Open Bug 1031585 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Media Query Visualizer in Responsive Design Mode


(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jryans, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [rdm-v2])


(3 files)

Several tools now give a visual / interactive breakdown of the media queries used on a page:

* Chrome Canary
* Response Inspector extension for Chrome

I'll attach screenshots.

These let you see the different width ranges that will trigger CSS changes to be applied as window size changes.

Canary's is also helpfully interactive: clicking on a bar sets the width to the nearest end of that range, and clicking the same bar again jumps to the other end of the range.
Actually, the Responsive Inspector extension also resizes the window if you click a range bar, although only to a single size per bar.
There are lots of nice things about it: the color scheme, etc. hate the res-zing but they don't really have a responsive design view to drive like we do ( except in Canary )

The thing I like from chrome is that the visual bars line up with the viewport sizes. The thing I *don't* like there and think is srsly weird is it is a sub-mod of the emulation feature, you can't just get it by itself.
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Severity: normal → enhancement
Whiteboard: [devtools-ux]
Assignee: nobody → ntim.bugs
We should discuss the UX of this in depth before getting too far down any particular path.  The multiple viewport project is also on the horizon, which would likely impact the UX we choose here.

For some additional background, I did a survey of responsive design tools and MQ inspectors a while back (needs to be updated for recent Chrome changes, etc.):
I've started the visual design of the media query displays here:

For now, this visual design just assumes a Chrome-like integration with the responsive mode. I'd have to see how the multiple viewports stuff works before actually integrating the media query stuff in it.
Unassigning until we have a concrete plan.
Assignee: ntim.bugs → nobody
Whiteboard: [devtools-ux] → [rdm-v2]
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Priority: -- → P3

For reference, I attached a screenshot of Chrome's existing approach to visualizing media queries:

  • gray bars = preset dimensions (phone / tablet / laptop, etc)
  • color bars = media queries picked-up from the applied stylesheets

A video about how to enable media query visualization in Chrome:

Summary: Visual and interactive media queries → [meta] Media Query Visualizer in Responsive Design Mode

The meta keyword is there, the bug doesn't depend on other bugs and there is no activity for 12 months.
:nchevobbe, maybe it's time to close this bug?

Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)

let's keep this without the meta keyword.
If we ever get to this, we might create blockers and re-set this as a meta

Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
Keywords: meta
Summary: [meta] Media Query Visualizer in Responsive Design Mode → Media Query Visualizer in Responsive Design Mode
Severity: normal → S3
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