Closed Bug 1031443 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Allow panning in the pinching state even if zooming is disabled


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox42 --- fixed


(Reporter: kats, Assigned: lynn_tran, Mentored)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [lang=c++])


(1 file, 5 obsolete files)

As mentioned at, I think we should allow panning with multiple fingers even if zooming is disabled. Right now we call OnScaleBegin in the APZC/GestureEventListener, but then because the zoom constraints (or touch action) say zooming is not allowed, we never actually enter the pinching state. I think it would better if we did enter the pinching state, but then make sure the zoom is never changed. This would allow two-finger or multi-finger panning because we'd still scroll based on the movement of the focal point.
Mentor: botond
Whiteboard: [lang=c++]
Hello, I'm interested in working on this bug. Please guide me to the right direction if I'm going in the wrong way, but here is what I think of doing:

- In HandleInputTouchMultiStart function and the case GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN state, we will set its state to GESTURE_PINCH to it will go to the pinching state. 
- We then can create a PinchGesture event to trigger the event. 
- However, I'm not sure if the pinch event will change the zooming or not.
Thanks for your interest, Lynn! I've assigned the bug to you.

(In reply to Lynn Tran from comment #1)
> - In HandleInputTouchMultiStart function and the case
> GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN state, we will set its state to GESTURE_PINCH to it
> will go to the pinching state. 
> - We then can create a PinchGesture event to trigger the event. 

Right, the gesture event listener generates a pinch gesture event regardless of whether zooming is allowed. That part can stay as is.

> - However, I'm not sure if the pinch event will change the zooming or not.

The zooming happens in the ScaleWithFocus() call in AsyncPanZoomController::OnScale() [1].

Right now, we don't get there if zooming is not allowed, because AsyncPanZoomController::OnScaleBegin() exits early and doesn't enter the PINCHING state [2], and so OnScale() will also exit early [3].

The panning which we'd like to happen even if zooming is not allowed, is done in the ScrollBy() call in OnScale() [4].

So, I think what we want to do is:

  - Do not exit early in OnScaleBegin() if zooming is not allowed, so that
    we still enter the PINCHING state.

  - In OnScale(), if zooming is not allowed, perform the ScrollBy() call [4]
    but not the ScaleWithFocus() call [1]. (An easy way to do this might be
    to set doScale [5] to false if zooming is not allowed).

Let me know if that's enough info for you to go on and get started! Don't hesitate to ask any questions, either in this bug or on IRC (my IRC nick is 'botond' and you can find me in the #apz or #gfx channels; if I'm not around, try 'kats').

Assignee: nobody → lynn_tran
Attached patch bug1031443.patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Do I need to write test for this?
Attachment #8609943 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
Comment on attachment 8609943 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8609943 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: gfx/layers/apz/src/AsyncPanZoomController.cpp
@@ -1259,5 @@
>    }
> -  if (!mZoomConstraints.mAllowZoom) {
> -    return nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault;
> -  }

This part is good.

@@ +1273,5 @@
>      return nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
>    }
>    if (mState != PINCHING) {
> +    bool doScale = false;

There are two problems here:

  - This is declaring a new variable 'doScale' and setting it to
    false. No one reads the value of this variable, so this has
    no effect.

    What we want to do instead, is modify the value of the
    existing doScale variable [1] to be false.

  - The condition under which we need to disable zooming is
    not 'mState != PINCHING'. Since we modify OnScaleBegin()
    to let us enter the PINCHING state even if zooming is
    not allowed, 'mState != PINCHING' here should never happen.
    Rather, it's the thing OnScaleBegin() was checking for,
    '!mZoomConstraints.mAllowZoom', that we need to check here.

Attachment #8609943 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
> Do I need to write test for this?

That would definitely help! Especially if you don't have a device you're able to test your patch on, writing a unit test that exercises it is a good way to test that it works.

We have gtests that exercise the pinching code here [1]. It would make sense to add one for this bug. You can use APZCPinchTester and call UpdateZoomConstraints() on the 'apzc' member with a zoom constraints object that has mAllowZoom set to false, to test zooming being disabled.

Attached patch bug1031443-1.patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8609943 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8613186 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
Comment on attachment 8613186 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8613186 [details] [diff] [review]:

Thanks, the changes to the code itself look good now (at least by inspection; I'll test it in a device build to confirm).

The test needs some more work. It currently doesn't compile.

Have you tried building the Firefox code, as described here [1]? If not, please give that a try (let me know if you run into any issues).

When you try building with your patch applied, you will see some compiler errors in the new test you added. Once you fix those, here's what needs to be done to complete the test:

  - To set up the APZC for the test, you need to give it some appropriate frame metrics.
    You can do the same thing DoPinchTest() does here [2].

  - After doing the pinch, you need to add some assertions that test that scrolling
    actually occurred. (Without assertions, the test just always passes so there's
    not much point to it.)


::: gfx/tests/gtest/TestAsyncPanZoomController.cpp
@@ +655,5 @@
>                                    int aFocusX, int aFocusY, float aScale,
>                                    bool aShouldTriggerPinch)
>  {
>    nsEventStatus statuses[3];  // scalebegin, scale, scaleend
> +  PinchWithPinchInput(aTarget, aFocusX, aFocusY, 0, 0, aScale, &statuses);

To preserve behaviour, this call site should continue passing the same value for both focus points, instead of passing (0, 0) for the second one.
Attachment #8613186 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] from comment #7)
> Thanks, the changes to the code itself look good now (at least by
> inspection; I'll test it in a device build to confirm).

I tested the code changes in a device build, and they seem to be working well!

There are a couple of improvements we can make:

  - support two-fingered panning in subframes (currently it's only
    allowed in the page's root scrollable frame)

  - support momentum scrolling after a two-fingered pan

but those are out of scope for this bug; I'll file follow-up bugs for them.
Hi Lynn,

Just wanted to check how things are going as I haven't heard from you for a while. Last we talked on IRC, you almost had the test working, and were debugging an issue where you were getting a different scroll offset than what you expected. Were you able to solve that? I'm happy to provide more guidance if you're stuck :)
Flags: needinfo?(lynn_tran)
Attached patch bug1031443-2.patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8613186 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: needinfo?(lynn_tran)
Attachment #8627971 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
Attached patch bug1031443-2.patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8627971 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8627971 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
Attached patch bug1031443-3.patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I added the test for zooming as suggested
Attachment #8627980 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8628030 - Flags: review?(botond)
Comment on attachment 8628030 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8628030 [details] [diff] [review]:

Thanks, the test looks good! I just have a few small comments about style:

::: gfx/tests/gtest/TestAsyncPanZoomController.cpp
@@ +1033,5 @@
>    childApzc->Destroy();
>  }
> +TEST_F(APZCPinchTester, Panning_MultiFinger_ZoomDisabled) {

Please call it 'Panning_TwoFinger_ZoomDisabled'.

@@ +1034,5 @@
>    childApzc->Destroy();
>  }
> +TEST_F(APZCPinchTester, Panning_MultiFinger_ZoomDisabled) {
> +  nsEventStatus statuses[3];  // scalebegin, scale, scaleend

Please move this variable declaration to just before the PinchWithPinchInput() call which uses it.

@@ +1037,5 @@
> +TEST_F(APZCPinchTester, Panning_MultiFinger_ZoomDisabled) {
> +  nsEventStatus statuses[3];  // scalebegin, scale, scaleend
> +  //set up APZC
> +  apzc->SetFrameMetrics(GetPinchableFrameMetrics());
> +  apzc->UpdateZoomConstraints(ZoomConstraints(false, false, CSSToParentLayerScale(1.0f), CSSToParentLayerScale(1.0f)));

APZCBasicTester (which is a base class of APZCPinchTester) has a helper function MakeApzcUnzoomable() which does exactly this apzc->UpdateZoomConstraints() call - please use that instead.

@@ +1040,5 @@
> +  apzc->SetFrameMetrics(GetPinchableFrameMetrics());
> +  apzc->UpdateZoomConstraints(ZoomConstraints(false, false, CSSToParentLayerScale(1.0f), CSSToParentLayerScale(1.0f)));
> +
> +  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, SendAsyncScrollDOMEvent(_,_,_)).Times(AtLeast(1));
> +  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, RequestContentRepaint(_)).Times(1);

These two EXPECT_CALL statements are unrelated to what's being tested. Please remove them.

@@ +1045,5 @@
> +
> +  PinchWithPinchInput(apzc, 250, 350, 200, 300, 10, &statuses);
> +
> +  FrameMetrics fm = apzc->GetFrameMetrics();
> +  EXPECT_EQ(325, fm.GetScrollOffset().x);

Please add a comment saying that moving the focus point from (250, 350) to (200, 300) pans by (50, 50) screen pixels, which at 2x zoom causes the scroll offset to change by (25, 25) pixels.
Attachment #8628030 - Flags: review?(botond) → feedback+
Attached patch bug1031443-4.patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
I made changes to the styling and added more comments.
Attachment #8628030 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8628389 - Flags: feedback?(botond)
Comment on attachment 8628389 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8628389 [details] [diff] [review]:

Thanks, Lynn, it looks good!

I pushed the patch to the Try server to make sure it builds on all platforms and passes tests:
Attachment #8628389 - Flags: feedback?(botond) → review+
(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] from comment #15)
> I pushed the patch to the Try server to make sure it builds on all platforms
> and passes tests:

All green! I will go ahead and commit the patch.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla42
Blocks: 1180799
Thanks again, Lynn. Good work!

You mentioned on IRC that you'd be interested in continuing to contribute. Here are a couple of ideas:

  - Bug 962243 concerns a somewhat related scenario, where a pinch transitions
    into a pan by lifting one of the fingers. It has a patch posted, but it's
    quite old (a little over a year), and needs to be updated to apply to the
    current code.

  - Bug 1180799 is about momentum scrolling after a two-fingered pan (the second
    improvement mentioned in comment 8).

As for the first improvement mentioned in comment 8, two-fingered panning of subframes, I discussed it with Kats and we believe that should wait until we have subframe zooming (bug 990972).

I'd be happy to continue mentoring you for either of the above bugs. If you're interested, please feel free to take either one.
Blocks: 1180865
Since bug 962243 are halfway done, I'd be happy to finish it up and then continue with the other one if no one claims it by then.
(In reply to Lynn Tran from comment #20)
> Since bug 962243 are halfway done, I'd be happy to finish it up and then
> continue with the other one if no one claims it by then.

Sounds good! I assigned for bug 962243 to you.
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