Open Bug 1009786 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Unify the concepts "has scrollable layer with displayport" and "is actively scrolled"


(Core :: Layout, defect)






(Reporter: mstange, Assigned: mstange)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

In the pre-APZ world, scrolling a scrollable frame creates a scrollable layer for that frame, and that layer stays separate until ScrollFrameHelper::MarkInactive() sets mScrollingActive to false after a timeout. Some frames are never considered inactive, for example the root scroll frame of a root content document, or frames with will-change: scroll-position.
In the APZ world, scroll frames get a scrollable layer if a display port was set on them. IIRC a display port is set once and will never go away for a frame.

These concepts are very similar and should be unified. The result would have these properties:
 - With APZ on desktop, we should always build a scrollable layer with a display port for the root scrollframe of a root content document (which, from APZ's perspective, is a subframe).
 - Display ports for temporarily scrolled subframes should be discarded after a timeout.
 - will-change:scroll-position should cause display ports.
 - If the root frame is not scrollable, and there's a scrollable subframe, that subframe should have mScrollingActive == true even without APZ. Or in other words, the solution for bug 982141 should be extended to cover bug 945367.
Sounds like a good idea.

It's possible that the changes in bug 967844 will make this easier to implement, but I'm not sure.
Depends on: 990916
Blocks: 990916
No longer depends on: 990916
Blocks: apz-desktop
No longer blocks: 944938
Attached patch v1 (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Assignee: nobody → mstange
Attachment #8437773 - Flags: review?(tnikkel)
Sorry for not having this review done by now. I should get to it soon.
Timothy, any news here?
Comment on attachment 8437773 [details] [diff] [review]

I need to update this patch after multi-layer-apz.
Attachment #8437773 - Flags: review?(tnikkel)
Attached patch v1 (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8437773 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8494800 - Flags: review?(tnikkel)
Some issues to check I discussed with Markus.

We might want the timeout for removing a displayport to be much larger than what we currently have for the current active scroll frame timeout.

We need to make sure everything can handle a displayport being removed as we've never done that before.

Some callers of IsAlwaysActive might not expect the scroll frame to become inactive (if mIsFirstScrollableFrameInWindow becomes false on a later paint).
Lots of B2G reftest failures:
Comment on attachment 8494800 [details] [diff] [review]

Clearing review for now based on the failures in comment 8, since those will need to be fixed before this can land. It's odd this would cause reftest failures.

I'm fine with this patch other than potentially any actual problems from the things mentioned in comment 7.
Attachment #8494800 - Flags: review?(tnikkel)
Component: Panning and Zooming → Layout
No longer blocks: 990916
Depends on: 990916
Severity: normal → S3
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