Closed Bug 102705 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Switching default email clients back to Outlook Express causes MAPI32.DLL swapping to fail.


(MailNews Core :: Simple MAPI, defect, P3)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: trix, Assigned: srilatha)




(Whiteboard: [PDT])

If Outlook Express is initially the default, switch the default to Mozilla, and
then go back to Express and make that the default, Mozilla will fail to become
the default email client.  because when you go back to Express and make the
change, a MAPI32_MOZ_BAK.DLL remains so when we try to make a backup of the
MAPI32 to a file that already exists, we fail.
I checked into the private branch.
srilatha, is it possible to check to determine what type of mapi file is stored
as the "Mapi32_moz_bak.DLL".  because there are some scenario's where the backup
file is our mapi file and deselect mozilla as the default email client would
just copy our mapi file back.
I think I'm one of those scenario's.   After selecting Mozilla as the MAPI mail
app, I can not get Outlook to become the default.  In fact, Outlook errors when
I try to launch it now with MAPI.  Outlook worked for me until I selected
Mozilla as the default mail app.
sounds like an interesting branch candidate since a couple QA folks have run
into this scenario.
Keywords: nsbranch
I 2nd Scott's comment. This one should get a nsbranch+. Tiantian?
Whiteboard: [PDT]
We already discussed about this in one of the PDT. This is a known problem. 
We'll put the walkaround in user guide, etc.
Blocks: 103807
Using build 20011008, with mozilla set as the default mail client, try to switch 
back to Outlook Express failed.

The workaround for this (someone may already know) is:

1. De-select mozilla as the default mail client in EDIT|PREFERENCE dialog
2. Two files: mapi32.dll and mapi32_moz_bak.dll should be deleted.
3. Select OE as default mail client in TOOL|OPTION

Now the mapi32.dll file should be created with approx 130K size, and OE should 
be your default mail client again.
What are we going to tell users on this?
This might not happen in today's build. Can you try today's build.
I could not reproduce this in my debug build.
Fixed in branch.
Closed: 23 years ago
Keywords: vtrunk
Priority: -- → P3
Resolution: --- → FIXED
How was this fixed? We don't see a patch? Reopening.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
This is a pretty serious bug. Marking nsbranch+ per Simple MAPI / PDT triage.
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch+
This is fixed by the patch in bug 102308.
Trix can you verify that this is fixed
verified on 2001-10-12-05-0.9.4 branch build

changing resolution to fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified on 2001-10-12-05-0.9.4 branch build

adding vtrunk keyword for regression on trunk build
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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