Closed Bug 671802 Opened 13 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Mismatch between header and body of mail with IMAP


(Thunderbird :: Message Reader UI, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: noway, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: dupeme)


(1 file)

Attached image Header-Body-Mismatch.png (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20110628 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.18 Build ID: 20110628231248 Steps to reproduce: I don't use a trash folder, neither a local or a server-side one. Instead, I just mark messages as deleted. In due course, I use the "compact all folders of this account" (I use a German version, hope, the translations gives enough of a clue) quite a lot. Sometimes, when I select a mail from the message list, the wrong body is shown (see below). Actual results: In the preview area a completely different message body ist shown. There is no match in any of the relevant fields (date, from, to, subject). Expected results: I expected the right message to be displayed.
OS: Other → Linux
Hardware: All → x86_64
Additional Information: System: Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit Thunderbird 5.0 German Add-ons for TB: Expression Search/Google Mail UI 0.8.1 Extra Folder Columns 1.1.3 keyconfig 20110522 Send Later 3 3.2.9 Mail Provider: GMX via IMAP So far, I can't reproduce the mismatch of header and body consistantly. However, I have a hunch that it could be related to the regular folder compaction. Fortunately, folders affected by this problem are easily repaired via "repair" button from the properties menue. Still it is annoying to repair a couple of folders at least twice a week. A further note on my TB configuration: Originally I wanted to use the Better Conversation View add-on to ease my troubles with longer mail conversations from my work collegues. It was then that I started to realize these mismatches. Blaming the add-on I removed it from TB (then it was Version 3) and tried to achieve a similar effect by putting all my mails and the answers to them into the same respective folders and enabling the thread grouping. This works fine but still gives me the abovementioned problem. I had high hopes for TB 5 and even created a brand-new account to avoid dragging over old problems from TB 3. Alas, no luck. What else can I do to illuminate the problem? In bug #265268 I was asked to file this new bug report along with a protocol log. Where can I access this log?
Allgemeine Informationen Name: Thunderbird Version: 5.0 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110627 Thunderbird/5.0 Profilordner: Beinhaltenden Ordner anzeigen (Lokaler Datenträger) Build-ID der Anwendung: 20110627224418 Aktivierte Plugins: about:plugins Build-Konfiguration: about:buildconfig E-Mail- und Newsgruppen-Konten account1: INCOMING: account1, , (imap), SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordEncrypted, true account2: INCOMING: account2, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext account3: INCOMING: account3, , (imap), SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordEncrypted, true OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordCleartext, false Erweiterungen Expression Search / Google Mail UI, 0.8.1, true, {03EF8A6E-C972-488f-92FA-98ABC2C9F8B9} Extra Folder Columns, 1.1.3, true, keyconfig, 20110522, true, keyconfig@dorando Send Later 3, 3.2.9, true, Modifizierte Einstellungen Name: Wert accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0 extensions.lastAppVersion: 5.0 font.minimum-size.x-western: 14 DejaVu Sans Mono Ubuntu Ubuntu mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1 network.cookie.lifetimePolicy: 2 network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true places.database.lastMaintenance: 1310619189 places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 1014161 print.printer_LJ3015.print_bgcolor: false print.printer_LJ3015.print_bgimages: false print.printer_LJ3015.print_colorspace: default print.printer_LJ3015.print_command: lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-P"$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME"} print.printer_LJ3015.print_downloadfonts: false print.printer_LJ3015.print_edge_bottom: 0 print.printer_LJ3015.print_edge_left: 0 print.printer_LJ3015.print_edge_right: 0 print.printer_LJ3015.print_edge_top: 0 print.printer_LJ3015.print_evenpages: true print.printer_LJ3015.print_footercenter: print.printer_LJ3015.print_footerleft: &PT print.printer_LJ3015.print_footerright: &D print.printer_LJ3015.print_headercenter: print.printer_LJ3015.print_headerleft: &T print.printer_LJ3015.print_headerright: &U print.printer_LJ3015.print_in_color: true print.printer_LJ3015.print_margin_bottom: 0.5 print.printer_LJ3015.print_margin_left: 0.5 print.printer_LJ3015.print_margin_right: 0.5 print.printer_LJ3015.print_margin_top: 0.5 print.printer_LJ3015.print_oddpages: true print.printer_LJ3015.print_orientation: 0 print.printer_LJ3015.print_pagedelay: 500 print.printer_LJ3015.print_paper_data: 0 print.printer_LJ3015.print_paper_height: 297,00 print.printer_LJ3015.print_paper_name: iso_a4 print.printer_LJ3015.print_paper_size_type: 1 print.printer_LJ3015.print_paper_size_unit: 1 print.printer_LJ3015.print_paper_width: 210,00 print.printer_LJ3015.print_plex_name: default print.printer_LJ3015.print_resolution_name: default print.printer_LJ3015.print_reversed: false print.printer_LJ3015.print_scaling: 0,80 print.printer_LJ3015.print_shrink_to_fit: false print.printer_LJ3015.print_to_file: false print.printer_LJ3015.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom: 56 print.printer_LJ3015.print_unwriteable_margin_left: 25 print.printer_LJ3015.print_unwriteable_margin_right: 25 print.printer_LJ3015.print_unwriteable_margin_top: 25 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_colorspace: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_downloadfonts: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_jobtitle: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_num_copies: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_orientation: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_paper_size: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_plex: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_printincolor: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_resolution: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.can_change_spoolercommand: false default print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.colorspace.count: 1 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.has_special_printerfeatures: true portrait landscape print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.orientation.count: 2 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.0.height_mm: 210 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.0.is_inch: false A5 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.0.width_mm: 148 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.1.height_mm: 297 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.1.is_inch: false A4 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.1.width_mm: 210 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.2.height_mm: 420 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.2.is_inch: false A3 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.2.width_mm: 297 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.3.height_mm: 279 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.3.is_inch: true Letter print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.3.width_mm: 215 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.4.height_mm: 355 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.4.is_inch: true Legal print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.4.width_mm: 215 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.5.height_mm: 431 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.5.is_inch: true Tabloid print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.5.width_mm: 279 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.6.height_mm: 254 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.6.is_inch: true Executive print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.6.width_mm: 190 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.paper.count: 7 default print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.plex.count: 1 default print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.resolution.count: 1 print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_colorspace_change: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_downloadfonts_change: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_jobtitle_change: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_orientation_change: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_paper_size_change: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_plex_change: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_printincolor_change: true print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_resolution_change: false print.tmp.printerfeatures.LJ3015.supports_spoolercommand_change: false Grafik GPU-beschleunigte Fenster: 0/2
You've analyzed what was going on. Deleting leaves holes in the mbox file; comacting get rids of those holes but doesn't always update the index (which is what we use for speed reasons). Issue is not imap related we don't need a log.
Ludovic, does that mean it's normal behavior? The index does not seem to be updated even after several restarts of TB. I just tried deactivating all add-ons which required shutting down TB. Still the wrong message is displayed. OT: The add-on Send Later 3 causes TB to ask twice for the master security password. After deactivation I got rid of this.
We know about the issue but have never been able to find the cause - and fix it. for the OT, make sure to let the user know. Wayne any idea where to dup this one ?
(In reply to comment #5) > We know about the issue but have never been able to find the cause - and fix > it. > > for the OT, make sure to let the user know. I emailed the developer of Send Later about it. With regard to the bug I'll try very hard to refrain from compacting folders to see whether the bug occurs even without compacting. Reason (arrived at after some more contemplation ;)): The occurence which I documented with the screenshot happened in a folder into which I manually move mails concerning a specific work project. Normally there are no mails in this folder that I need to delete since I only put messages there that I wish to keep for later reference. That, however, would invalidate the suspicion about the compaction. Nevertheless, I had this problem in several other folders as well including the inbox, where the majority of mails arrive. So I'm gonna post new developments as they happen.
(In reply to comment #5) > We know about the issue but have never been able to find the cause - and fix > it. > Wayne any idea where to dup this one ? (back from VAC) not without digging. hopefully someone else will know. noway, for now, I don't think we need a log.
Whiteboard: dupeme
After some more weeks of using TB (now version 6) I suspect the thread view of TB itself to be broken somehow. For quite some time I had this feature disabled and sorted my messages just by date. This way I did not notice a single occurence of mismatching headers/bodies. Yesterday I activated the thread view again (the built-in one from TB) to follow a longer mail conversation and before long I stumbled across mail headers with wrong bodies being displayed.
I have the same problem and it bothers me a lot. I use WIN7 and thunderbird 8.0, but I have been troubled by this from previous thunderbird versions. I has been happening to me for more than an year and I do not have a clue as of what is causing it. I use two GMAIL accounts with IMAP. I get some filtered messages moved to a local folder and I have the feeling that this messages get corrupted more often, but I did get some in my inbox too. I do not use folder compacting that I know of, but I do use the threaded view by default. It happens more than once a week and I have a folder of corrupted messages like these. I can provide them if necessary. --------------------------- There is something more to this problem: the message is permanently corrupted in the computer. The copy google has in it's servers, however, is still ok. Note that the message wrongly displayed may not even be in the same folder as the message under whose subject it is displayed. The wrongly displayed message's original remains undamaged in it's original location. Of this corrupted messages only the subject remains from the original. Other fields (from, to, cc...) are blank. The reading panel displays the following: 1 - body of the corrupted message "the wrong one" 2 - Source code of the wrong message 3 - source code of the message matching the subject 4 - garbage characters (pages worth of them)
Hello, I'm seeing this problem too on Tbird 14.0 off an imap account: for this one email I select in the upper pane, the header that appears in the middle pane displays the info of a completely unrelated email. The lower pane (where the email text usually appear) is blank. I've seen this a couple of times now in the past 2 months. Restarted app, even in safe mode and it's still happening. Same if I move the email to another folder. It's displaying the the header from a completely unrelated. Thread on/off: no change. Compacting: no change. Email looks fine using other email IMAP client. Let me know if you need extra infos.
noway, do you still see this problem when using newer version?
Flags: needinfo?(noway)
Sorry to be late in answering and also to admit that I switched to KMail for Kubuntu 12.04 LTS. However, I still use TB with my W7 installation, albeit much less frequently. Recently, the problem did not appear for me but I will check for it specifically in the coming few days. Will report back. Cheers // noway
Flags: needinfo?(noway)
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #11) > noway, do you still see this problem when using newer version? FYI I haven't seen the problem for the past month. I have been updating TB everytime there was an update (now on v16.0.2) so I can't tell when it was fixed. Will post if I see it again. Thx.
I couldn't find this problem in my current installation. However, I must emphasis that I'm using thunderbird much less frequently now.
I couldn't find this problem in my current installation. However, I must emphasis that I'm using thunderbird much less frequently now.
This problem is present in TB 17.0 (Ubuntu 12.04, 64bit).
The bug remains in TB 31.2.0 - Ubuntu 3.13.0-39.66-generic Some messages in junk folder were marked as "not junk", moved themselves back to Inbox. There, they now displayed the wrong body. Also, one had completely disappeared. However, on next boot it appeared again in Inbox. Unfortunately, it too now had the wrong body. The "Repair Folder" for worked for me: Right-click on the Inbox (or whatever folder) and choose "Properties. On the "General Information" tab, click the "Repair Folder" button. The messages will be downloaded again. Watch the status at bottom-left of the main window; it will showt the progress. Hit OK and check your damaged messages. They should be back to normal. Thanks to whomever on TB team who added the repair functionality. (Or has that been there for years?)
After years without this problem, I just recently had one case where moving a message from spam to inbox resulted in one header/body mismatch. I'm not quite sure what it took to fix that. Thunderbird 52.5.0 (64-bit, Ubuntu 17.04.
mvbent, Brian, mchampagne, Do you still see this when using a current version of Thunderbird? (In reply to brian from comment #17) > ... > Thanks to whomever on TB team who added the repair functionality. (Or has > that been there for years?) Been there for years :) But I think it was called "rebuild".
Flags: needinfo?(mvbentes)
Flags: needinfo?(mchampagne33)
Flags: needinfo?(brian)
Closed: 4 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(mvbentes)
Flags: needinfo?(mchampagne33)
Flags: needinfo?(brian)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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