Closed Bug 1013459 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Find a solution for async scrolling with 10.6-style scrollbars


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mstange, Unassigned)



Mac OS 10.6 has non-overlay scrollbars, and if we want the scrollbar thumb to move, we need to repaint the whole scrollbar. Scrollbar painting is only possible on the main thread at the moment.

If we want to be able to move the scrollbar thumb with an asynchronous transform on the compositor in response to async scrolling, we need to think of a solution for 10.6 style scrollbars.
Maybe that solution is to force overlay scrollbars on 10.6 users.
There's also more "traditional" scrollbars when you plug in a mouse or set a system pref (under "General"). Is this different from the 10.6 scrollbars (excluding minor style tweaks).
The non-overlay scrollbars in 10.7 and up can probably be split into separate items for the track and the thumb. I think we're going to need that splitting for bug 989768 anyway.
I'm not sure we want to do special work for 10.6, even if that means leaving 10.6 with synchronous panning.
Sounds good to me.

(In reply to Markus Stange [:mstange] from comment #2)
> The non-overlay scrollbars in 10.7 and up can probably be split into
> separate items for the track and the thumb. I think we're going to need that
> splitting for bug 989768 anyway.

Bug 1016569 implements the splitting.
I guess this bug is WONTFIX then?
WONTFIXing based on discussion above. We can leave APZ disabled on 10.6 if it comes to that.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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