Closed Bug 102816 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

UW IMAP: copy to Sent folder takes LONG and rarely completes without error


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: klange, Assigned: mscott)


(Keywords: imap-interop)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010917
BuildID:    2001091712

After sending a message from the Mail program with an IMAP account, and having
the preference set to store copyies of sent message oin the 'Sent' folder of the
IMAP store ala - user_pref("mail.identity.id2.fcc_folder",
"imap://"), the send status churns waiting to
copy the message to the 'Sent' folder.  After 1 minute or so, it may or may not
succeed.  If it fails, I get an error that it could not copy the message to the
Sent folder and provides me an opportunity to return to the compose window.  The
Sent folder however DOES get the sent message added to itself.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Compose message 
2.Send message
3. Wait for message send status to copy message to Sent folder
4.  Wait for message send status to copy message to Sent folder
5.  etc, etc.

Actual Results:  Almost always reports a failure after 30-60 seconds.

Expected Results:  Instantaneous message delivery and copy to Sent folder.

The mail server is a UW IMAP2000 server running on Solaris 8.
Netscape 4.x communicator products do not have this problem.
The problem occurs with All Mozilla builds to date on win32 and Linux platforms
that I have tested so far.  I have tried with and without SSL enabled on the
server and client.
My IMAP mail store for the Inbox is 65MB with 3500 messages.  The Sent folder is
slightly larger.
It looks fine when I tested on our internal UW IMAP server.
I am wondering to know whether this is interop bug or dup of bug 100353 since 
this bug logged from Linux and reported for all the platforms.....

Reporter, what kind of the msg were you trying to send?
Any attachments included from the msgs that you sent?
What's the attachment/type and size?

UW IMAP2000 server -> Adding interop for this bug.
Keywords: interop
Summary: IMAP copy to Sent folder takes LONG and rarely completes without error → UW IMAP copy to Sent folder takes LONG and rarely completes without error
My name is Kevin..
Anyway, I looked at the bug you mentioned (I looked all over for one in bugzilla
before I reported mine, so I apologize) and it does look like a dup.
I am sending any type of message. plain text. html. attachments. without

I should mention that my Sent folder is significantly larger that I originally
reported.  My Sent folder/file contains 6800 messages and is 106MB in size.    I
am required to save all communications.  I will see if manually archiving the
folder (a feature sorely missing in Mozilla) will make this problem go away.
Note that Netscape 4.x does not have this problem.

....I copied my Sent folder to oldSent and nulled out the Sent folder, started
mozilla and attempted to send some messages.  The first three messages sent
quickly.  Upon sending the 4th message, I started to see the same symptoms. I'm
still seeing the problem (slow copy to Sent folder), but not as frequently as
before with the large Sent folder.
I should mention that I also see similar results seen in bug 94738 when the copy
fails.  I also see the symptoms of bug 94738 when mail filters run.

also in Bug 103936 - Slow copy to sent on IMAP for the first launch
I have a similar problem - build 2001102106 under Debuan GNU/Linux kernel 2.4.6,
WU IMAP4 on Linux/Alpha.  I send mail through w/SMTP AUTH and my
sent mail resides on another server.  I can send the message, and I get prompted
for my password to send.  The message is sent and I am prompted for my password
to login to the IMAP server to copy it to sent-mail.  Then I get the message
reported in bug 96932 (cannot subscribe: already subscribed) EXCEPT after
clicking OK, the compose window disappears.  On the build I was using before
(two weeks ago?  more?) I would be returned to the compose window.  Now, it just
closes.  I'm not experiencing any delays, however.
Verified with the following
Linux/uw imap.  If the Sent mbox is on another machine, storing mail in the Sent
mailbox frequently fails and mozilla frequently tries to subscribe to it which
is incorrect because it's already subscribed. ..'nuther bug 'nuther place

Storing email in a local (same machine) Sent mbox is much quicker.

Both machines are separated by 200FD switched network, <1% utilization with ~0%
cpu usage and no disk spin down.
I see this too. Mozilla 20020202 Win2000 connecting to Linux (RedHat 7.1) UW
IMAP 2000c-10 (2000.287rh). We are using SSL, if that matters. Confirming. 
Kevin, can you reproduce this on 1.0RC1 ? (or someone else?)
This happens with Courier IMAP as well
I'll see what I can do on RC1 to reproduce.  My workaround through 0.9.6 - 1.0
RC1 has been to keep the Sent folder' size down to less than 2000 messages. 
Currently my Sent folder is 12MB in size and I haven't seen the problem at all.  

I'll probably try to merge an old Sent folder with my current and perform some
testing for bug reproduction.

Wasn't a recently fixed bug causing all headers to be fetched when opening a
folder? Could it have something to do with this one?
I performed some initial testing, and it looks good so far. I tested 1.0 RC1 on
winxp over cable-modem at home with the exact same IMAP server setup as filed
with the original bug report.  I tested with the original 'Sent' folder, and
another large 'Sent' folder that I had when I originally reported the problem
(both folders contain 2000-6000 messages and are between 62-120MB in size.  I
have tested sending several sized messages (small 4k text message - 4MB message
with attachments) and all are properly sent and saved (though naturally
slow)with no errors.  I will test at work on 100MB switched LAN with Linux and
win32 clients.

Reporter, is this OK now?

QA Contact: huang → meehansqa
Summary: UW IMAP copy to Sent folder takes LONG and rarely completes without error → UW IMAP: copy to Sent folder takes LONG and rarely completes without error
It still happens once in a great while, though not nearly as often as in
previous milestones.  I get a status window message saying that Mail is copying
the message to the Sent folder and it will often churn for 10-30 seconds, but it
most always completes (sometimes it does fail!).  I have also learned that while
mail is churning away in its attempt to copy a message to the Sent folder, that
if I send another message at the same time, that almost always causes a failure.
 A bit of an annoyance, but I've learned to deal with it.  Again, with netscape
4.7, this was never an issue.
Some people have seen this bug. So I mark it NEW. Please mark WORFKSFORME if it
does no longer happen in 1.0 or later. Please also write, if it does happen.

Ever confirmed: true
I just want to add that this also happens with Courier IMAPd.
There is another Bug that could be a duplicate of this:
I am also experiencing slowness with a relatively small Sent Items folder (187
messages) and over a 100 mbit LAN. Both 1.0 and 2002070408.
(and with Courier IMAPd)
Getting this with Moz=1.0/Win2K, IMAPd+stunnel, over 1.5Mb link; so still out
there, FYI.
How does mozilla work now? has fixed bug 129495. Can anyone verify if this bug still
exist? If no, let's mark this one duplicate.
Marking dup of bug 129495.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 129495 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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