Closed Bug 1006636 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Allow sections in about:webrtc to be collapsed/expanded


(Core :: WebRTC: Networking, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bwc, Unassigned)



The amount of information in about:webrtc has grown large enough that it makes sense to allow users to collapse/expand the individual sections. We do want to avoid this functionality getting in the way of copying the full page to the clipboard; this could entail an "expand all" button, or a "copy to clipboard" button, or even a "write to file" button. Some thought needs to go into this.
Regarding how we make it easy to get the full contents of the page into a bugzilla ticket, I think the best option of the three I've outlined above is a "write to file" button, because I really doubt anyone ever does anything other than that once they have the contents in their clipboard. We may still want an "expand all", to avoid tedious clicking to drill down to a detail that the user knows they want.
Also, I should ask the question; is this a priority for 32? This seems to fall into the category "It works, but it's ugly".
"Soft"-block just to have a two-way link (I'm sure there are workarounds we can use).
Depends on: 591737
overtaken by events
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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