Closed Bug 3835 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

incrementally adding a caption crashes


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect, P1)

Windows NT





(Reporter: buster, Assigned: karnaze)




the inner table frame is being set as the target for the caption frame insertion. This is wrong, it should be the outer table frame. I believe this is a case of bit-rot. This worked a few months ago. Since then, I know frame construction code has changed, I wonder if that's the culprit?
Priority: P3 → P1
Frame construction is probably the culprit and there used to be a comment in the code flagging this condition. Will look at after M3.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Tested on WinNT debug.
Whiteboard: Pending test case for verification
Test case is on a local drive. Could you please forward to me so I can verify?
The test case is located in mozilla/layout/html/tests/TableIncrementalReflow.html
Here is the test case <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT> var count = 1; function genName(prefix) { return "X" + count++ + "\n"; } function insertCaption() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var caption = document.createElement("CAPTION", null); var text = document.createTextNode("here is the new caption text\n"); caption.appendChild(text); table.appendChild(caption); } function deleteCaption() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var caption = document.getElementsByTagName("CAPTION")[0]; table.removeChild(caption); } function changeCaptionStyle() { var caption = document.getElementsByTagName("CAPTION")[0]; caption.align="bottom"; dump("SCRIPT: changed caption align to bottom\n"); } function changeTableStyle() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; table.width="600"; dump("SCRIPT: changed table width to 600\n"); } function insertColGroup() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var refColGroup = document.getElementsByTagName("COLGROUP")[0]; var colGroup = document.createElement("COLGROUP", null); colGroup.width=100; colGroup.span=1; table.insertBefore(colGroup, refColGroup); dump("SCRIPT: inserted COLGROUP with span=1 width=200 as first colgroup in table\n"); } function appendColGroup() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var colGroup = document.createElement("COLGROUP", null); colGroup.width=300; colGroup.span=1; table.appendChild(colGroup); dump("SCRIPT: appended COLGROUP with span=1 width=300\n"); } function deleteColGroup() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var colGroup = document.getElementsByTagName("COLGROUP")[0]; table.removeChild(colGroup); dump("SCRIPT: deleted first COLGROUP\n"); } function changeColGroupStyle() { var colGroup = document.getElementsByTagName("COLGROUP")[0]; colGroup.width="200"; dump("SCRIPT: changed default width for first COLGROUP to 200\n"); } function insertCol() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var refCol = table.getElementsByTagName("COL")[0]; var col = document.createElement("COL", null); col.width=200; col.span=1; table.insertBefore(col, refCol); dump("SCRIPT: inserted COL with span=1 width=200 as first col in first col group\n"); } function appendCol() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var col = document.createElement("COL", null); table.appendChild(col); dump("SCRIPT: appended COL with span=1 width=300\n"); } function deleteCol() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var col = document.getElementsByTagName("COL")[0]; table.removeChild(col); dump("SCRIPT: deleted first COL in first COLGROUP\n"); } function changeColStyle() { var col = document.getElementsByTagName("COL")[0]; col.width="200"; dump("SCRIPT: changed default width for first COL to 200\n"); } function insertRowGroup() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var refRowGroup = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; var rowGroup = document.createElement("TBODY", null); table.insertBefore(rowGroup, refRowGroup); dump("SCRIPT: inserted empty ROWGROUP as first rowgroup in table\n"); } function appendRowGroup() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var rowGroup = document.createElement("TBODY", null); table.appendChild(rowGroup); dump("SCRIPT: appended empty ROWGROUP\n"); } function appendRowGroupWithContent() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting appendRowGroupWithContent\n"); var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var rowGroup = document.createElement("TBODY", null); var row = document.createElement("TR", null); var cell = document.createElement("TD", null); var text = document.createTextNode("here is content in the cell from the script appendRowGroupWithContent\n"); cell.appendChild(text); row.appendChild(cell); rowGroup.appendChild(row); table.appendChild(rowGroup); dump("SCRIPT: appended ROWGROUP with 1 row and 1 cell\n"); } function deleteRowGroup() { var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var rowGroup = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; table.removeChild(rowGroup); dump("SCRIPT: deleted first ROWGROUP\n"); } function changeRowGroupStyle() { var rowGroup = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; rowGroup.align="right"; dump("SCRIPT: changed default align for first ROWGROUP to right\n"); } function insertRow() { var rg = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; var refRow = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; var row = document.createElement("TR", null); rg.insertBefore(row, refRow); dump("SCRIPT: inserted empty ROW as first row in first rowgroup in table\n"); } function appendRow() { var rg = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; var row = document.createElement("TR", null); rg.appendChild(row); dump("SCRIPT: appended empty ROW in first ROWGROUP\n"); } function appendRowWithContent() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting appendRowWithContent\n"); var rg = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; var row = document.createElement("TR", null); var cell = document.createElement("TD", null); var text = document.createTextNode(genName()); cell.appendChild(text); row.appendChild(cell); rg.appendChild(row); dump("SCRIPT: appended ROW with 1 cell in first ROWGROUP\n"); } function insertRowWithContent() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting appendRowWithContent\n"); var rg = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; var cell = document.createElement("TD", null); var text = document.createTextNode(genName()); cell.appendChild(text); row = rg.insertRow(0); row.appendChild(cell); dump("SCRIPT: inserted ROW with 1 cell in first ROWGROUP\n"); } function setRowIndex() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting setRowIndex\n"); var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; row.rowIndex = 99; dump("SCRIPT: ending setRowindex - placed 1st row at end\n"); } function setSectionRowIndex() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting setSectionRowIndex\n"); var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; row.sectionRowIndex = 99; dump("SCRIPT: ending setSectionRowindex - placed 1st row at end\n"); } function deleteRow() { var rg = document.getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; //var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; rg.deleteRow(0); dump("SCRIPT: deleted first ROW in first ROWGROUP\n"); } function changeRowStyle() { var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; row.vAlign="top"; dump("SCRIPT: changed default align for first ROW to right\n"); } // why doesn't this cell show up function insertCellNew() { var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; var cell = row.insertCell(0); var text = document.createTextNode(genName()); cell.appendChild(text); dump("SCRIPT: inserted CELL as first cell in first row\n"); } function insertCell() { var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; var refCell = document.getElementsByTagName("TD")[0]; var cell = document.createElement("TD", null); var text = document.createTextNode(genName()); cell.colSpan=2; cell.appendChild(text); row.insertBefore(cell, refCell); dump("SCRIPT: inserted CELL as first cell in first row\n"); } function appendCell() { var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; var cell = document.createElement("TD", null); var text = document.createTextNode(genName()); cell.appendChild(text); row.appendChild(cell); dump("SCRIPT: appended CELL in first ROW\n"); } function deleteCell() { var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; row.deleteCell(0); dump("SCRIPT: deleted first CELL in first ROW\n"); } function deleteCellBack() { var row = document.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0]; var cell = document.getElementsByTagName("TD")[0]; row.removeChild(cell); dump("SCRIPT: deleted first CELL in first ROW\n"); } function changeCellStyle() { var cell = document.getElementsByTagName("TD")[0]; cell.width=400; dump("SCRIPT: changed width for first CELL to 400\n"); } function setCellIndex() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting setCellIndex\n"); var cell = document.getElementsByTagName("TD")[0]; cell.cellIndex = 99; dump("SCRIPT: ending setCellIndex - placed 1st cell at end\n"); } function AddALot() { dump("\nSCRIPT: starting AddALot\n"); var table = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; var rowGroup = document.createElement("TBODY", null); var row = document.createElement("TR", null); var row1 = document.createElement("TR", null); var cell1 = document.createElement("TD", null); var cell2 = document.createElement("TD", null); var cell3 = document.createElement("TD", null); var cell4 = document.createElement("TD", null); var text1 = document.createTextNode("cell1\n"); var text2 = document.createTextNode("cell2\n"); var text3 = document.createTextNode("cell3 has the most content, and will be the tallest cell in the row\n"); var text4 = document.createTextNode("cell4\n"); cell1.appendChild(text1); cell2.appendChild(text2); cell3.appendChild(text3); cell4.appendChild(text4); row.appendChild(cell3); row.appendChild(cell4); row.insertBefore(cell2, cell3); row.insertBefore(cell1, cell2); row1.appendChild(cell2); row1.appendChild(cell1); row1.insertBefore(cell3, cell2); row1.insertBefore(cell4, cell3); rowGroup.appendChild(row); rowGroup.appendChild(row); rowGroup.appendChild(row1); rowGroup.appendChild(row1); table.appendChild(rowGroup); dump("SCRIPT: finished adding\n"); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> delete removes the first object of [type]. <table width=150 border> <tbody> <tr> <td>existing cell</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> <form> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Ins Caption" VALUE="InsertCaption" onClick="insertCaption()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Del Caption" VALUE="DeleteCaption" onClick="deleteCaption()" width=100> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Ins ColGroup" VALUE="InsertCG" onClick="insertColGroup()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App ColGroup" VALUE="AppendCG" onClick="appendColGroup()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Del ColGroup" VALUE="DeleteCG" onClick="deleteColGroup()" width=100> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Ins Col" VALUE="InsertCol" onClick="insertCol()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App Col" VALUE="AppendCol" onClick="appendCol()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Del Col" VALUE="DeleteCol" onClick="deleteCol()" width=100> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Ins RowGroup" VALUE="InsertRG" onClick="insertRowGroup()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App RowGroup" VALUE="AppendRG" onClick="appendRowGroup()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Del RowGroup" VALUE="DeleteRG" onClick="deleteRowGroup()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App RowGroup with content" VALUE="AppendRG with content" onClick="appendRowGroupWithContent()" width=100> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Ins Row" VALUE="InsertRow" onClick="insertRow()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App Row" VALUE="AppendRow" onClick="appendRow()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Del Row" VALUE="DeleteRow" onClick="deleteRow()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App Row with content" VALUE="AppendRow with content" onClick="appendRowWithContent()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App Row with content" VALUE="InsertRow with content" onClick="insertRowWithContent()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Set Row Index" VALUE="Set Row Index" onClick="setRowIndex()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Set Section Row Index" VALUE="Set Section Row Index" onClick="setSectionRowIndex()"> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Ins Cell" VALUE="InsertCell" onClick="insertCell()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="App Cell" VALUE="AppendCell" onClick="appendCell()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Del Cell" VALUE="DeleteCell" onClick="deleteCell()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Set Cell Index" VALUE="Set Cell Index" onClick="setCellIndex()" width=100> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Add a lot" VALUE="AddALot" onClick="AddALot()" width=100> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change Table Style" VALUE="ChangeTableStyle" onClick="changeTableStyle()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change Caption Style" VALUE="ChangeCaptionStyle" onClick="changeCaptionStyle()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change ColGroup Style" VALUE="ChangeColGroupStyle" onClick="changeColGroupStyle()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change Col Style" VALUE="ChangeColStyle" onClick="changeColStyle()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change RowGroup Style" VALUE="ChangeRowGroupStyle" onClick="changeRowGroupStyle()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change Row Style" VALUE="ChangeRowStyle" onClick="changeRowStyle()" width=100> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Change Cell Style" VALUE="ChangeCellStyle" onClick="changeCellStyle()" width=100> </form> </BODY></HTML>
Whiteboard: Pending test case for verification → 3/29: Pending test case for verification
Whiteboard: 3/29: Pending test case for verification
Using 3/26 build, verifying bug fixed. No crashes.
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