Bug 4153
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
With text selected, selecting Cut or Copy will cause a crash.
(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P1)
(Reporter: chrispetersen, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)
Version: Apprunner
Build: March 22
Platform: Mac version only
Expected Result: To either copy or cut the selected text.
What I got: A crash.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Launch Apprunner
2) In Editor, select some text in the default document.
3) Click on Copy or Cut icons or choose Cut or Copy from the Edit menu.
4) A crash occurs.
Reporter | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Priority: P3 → P1
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: kostello → akkana
Comment 1•26 years ago
Akkana -- this sounds like a new bug. Could you get the assistant of one of
the Editor Mac folks to help you track this down?
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 2•26 years ago
Pavlov said he was seeing a crash in selection (i.e. copy/paste) over the
weekend, but I'm not seeing it Monday. Simon or Joe, do you see this, and if
so, can you get a stack trace to show where it's crashing.
Reporter | ||
Updated•26 years ago
QA Contact: 4079 → 4144
Comment 3•26 years ago
i see the crash - for me it's in nsParser::WillBuildModel(). It's using a
register that has contents of DBDBDBDB.
Comment 4•26 years ago
Joe, what exactly do you do to reproduce the crash?
I think Rick recently changed something in the way copy/paste interface with the
parser. Rick, any ideas?
Comment 5•26 years ago
Akkana, I just select any text in apprunner (-editor) and click on the copy
I just walked through the code with Patrick Beard. The DTD/Parsing stuff is
fine, and a valid buffer is generated. In the nsSelectMGr::CopyToClipboard()
method the contents look good. But then the data doesn't make it to the
clipboard. I suspect something macish -- but I'm no expert.
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: akkana → jfrancis
Comment 7•26 years ago
Joe volunteered to take a look at this.
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 8•26 years ago
accepting bug; cc'ing Greg
Updated•26 years ago
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 9•26 years ago
Now that I've picked up Rick's latest, the problem is gone.
Reporter | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•26 years ago
It still crashs in the March 26th Mac Build.
Reporter | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•26 years ago
Please obtain a MacsBug log.
Reporter | ||
Comment 12•26 years ago
Here is the contents of the log file:
MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98
NMI (user entered MacsBug on purpose)
31-Mar-1999 1:08:28 PM (since boot = 4 minutes)
Current application is ÒapprunnerÓ
Machine = 510 (PowerMacG3), System $0850, sysu = $01008000
ROM version $077D, $45F2, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
VM is on; paging is currently safe
NIL^ = $FFC10000
Stack space used = -4110820
Address FFD576A4 is in the ROM at HNoPurge+0003C
It is in the CFM fragment ÒInterfaceLibÓ at FFD3BE00
It is 0001B8A4 bytes from the start of the fragment
and 0000B0E4 bytes into a non-writeable code section at FFD4C5C0
PowerPC 740/750 Registers
PC = FFD576A4 CR 0010 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1000
LR = 17A0ED60 <>=O XEVO
CTR = 0022D8C8
MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count
Int = 0 XER 000 00 00 MQ = 0778D1D0
R0 = FFD57694 R8 = 00000000 R16 = 0778CA10 R24 = 000003FC
SP = 0778C540 R9 = 00000000 R17 = 0778CB24 R25 = 0000301C
TOC = 0002F1B8 R10 = 00000000 R18 = D1D0007A R26 = 0820D530
R3 = 00000000 R11 = 00297038 R19 = 073C4FF0 R27 = 00000998
R4 = FFFFFF93 R12 = 17A0ED60 R20 = 07B2B730 R28 = 006A56AC
R5 = 0000A04A R13 = 00000000 R21 = 0778D1D0 R29 = 006A6DE0
R6 = 68FFF740 R14 = 0778D1D0 R22 = 00000000 R30 = 006A5705
R7 = 002329A0 R15 = 00000000 R23 = 00000004 R31 = 0778C648
Disassembling PowerPC code from FFD5767C
+00014 FFD5767C addi r6,r3,0x0000 |
+00018 FFD57680 addi r3,r5,0x0000 |
+0001C FFD57684 lis r5,0x0001 |
+00020 FFD57688 subic r5,r5,0x5FB6 |
+00024 FFD5768C addic r4,r0,0x3802 |
+00028 FFD57690 bl CallOSTrapUniversalProc ; 0xFFD4FB70 |
+0002C FFD57694 lwz RTOC,0x0014(SP) |
+00030 FFD57698 lwz r12,0x0048(SP) |
+00034 FFD5769C addic SP,SP,0x0040 |
+00038 FFD576A0 mtlr r12 ; LR = 0x0008 |
+0003C FFD576A4 *blr |
+00000 FFD576A8 addi r7,r4,0x0000 |
+00004 FFD576AC mflr r0 ; LR = 0x0008 |
+00008 FFD576B0 stwu SP,-0x0040(SP) |
+0000C FFD576B4 stw r0,0x0048(SP) |
+00010 FFD576B8 lwz r0,OSDispatch(r0) |
+00014 FFD576BC addi r6,r3,0x0000 |
+00018 FFD576C0 addic r3,r0,0x0000 |
+0001C FFD576C4 li r4,0x0FBE |
Heap zones
#1 Mod 8403K 00002800 to 008376BF SysZone^
#2 Mod 6K 000145C0 to 000160DF ROM read-only zone
#3 Mod 256K 006AA520 to 006EA51F
#4 Mod 117920K 008376C0 to 07B5FA9F Process Manager zone
#5 Mod 9801K 06DAE9F0 to 077410EF ÒapprunnerÓ ApplZone^ TheZone^
#6 Mod 942K 0778D200 to 07878CFF ÒFinderÓ
#7 Mod 187K 078DC400 to 0790B1AF ÒFile Sharing ExtensionÓ
#8 Mod 18K 079166A0 to 0791AF5F
#9 Mod 83K 07A31810 to 07A4670F ÒTime SynchronizerÓ
#10 Mod 361K 07A54FA0 to 07AAF69F ÒFolder ActionsÓ
#11 Mod 89K 07B00250 to 07B1694F ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ
#12 Mod 2047K 08100000 to 082FFFDF
#13 Mod 288K 08161370 to 081A936F
#14 Mod 27K 0820D450 to 0821417F
Checking all heaps
The System heap at 00002800 is ok
The ROM read-only heap at 000145C0 is ok
The heap at 006AA520 is ok
The Process Manager heap at 008376C0 is ok
The ÒapprunnerÓ heap at 06DAE9F0 is ok
The ÒFinderÓ heap at 0778D200 is ok
The ÒFile Sharing ExtensionÓ heap at 078DC400 is ok
The heap at 079166A0 is ok
The ÒTime SynchronizerÓ heap at 07A31810 is ok
The ÒFolder ActionsÓ heap at 07A54FA0 is ok
The ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ heap at 07B00250 is ok
Totaling the ÒapprunnerÓ heap at 06DAE9F0
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 0036 #54 00235CA0 #2317472
Nonrelocatable 008E #142 00692D8C #6892940
Relocatable 0125 #293 000C9C90 #826512
Locked 0002 #2 000C6150 #811344
Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0
Heap size 01E9 #489 009926BC #10036924
The target heap is the System heap at 00002800
Totaling the System heap at 00002800
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 0009 #9 00000940 #2368
Nonrelocatable 09F9 #2553 0042DA2C #4381228
Relocatable 0B70 #2928 00406B10 #4221712
Locked 01DA #474 00368CD0 #3574992
Purgeable and not locked 002B #43 00013720 #79648
Heap size 1572 #5490 00834E7C #8605308
The target heap is the ÒapprunnerÓ heap at 06DAE9F0
Displaying File Control Blocks
fRef File Vol Type Fl Fork LEof
0002 System Gizmo zsys dW rsrc #6316421
0060 **** EXTENTS B-TREE Gizmo ¥¥¥¥ dw data #4194304
00BE **** CATALOG B-TREE Gizmo ¥¥¥¥ dw data #4194304
011C **** VOLUME BITMAP Gizmo ¥¥¥¥ dw data #135168
017A VM Storage Gizmo ZSYS dW data #137363456
01D8 System Resources Gizmo zsyr dw rsrc #727502
17E0 System Gizmo zsys dw data #4072175
183E Open Tpt AppleTalk LiÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #502792
189C WorldScript II ResourÉ Gizmo pref dW rsrc #5558
18FA WorldScript II Gizmo scri dw data #31558
1958 Open Transport Library Gizmo libr dw rsrc #524771
19B6 OpenTransportLib Gizmo otsl dw data #501392
1A14 Shared Library ManageÉ Gizmo INIT dw rsrc #211694
1A72 Open Transport Library Gizmo libr dw rsrc #524771
1AD0 Open Tpt AppleTalk LiÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #502792
1B2E Open Tpt Internet LibÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #461056
1B8C OpenTpt Remote Access Gizmo libr dw rsrc #1083183
1BEA OpenTptAppleTalkLib Gizmo otsl dw data #48738
1C48 OpenTpt Modem Gizmo libr dw rsrc #91506
1CA6 OpenTpt Remote Access Gizmo libr dw rsrc #1083183
1D04 Remote Access Log Gizmo lzlg dW data #69632
1D62 Open Transport Library Gizmo libr dw rsrc #524771
1DC0 Serial (Built-in) Gizmo libr dw rsrc #63254
1E1E OpenTpt Serial ArbitrÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #7974
1E7C OpenTpt Serial ArbitrÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #7974
1EDA ATI Video Memory ManaÉ Gizmo shlb dw data #25104
1F38 Users & Groups Data FÉ Gizmo BTFL dW data #69632
1F96 Apple Guide Gizmo INIT dw data #417352
1FF4 ColorSync Extension Gizmo appe dw data #301152
2052 Contextual Menu ExtenÉ Gizmo INIT dw data #66663
20B0 SOMobjectsª for Mac OS Gizmo shlb dw data #129152
210E GXGraphics Gizmo INIT dw data #2323856
216C QuickTimeª Gizmo INIT dw data #369846
21CA Sound Manager Gizmo INIT dw data #15008
2228 Speech Recognition Gizmo INIT dw data #1111510
2286 Speech Manager Gizmo INIT dw data #4000
22E4 ~ATMª Gizmo cdev dw data #881790
23A0 Finder Gizmo FNDR dW rsrc #638602
23FE Control Strip ExtensiÉ Gizmo appe dW rsrc #67084
245C Users & Groups Data FÉ Gizmo BTFL dW data #69632
24BA Find CM Items Gizmo cmpi dw data #21987
2518 Folder Actions Gizmo appe dW rsrc #4877
2576 Time Synchronizer Gizmo appe dW rsrc #6319
25D4 Finder Gizmo FNDR dw data #1870234
2632 Color Picker Gizmo INIT dw data #6400
2690 File Sharing Library Gizmo shlb dw rsrc #3190
26EE File Sharing Library Gizmo shlb dw data #91214
274C Finder Preferences Gizmo pref dW rsrc #818
27AA apprunner Gizmo APPL dW rsrc #428
2808 Desktop DB Gizmo BTFL dW data #278528
2866 Desktop DF Gizmo DTFL dW data #1974034
28C4 Time Synchronizer Gizmo appe dw data #37169
2922 OpenTptInternetLib Gizmo otsl dw data #257182
2980 PrintingLib Gizmo shlb dw data #1103024
29DE Folder Actions Gizmo appe dw data #17331
2A3C File Sharing Extension Gizmo INIT dW rsrc #194076
2A9A AppleScriptLib Gizmo shlb dw data #22636
2AF8 971003_1226 ¥¥¥¥ dw data #0
2B56 Folder Actions Menus Gizmo cmpi dw data #10205
2BB4 Control Strip ExtensiÉ Gizmo appe dw data #3160
2C12 apprunner Gizmo APPL dw data #10401
2C70 AppleTalk Switch Gizmo sdev dw data #5066
2CCE File Sharing Strip Gizmo sdev dw data #8634
2D2C File Sharing Library Gizmo shlb dw rsrc #3190
2D8A Monitor BitDepth Gizmo sdev dw data #4794
2DE8 Monitor Resolution Gizmo sdev dw data #9750
2E46 Sound Volume Gizmo sdev dw data #4154
2EA4 Video Mirroring Gizmo sdev dw data #4426
2F02 Web Sharing CS Gizmo sdev dw data #21334
2F60 AppleShare PDS Gizmo BTFL dW data #139264
2FBE 971003_1226 PDF Gizmo BTFL dW data #69632
301C NSRuntime.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #15350
307A NSStdLib.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #283936
30D8 NSPR20.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #199445
3136 base.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #211564
3194 xpcom.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #81344
31F2 libreg.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #35213
3250 NetworkModular.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #562514
32AE JavaScript.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #386952
330C libpref.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #46069
336A zlib.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #42061
33C8 libimg.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #118236
3426 libutil.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #2918
3484 JPEG.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #59697
34E2 uconv.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #35472
3540 ucvlatin.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #15910
359E ucvja.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #64189
35FC strres.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #8063
365A unicharutil.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #8941
36B8 nslocale.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #23979
3716 lwbrk.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #13370
3774 AppShell.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #50773
37D2 dom.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #474821
3830 widget.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #190689
388E gfx.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #131703
38EC QuickTimeª PowerPlug Gizmo INIT dw data #219681
394A WASTELib Gizmo shlb dw data #117737
39A8 AppCores.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #134562
3A06 webshell.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #97513
3A64 layout.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #2725128
3AC2 htmlparser.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #226273
3B20 plugin.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #45081
3B7E EditorCore.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #139930
3BDC rdf.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #456487
3C3A ucvja2.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #44831
3C98 oji.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #76615
3CF6 LiveConnect.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #93549
3D54 view.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #58366
3DB2 EditorTxmgr.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #16797
3E10 StdLog Gizmo TEXT dW data #12762
#200 FCBs, #170 in use (including #60 fonts not listed), #30 free
Displaying Driver Control Entries
No drivers are busy.
Displaying resource information:
> Map $06DAEB78, flags $0000, file $27AA = apprunner
+ Map $00003204, flags $801A, file $0003 = ¥ROM resources that override
S Map $00003410, flags $200D, file $0002 = System
Map $002CC6B4, flags $001C, file $189C = WorldScript II Resources
Map $0000315C, flags $0014, file $01D8 = System Resources
[Skipped $003C maps belonging to font files]
Calling chain using A6/R1 links
Back chain ISA Caller
0778C929 PPC 0022EA2C EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014
0778C8C0 PPC 0075A6D8 'WDEF 0040 0002'+00148
0778C880 PPC 182438E4 DocWindowEntry+0015C
0778C7A0 PPC 182433A4
0778C760 PPC 1824125C
0778C710 PPC FFD5F554 GetFontInfo+0001C
0778C6D0 PPC 180D9480 NQDGetFontInfo+000B0
0778C660 PPC 180D9318 ScaleFontInfo+001F0
0778C610 PPC FFD55E4C FMSwapFont+0001C
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller
0778C908 68K 180EF512 NQDTextMode+00016
0778C8EC 68K 006503F2
0778C8C8 PPC 0022EA2C EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014
0778C888 0778C880 PPC 0075A6D8 'WDEF 0040 0002'+00148
0778C7E8 68K 00300F8A
0778C7DC PPC 0022DBEC M68kToPowerPCEntry+0005C
0778C7CA 68K FFC7E09E _FreeAlert+00E34
0778C7B8 0778C7B0 PPC 002714C8 CFLRemoveLoader+003DC
0778C7A8 0778C7A0 PPC 182438E4 DocWindowEntry+0015C
0778C778 68K FFC7E6B4 _FreeAlert+0144A
0778C768 0778C760 PPC 182433A4
0778C728 0778C720 PPC FFD5F34C TextSize+00018
0778C718 0778C710 PPC 1824125C
0778C708 0778C700 PPC 182451F0 SideUtilityWindowEntry+013DC
0778C6E8 68K 180EF61E NQDTextSize+00016
0778C6D8 0778C6D0 PPC FFD5F554 GetFontInfo+0001C
0778C6B8 0778C6B0 PPC 181DF074 NormalizeColorAndPen+00060
0778C678 0778C670 PPC 1802071C QDSetPatternOrigin+0001C
0778C668 0778C660 PPC 180D9480 NQDGetFontInfo+000B0
0778C658 PPC 180C3EC8 __HGetState+00014
0778C638 68K 180EF512 NQDTextMode+00016
0778C628 0778C620 PPC FFD5789C SetZone+00028
0778C618 0778C610 PPC 180D9318 ScaleFontInfo+001F0
0778C5F8 0778C5F0 PPC FFD5E290 RGBBackColor+0001C
0778C5E8 0778C5E0 PPC 18032248 NQDBackPat+00020
0778C5D8 0778C5D0 PPC FFD55E4C FMSwapFont+0001C
0778C588 0778C580 PPC 1803889C NQDInvertArc+00054
0778C568 0778C560 PPC FFD5E9C4 Color2Index+0001C
0778C548 0778C540 PPC 17A0ED5C ATMFMSwapFont+002D8
Displaying memory from 0
00000000 FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000 0020 1946 0020 1948 ÿÁ¥¥ÿÁ¥¥¥ ¥F¥ ¥H
00000010 0020 194A 0020 194C FFC0 3058 FFC0 305A ¥ ¥J¥ ¥LÿÀ0XÿÀ0Z
Closing log
MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98
PowerPC TVector break at FFD61060 ExitToShell
31-Mar-1999 2:04:48 PM (since boot = 59 minutes)
Current application is ÒapprunnerÓ
Machine = 510 (PowerMacG3), System $0850, sysu = $01008000
ROM version $077D, $45F2, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
VM is on; paging is currently safe
NIL^ = $FFC10000
Stack space used = -4110820
Address FFD61060 is in the ROM at ExitToShell
It is in the CFM fragment ÒInterfaceLibÓ at FFD3BE00
It is 00025260 bytes from the start of the fragment
and 00014AA0 bytes into a non-writeable code section at FFD4C5C0
PowerPC 740/750 Registers
PC = FFD61060 CR 0100 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0110
LR = 1761CE44 <>=O XEVO
CTR = 080B8664
MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count
Int = 0 XER 000 00 00 MQ = 073D71C0
R0 = 080B8664 R8 = 00000240 R16 = 00000000 R24 = 00000000
SP = 0778AEA0 R9 = 00000103 R17 = 00000000 R25 = 073CDFD8
TOC = 0002F1B8 R10 = 00000103 R18 = 00000000 R26 = 06F17E4C
R3 = 00000000 R11 = 00000103 R19 = 00000000 R27 = 0778B4B0
R4 = 06DB9B94 R12 = 0002B7C4 R20 = 00000000 R28 = 06FECAC8
R5 = 073ED140 R13 = 06E24254 R21 = 073C2040 R29 = 00000001
R6 = 17066280 R14 = 00000000 R22 = 06FEBB80 R30 = 06DB998C
R7 = 172A1DBC R15 = 0778BB30 R23 = 06EEE278 R31 = 06DB9994
Disassembling PowerPC code from FFD61038
+0001C FFD61038 bl CallUniversalProc ; 0xFFD4C8B8 |
+00020 FFD6103C lwz RTOC,0x0014(SP) |
+00024 FFD61040 lwz r12,0x0048(SP) |
+00028 FFD61044 stw r3,0x0038(SP) |
+0002C FFD61048 addi r4,SP,0x0000 |
+00030 FFD6104C addic SP,SP,0x0040 |
+00034 FFD61050 mtlr r12 ; LR = 0x0008 |
+00038 FFD61054 lhau r3,0x003A(r4) |
+0003C FFD61058 blr |
+00040 FFD6105C dc.l 0x00000000 |
+00000 FFD61060 *mflr r0 ; LR = 0x0008 |
+00004 FFD61064 stwu SP,-0x0040(SP) |
+00008 FFD61068 stw r0,0x0048(SP) |
+0000C FFD6106C lwz r3,ExitToShell(r0) |
+00010 FFD61070 li r4,0x0000 |
+00014 FFD61074 bl CallUniversalProc ; 0xFFD4C8B8 |
+00018 FFD61078 lwz RTOC,0x0014(SP) |
+0001C FFD6107C lwz r12,0x0048(SP) |
+00020 FFD61080 addic SP,SP,0x0040 |
Heap zones
#1 Mod 8945K 00002800 to 008BECCF SysZone^
#2 Mod 6K 000145C0 to 000160DF ROM read-only zone
#3 Mod 256K 006AA520 to 006EA51F
#4 Mod 117379K 008BECD0 to 07B5FA9F Process Manager zone
#5 Mod 9801K 06DAE9F0 to 077410EF ÒapprunnerÓ ApplZone^ TheZone^
#6 Mod 942K 0778D200 to 07878CFF ÒFinderÓ
#7 Mod 187K 078DC400 to 0790B1AF ÒFile Sharing ExtensionÓ
#8 Mod 18K 079166A0 to 0791AF5F
#9 Mod 83K 07A31810 to 07A4670F ÒTime SynchronizerÓ
#10 Mod 361K 07A54FA0 to 07AAF69F ÒFolder ActionsÓ
#11 Mod 89K 07B00250 to 07B1694F ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ
#12 Mod 3071K 08100000 to 083FFFCF
#13 Mod 288K 08161370 to 081A936F
#14 Mod 27K 0820D450 to 0821417F
Checking all heaps
The System heap at 00002800 is ok
The ROM read-only heap at 000145C0 is ok
The heap at 006AA520 is ok
The Process Manager heap at 008BECD0 is ok
The ÒapprunnerÓ heap at 06DAE9F0 is ok
The ÒFinderÓ heap at 0778D200 is ok
The ÒFile Sharing ExtensionÓ heap at 078DC400 is ok
The heap at 079166A0 is ok
The ÒTime SynchronizerÓ heap at 07A31810 is ok
The ÒFolder ActionsÓ heap at 07A54FA0 is ok
The ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ heap at 07B00250 is ok
Totaling the ÒapprunnerÓ heap at 06DAE9F0
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 005A #90 00234260 #2310752
Nonrelocatable 008E #142 00692D8C #6892940
Relocatable 01B1 #433 000CB6D0 #833232
Locked 0002 #2 000C6150 #811344
Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0
Heap size 0299 #665 009926BC #10036924
The target heap is the System heap at 00002800
Totaling the System heap at 00002800
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 0062 #98 00012A40 #76352
Nonrelocatable 0A3C #2620 0046DAFC #4643580
Relocatable 0BAE #2990 0043BF50 #4439888
Locked 01F4 #500 003725D0 #3614160
Purgeable and not locked 0071 #113 0003E7C0 #255936
Heap size 164C #5708 008BC48C #9159820
The target heap is the ÒapprunnerÓ heap at 06DAE9F0
Displaying File Control Blocks
fRef File Vol Type Fl Fork LEof
0002 System Gizmo zsys dW rsrc #6316421
0060 **** EXTENTS B-TREE Gizmo ¥¥¥¥ dw data #4194304
00BE **** CATALOG B-TREE Gizmo ¥¥¥¥ dw data #4194304
011C **** VOLUME BITMAP Gizmo ¥¥¥¥ dw data #135168
017A VM Storage Gizmo ZSYS dW data #138412032
01D8 System Resources Gizmo zsyr dw rsrc #727502
17E0 System Gizmo zsys dw data #4072175
183E Open Tpt AppleTalk LiÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #502792
189C WorldScript II ResourÉ Gizmo pref dW rsrc #5558
18FA WorldScript II Gizmo scri dw data #31558
1958 Open Transport Library Gizmo libr dw rsrc #524771
19B6 OpenTransportLib Gizmo otsl dw data #501392
1A14 Shared Library ManageÉ Gizmo INIT dw rsrc #211694
1A72 Open Transport Library Gizmo libr dw rsrc #524771
1AD0 Open Tpt AppleTalk LiÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #502792
1B2E Open Tpt Internet LibÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #461056
1B8C OpenTpt Remote Access Gizmo libr dw rsrc #1083183
1BEA OpenTptAppleTalkLib Gizmo otsl dw data #48738
1C48 OpenTpt Modem Gizmo libr dw rsrc #91506
1CA6 OpenTpt Remote Access Gizmo libr dw rsrc #1083183
1D04 Remote Access Log Gizmo lzlg dW data #69632
1D62 Open Transport Library Gizmo libr dw rsrc #524771
1DC0 Serial (Built-in) Gizmo libr dw rsrc #63254
1E1E OpenTpt Serial ArbitrÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #7974
1E7C OpenTpt Serial ArbitrÉ Gizmo libr dw rsrc #7974
1EDA ATI Video Memory ManaÉ Gizmo shlb dw data #25104
1F38 Users & Groups Data FÉ Gizmo BTFL dW data #69632
1F96 Apple Guide Gizmo INIT dw data #417352
1FF4 ColorSync Extension Gizmo appe dw data #301152
2052 Contextual Menu ExtenÉ Gizmo INIT dw data #66663
20B0 SOMobjectsª for Mac OS Gizmo shlb dw data #129152
210E GXGraphics Gizmo INIT dw data #2323856
216C QuickTimeª Gizmo INIT dw data #369846
21CA Sound Manager Gizmo INIT dw data #15008
2228 Speech Recognition Gizmo INIT dw data #1111510
2286 Speech Manager Gizmo INIT dw data #4000
22E4 ~ATMª Gizmo cdev dw data #881790
23A0 Finder Gizmo FNDR dW rsrc #638602
23FE Control Strip ExtensiÉ Gizmo appe dW rsrc #67084
245C Users & Groups Data FÉ Gizmo BTFL dW data #69632
24BA Find CM Items Gizmo cmpi dw data #21987
2518 Folder Actions Gizmo appe dW rsrc #4877
2576 Time Synchronizer Gizmo appe dW rsrc #6319
25D4 Finder Gizmo FNDR dw data #1870234
2632 Color Picker Gizmo INIT dw data #6400
2690 File Sharing Library Gizmo shlb dw rsrc #3190
26EE File Sharing Library Gizmo shlb dw data #91214
274C Finder Preferences Gizmo pref dW rsrc #818
27AA Internet Config ExtenÉ Gizmo thng dw data #27708
2808 Desktop DB Gizmo BTFL dW data #278528
2866 Desktop DF Gizmo DTFL dW data #1974034
28C4 Time Synchronizer Gizmo appe dw data #37169
2922 OpenTptInternetLib Gizmo otsl dw data #257182
2980 PrintingLib Gizmo shlb dw data #1103024
29DE Folder Actions Gizmo appe dw data #17331
2A3C File Sharing Extension Gizmo INIT dW rsrc #194076
2A9A AppleScriptLib Gizmo shlb dw data #22636
2AF8 971003_1226 ¥¥¥¥ dw data #0
2B56 Folder Actions Menus Gizmo cmpi dw data #10205
2BB4 Control Strip ExtensiÉ Gizmo appe dw data #3160
2C12 apprunner Gizmo APPL dW rsrc #428
2C70 AppleTalk Switch Gizmo sdev dw data #5066
2CCE File Sharing Strip Gizmo sdev dw data #8634
2D2C File Sharing Library Gizmo shlb dw rsrc #3190
2D8A Monitor BitDepth Gizmo sdev dw data #4794
2DE8 Monitor Resolution Gizmo sdev dw data #9750
2E46 Sound Volume Gizmo sdev dw data #4154
2EA4 Video Mirroring Gizmo sdev dw data #4426
2F02 Web Sharing CS Gizmo sdev dw data #21334
2F60 AppleShare PDS Gizmo BTFL dW data #139264
2FBE 971003_1226 PDF Gizmo BTFL dW data #69632
301C apprunner Gizmo APPL dw data #10401
307A NSRuntime.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #15350
30D8 NSStdLib.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #283936
3136 NSPR20.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #199445
3194 base.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #211564
31F2 xpcom.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #81344
3250 libreg.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #35213
32AE NetworkModular.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #562514
330C JavaScript.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #386952
336A libpref.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #46069
33C8 zlib.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #42061
3426 libimg.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #118236
3484 libutil.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #2918
34E2 JPEG.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #59697
3540 uconv.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #35472
359E ucvlatin.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #15910
35FC ucvja.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #64189
365A strres.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #8063
36B8 unicharutil.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #8941
3716 nslocale.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #23979
3774 lwbrk.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #13370
37D2 AppShell.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #50773
3830 dom.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #474821
388E widget.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #190689
38EC gfx.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #131703
394A QuickTimeª PowerPlug Gizmo INIT dw data #219681
39A8 WASTELib Gizmo shlb dw data #117737
3A06 AppCores.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #134562
3A64 webshell.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #97513
3AC2 layout.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #2725128
3B20 htmlparser.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #226273
3B7E plugin.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #45081
3BDC EditorCore.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #139930
3C3A rdf.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #456487
3C98 ucvja2.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #44831
3CF6 oji.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #76615
3D54 LiveConnect.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #93549
3DB2 view.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #58366
3E10 EditorTxmgr.shlb Gizmo shlb dw data #16797
3E6E StdLog Gizmo TEXT dW data #28704
#200 FCBs, #171 in use (including #60 fonts not listed), #29 free
Displaying Driver Control Entries
No drivers are busy.
Displaying resource information:
> Map $06DAEB78, flags $0000, file $2C12 = apprunner
+ Map $00003204, flags $801A, file $0003 = ¥ROM resources that override
S Map $00003410, flags $200D, file $0002 = System
Map $002CC6B4, flags $001C, file $189C = WorldScript II Resources
Map $0000315C, flags $0014, file $01D8 = System Resources
[Skipped $003C maps belonging to font files]
Calling chain using A6/R1 links
Back chain ISA Caller
00000000 PPC 17699A50
0778CF40 PPC 17698BA8 main+0053C
0778CE50 PPC 17416D24 nsAppShellService::Run()+00018
0778CE10 PPC 17355878 nsAppShell::Run()+00038
0778CD90 PPC 173561A0 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C
0778CD40 PPC 17356334 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int, EventRecord*)+
0778CCF0 PPC 17356804 nsMacMessagePump::DoMouseUp(EventRecord&)+0004C
0778CCA0 PPC 17356C3C
nsMacMessagePump::DispatchOSEventToRaptor(EventRecord&, GrafPort
0778CC50 PPC 173511D4 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchOSEvent(EventRecord&,
0778CC10 PPC 1734D3B0 nsMacWindow::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+00020
0778CBB0 PPC 1734D714 nsMacEventHandler::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+0009C
0778CB70 PPC 1734E4E0 nsMacEventHandler::HandleMouseUpEvent(EventRecord&)+
0778CAF0 PPC 17339730 nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+00058
0778CA90 PPC 17339678 nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent&)+00018
0778CA50 PPC 173395A4 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&
0778CA00 PPC 16F6E860 HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*)+00058
0778C9B0 PPC 16F6CA6C nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*,
0778C870 PPC 16F702E8 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int,
0778C7F0 PPC 16F67894 nsScrollingView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned
int, nsEventS
0778C7A0 PPC 16F702E8 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int,
0778C720 PPC 16F702E8 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int,
0778C6A0 PPC 16F70378 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int,
0778C620 PPC 1707CD28 PresShell::HandleEvent(nsIView*, nsGUIEvent*,
0778C5B0 PPC 170F5F2C nsEventStateManager::PostHandleEvent(nsIPresContext&
, nsGUIEvent
*, nsIFrame*, nsEventStatus&)+00170
0778C550 PPC 170F67E8
nsEventStateManager::CheckForAndDispatchClick(nsIPresContext&, n
sMouseEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+001F0
0778C4B0 PPC 16FE103C RDFElementImpl::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext&,
nsEvent*, nsIDOM
Event**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&)+001E8
0778C410 PPC 170F49CC nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext&,
nsEvent*, n
sIDOMEvent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&)+00310
0778C330 PPC 173E1FD4 nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent*)+0015C
0778C2A0 PPC 174AE0E0 JS_CallFunctionValue+00014
0778C260 PPC 174C6528 js_CallFunctionValue+000B8
0778C1B0 PPC 174C6328 js_Invoke+0057C
0778C0D0 PPC 174CC1B4 js_Interpret+055F0
0778BEB0 PPC 174C6328 js_Invoke+0057C
0778BDD0 PPC 174CC1B4 js_Interpret+055F0
0778BBB0 PPC 174C62D0 js_Invoke+00524
0778BAD0 PPC 1730CA98 EditorAppCoreCut(JSContext*, JSObject*, unsigned
int, long*, lon
0778BA80 PPC 1730B3A4 nsEditorAppCore::Cut()+0002C
0778BA40 PPC 1612BA10 nsHTMLEditor::Cut()+0000C
0778BA00 PPC 161231FC nsTextEditor::Cut()+0000C
0778B9C0 PPC 1611D4B4 nsEditor::Cut()+0001C
0778B980 PPC 1612BA5C nsHTMLEditor::Copy()+0000C
0778B940 PPC 16123248 nsTextEditor::Copy()+0000C
0778B900 PPC 1611D560 nsEditor::Copy()+0004C
0778B8C0 PPC 1707B774 PresShell::DoCopy(nsISelectionMgr*)+0023C
0778B800 PPC 1703A36C nsParser::Parse(nsString&, void*, const nsString&,
int, int)+002
0778B6F0 PPC 1703A4BC nsParser::ResumeParse(nsIDTD*)+0008C
0778B6A0 PPC 1703A5FC nsParser::BuildModel()+0006C
0778B660 PPC 1703BFF8 nsXIFDTD::BuildModel(nsIParser*, nsITokenizer*,
*, nsIContentSink*)+00078
0778B610 PPC 1703C21C nsXIFDTD::HandleToken(CToken*, nsIParser*)+0007C
0778B5C0 PPC 17038B7C CTokenHandler::operator()(CToken*, nsIDTD*)+0002C
0778B580 PPC 1703B810 XIFDispatchTokenHandler(CToken*, nsIDTD*)+000F4
0778B530 PPC 1703C3B8 nsXIFDTD::HandleWhiteSpaceToken(CToken*)+000A8
0778B470 PPC 17052850 nsHTMLToTXTSinkStream::AddLeaf(const nsIParserNode&
0778B430 PPC 1705247C NS_New_HTMLToTXT_SinkStream(nsIHTMLContentSink**)+
0778B3D0 PPC 17032C6C NS_NewOtherHTMLDTD(nsIDTD**)+0510C
0778B320 PPC 17033550 NS_NewOtherHTMLDTD(nsIDTD**)+059F0
0778B290 PPC 17658348 __throw+0009C
0778B0B0 PPC 176581C8 ExPPC_ThrowHandler(ThrowContext*)+001E4
0778B030 PPC 17656EE8 ExPPC_NextAction(ActionIterator*)+00070
0778AFF0 PPC 176585E0 std::terminate()+00010
0778AFB0 PPC 17658510 std::dthandler()+0000C
0778AF70 PPC 1761CBAC abort+00028
0778AF30 PPC 1761CD8C exit+00098
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller
0778B298 PPC 17033550 NS_NewOtherHTMLDTD(nsIDTD**)+059F0
0778B278 0778B270 PPC 17033550 NS_NewOtherHTMLDTD(nsIDTD**)+059F0
0778B218 0778B210 PPC 17648344 malloc+00040
0778B1F8 0778B1F0 PPC 17648344 malloc+00040
0778B138 0778B130 PPC 175BBB84 nsString::~nsString()+0003C
0778B128 0778B120 PPC 17647634 __dla__FPv+00014
0778B118 0778B110 PPC 17648344 malloc+00040
0778B0E8 0778B0E0 PPC 175BD408 nsString::Append(const unsigned short*,
0778B0D8 0778B0D0 PPC 17647634 __dla__FPv+00014
0778B0C8 0778B0C0 PPC 175F7CB4 PR_UnloadLibrary+00258
0778B0B8 0778B0B0 PPC 17658348 __throw+0009C
0778B0A4 68K 06F0AF76
0778B068 0778B060 PPC 17647520 operator delete(void*)+00014
0778B058 0778B050 PPC 1764757C __nwa__FUl+0000C
0778B048 0778B040 PPC 175BBE08 nsString::EnsureCapacityFor(int)+000A8
0778B038 0778B030 PPC 176581C8 ExPPC_ThrowHandler(ThrowContext*)+001E4
0778B018 0778B010 PPC 17647520 operator delete(void*)+00014
0778B008 0778B000 PPC 1764757C __nwa__FUl+0000C
0778AFF8 0778AFF0 PPC 17656EE8 ExPPC_NextAction(ActionIterator*)+00070
0778AFE8 68K 0778B8BE
0778AFDC 68K 0778AFDE
0778AFD8 0778AFD0 PPC 176483AC free+00030
0778AFCC 0778AFC8 68K 06F8C256
0778AFB8 0778AFB0 PPC 176585E0 std::terminate()+00010
0778AFAC 68K 0778AFAE
0778AFA8 PPC 175A6BB8
, nsIFactory**)+00100
0778AF9C 68K 073863C6
0778AF8C 68K 06F8C256
0778AF88 0778AF80 PPC 17647520 operator delete(void*)+00014
0778AF78 0778AF70 PPC 17658510 std::dthandler()+0000C
0778AF70 68K 0778AFAE
0778AF68 0778AF60 PPC 1759F068 nsDll::FindSymbol(const char*)+00044
0778AF58 0778AF50 PPC 1765AB5C NSGetFactory+000E4
0778AF48 PPC 176483AC free+00030
0778AF38 0778AF30 PPC 1761CBAC abort+00028
0778AF28 68K 0778B8BE
0778AF1C 68K 073863C6
0778AF18 0778AF10 PPC 1765AC34
0778AEE8 0778AEE0 PPC 1761CD8C exit+00098
0778AEB8 0778AEB0 PPC 1764746C operator new(unsigned long, const
0778AEAC 68K 0778AEAE
Displaying memory from 0
00000000 FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000 0020 1946 0020 1948 ÿÁ¥¥ÿÁ¥¥¥ ¥F¥ ¥H
00000010 0020 194A 0020 194C FFC0 3058 FFC0 305A ¥ ¥J¥ ¥LÿÀ0XÿÀ0Z
Closing log
Assignee | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: jfrancis → sfraser
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•26 years ago
Ooh, this is an unhandled exception. This may actually be a result of me
reorganizing the Mac standard libraries, so I'll take this.
Assignee | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Target Milestone: M4
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•26 years ago
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Closed: 26 years ago → 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•26 years ago
Fixed checked in. There was some strange link order problem, that caused MSL to
throw an exception that was never caught.
Assignee | ||
Comment 16•26 years ago
*** Bug 4223 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reporter | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Reporter | ||
Comment 17•26 years ago
Yes !! Fixed in April 6th Build.
You need to log in
before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.