the steps, which provided the same stack trace.
Comment 11•18 years ago
I recommend changing summary slightly based on comment #5 from "Firefox core dumps when browsing with GOK." to "Firefox core dumps when browsing with GOK or orca."
Updated•18 years ago
OS: Opensolaris → Linux
Hardware: Sun → All
Summary: Firefox core dumps when browsing with GOK. → Firefox core dumps when browsing with assistive technology
Comment 12•18 years ago
still met the core dumps with latest trunk?
Updated•18 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•18 years ago
after bug 340480 fixed, I can not reproduce this bug either, see bug 340480 comment #10.
mark as WFM. correct me if I was wrong.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #13)
> after bug 340480 fixed, I can not reproduce this bug either, see bug 340480
> comment #10.
sorry, I actually mean bug 362532, and bug 362532 comment #10.
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