Closed Bug 53873 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Browser crashes when closing window that was spawned by clicking a url


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.6


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gsa, Assigned: asa)




PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 50533A38 Calling chain using A6/R1 links Back chain ISA Caller 00000000 PPC 02E4CDDC 03E6EF00 PPC 02E37718 main+00130 03E6EEA0 PPC 02E36C2C main1(int, char**, nsISupports*)+0083C 03E6EBF0 PPC 049457B8 nsAppShellService::Run()+00018 03E6EBB0 PPC 046769C4 nsAppShell::Run()+00048 03E6EB60 PPC 04677100 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C 03E6EB10 PPC 04677714 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int, EventRecord*)+00170 03E6EAC0 PPC 0468F12C Repeater::DoRepeaters(const EventRecord&)+00030 03E6EA80 PPC 04655054 nsMacNSPREventQueueHandler::RepeatAction(const EventRecord&)+000 0C 03E6EA40 PPC 0465516C nsMacNSPREventQueueHandler::ProcessPLEventQueue()+000B0 03E6E9D0 PPC 04AC66F8 nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents()+00038 03E6E960 PPC 04B27D78 PL_ProcessPendingEvents+0005C 03E6E920 PPC 04B27EFC PL_HandleEvent+00020 03E6E8E0 PPC 0478AE10 nsStreamListenerEvent::HandlePLEvent(PLEvent*)+00024 03E6E890 PPC 0478C060 nsOnDataAvailableEvent::HandleEvent()+00068 Return addresses on the stack Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller 03E6E988 PPC 04AB29B8 nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_helper(const nsCOMPtr_he lper&, const nsID&)+00028 03E6E96E 68K 000003E4 03E6E968 PPC 04AC66F8 nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents()+00038 03E6E956 68K 000003E4 03E6E946 68K 000003E4 03E6E928 03E6E920 PPC 04B27D78 PL_ProcessPendingEvents+0005C 03E6E8F8 03E6E8F0 PPC 04AB02B0 nsServiceManager::GetService(const nsID&, const nsI D&, nsISupports**, nsIShutdownListener*)+00050 03E6E8EE 68K 000003E4 03E6E8E8 03E6E8E0 PPC 04B27EFC PL_HandleEvent+00020 03E6E8D8 03E6E8D0 PPC 04B279F0 PL_GetEvent+000BC 03E6E8B8 68K 02E86182 03E6E898 03E6E890 PPC 0478AE10 nsStreamListenerEvent::HandlePLEvent(PLEvent*)+0002 4 03E6E87A 68K 05CD02E6 03E6E858 03E6E850 PPC 04AAF614 nsServiceManagerImpl::GetService(const nsID&, const nsID&, nsISupports**, nsIShutdownListener*)+00144 03E6E848 03E6E840 PPC 0478C060 nsOnDataAvailableEvent::HandleEvent()+00068 03E6E82A 68K 05CD02E6 03E6E7D8 03E6E7D0 PPC 04BC7658 PL_HashTableLookup+00038 03E6E778 03E6E770 PPC 04BC7104 PL_HashTableRawLookup+0005C 03E6E768 03E6E760 PPC FFD288C4 CheckUpdate+0001C 03E6E758 03E6E750 PPC 04BC7104 PL_HashTableRawLookup+0005C 03E6E754 03E6E750 68K 000003E4 03E6E740 68K 001FEF84 'scod BFAF 0002'+0A764 03E6E72E 68K 000003E4 03E6E718 03E6E710 PPC 005B557C DoubleClickWindowTitle+009D4 03E6E708 PPC 002744DC EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014 03E6E6C8 03E6E6C0 PPC 00917FF0 main+006E0 03E6E6A6 68K 00BEFFFE 03E6E676 68K 000003E4 03E6E668 03E6E660 PPC 0091A9F8 main+030E8 03E6E640 68K 03E6E796 03E6E638 03E6E630 PPC 04C69594 operator new(unsigned long, const std::nothrow_t&)+ 0000C 03E6E62E 03E6E62A 68K 000003E4 03E6E620 68K 000003E4 03E6E60A 03E6E606 68K FFC7802E _FreeAlert+00E34 03E6E604 68K 000003E4 03E6E5F4 68K 000003E4 03E6E5E8 03E6E5E4 68K FFC78690 _FreeAlert+01496 03E6E5CC 68K 000003E4 03E6E5BC 68K 000003E4 03E6E5B8 68K FFC78644 _FreeAlert+0144A 03E6E5B0 68K 000003E4 03E6E59E 68K FFC788F4 _FreeAlert+016FA 03E6E598 03E6E590 PPC 0480942C nsHTTPServerListener::OnDataAvailable(nsIChannel*, nsISupports*, nsIInputStream*, unsigned int, unsigned int)+00448
2x post of 53872. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 53872 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
mac build id : 2000092212
Verified dupe.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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