Closed Bug 1033186 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Keyboard][User Story] Bosnian keyboard


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(feature-b2g:2.1, b2g-v2.1 fixed)

2.1 S2 (15aug)
feature-b2g 2.1
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.1 --- fixed


(Reporter: bhuang, Assigned: bruhuang)



(Whiteboard: [2.1-feature-qa+])

User Story

As a user I would like to be able to type in Bosnian using a Bosnian keyboard layout.


(7 files)

This story tracks the addition of a Bosnian keyboard.
feature-b2g: --- → 2.1
QA Whiteboard: [COM=SystemPlatform]
This is P1 since I think this is part of the product requirement.
Attached file Bosnian keyboard layout (deleted) —
Layout recommendation attached.  Jeff, is there someone that can help review it from l10n team? 
Flags: needinfo?(jbeatty)
Passing this over to Kerim to review.
Flags: needinfo?(jbeatty) → needinfo?(kerim)
Hey guys, I am happy to help!

The layout is all fine since QWERTZ is used for Bosnian language. As far as Long-Press Mappings are concerned, you can freely remove any mapped characters except for letters: c (č, ć); d (đ); s (š); z (ž). All other mapped characters are not from the Bosnian alphabet and thus aren't used in Bosnian language.

If there is anything else I can help out with, don't hesitate to ping me.
Flags: needinfo?(kerim)
Assignee: nobody → rlu
Attached file Bosnian keyboard layout (deleted) —
Hi Rudy, added a Bosnian layout according to the attachment, can you help review?  Thanks.
Attachment #8469062 - Flags: review?(rlu)
Comment on attachment 8469062 [details]
Bosnian keyboard layout

Looks good to me with some questions on the pull request, please help take a look.
Besides, we should add an entry to the following file,
"bs": [
        {"layoutId": "bs", "app": ["apps", "keyboard"]}

Do we need a native speaker to do the ui review?
Attachment #8469062 - Flags: review?(rlu) → review+
Just let me know if you need me to review anything (I'm a native speaker).
Comment on attachment 8469062 [details]
Bosnian keyboard layout


Could you please test this patch with simulator or device?
BTW, we would need your opinion on if "Bosanski" is a good native name for this layout.
Attachment #8469062 - Flags: ui-review?(kerim)
"Bosanski" is the right name for the layout. Can you please provide a bit more information on how I can test it on a device since I have a Keon phone with me.
If you have built Gaia before, then you could do:
GAIA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS=en,pt-BR,es,de,fr,pl,zh-Hans-Pinyin,en-Dvorak,bs make install-gaia
(Note that this would update the Gaia on you Keon, so if your Keon is for your own daily use, not for development, maybe you should try simulator instead of on device.)

and then you could enable this new layout for settings app > Keyboards > Select Keyboards.
Bruce, I'll change the assignee since you've got a patch.
Thanks for your great work!
Assignee: rlu → bhuang
Assignee: bhuang → bruhuang
(In reply to Rudy Lu [:rudyl] from comment #6)
> Comment on attachment 8469062 [details]
> Bosnian keyboard layout
> Looks good to me with some questions on the pull request, please help take a
> look.
> Besides, we should add an entry to the following file,
> "bs": [
>         {"layoutId": "bs", "app": ["apps", "keyboard"]}
> ],
> layouts.json#L20
Updated pull request based on these comments.
Attached image Keyboard selection (deleted) —
Attached image Keyboard_1 (deleted) —
Attached image Keyboard_2 (deleted) —
Attached image Keyboard_3 (deleted) —
Kerim, I added some screenshots first while you work on trying the patch on device.  For the long press characters, I kept the ones in the layout recommendation since some users might want to type words in other languages without switching from the Bosnian layout.  So the alt characters are:
    c: 'čć'
    d: 'đ'
    e: 'ë€'
    i: 'íîïì'
    o: 'ó'
    u: 'ú'
    s: 'šş'
    z: 'ž'
OK, Bruce. Should I patch the device or use the simulator? What do you suggest?
As mentioned in comment 10, you can patch the device but it will update the Gaia on your device.  If your device is for development purpose it's fine, but if it's your daily phone then it'll be up to you whether you'll want to update Gaia since it may affect your day to day use.
Target Milestone: --- → 2.1 S2 (15aug)
Flags: in-moztrap?(gchang)
QA Contact: gchang
Whiteboard: [2.1-feature-qa+]
Priority: -- → P1

If you still could not review this on simulator, would you mind review this by taking a look at the screeshots?
Created attachment 8469121 [details]

Created attachment 8469124 [details]

Created attachment 8469125 [details]

Flags: needinfo?(kerim)
OK, I will not test on simulator. This looks good, but I didn't see an image for S -> Š. I hope it's there too.
Flags: needinfo?(kerim)
Attached image Bosnian-S-popup.png (deleted) —
Hi Kerim,

Thanks for the review, this is the pop-up for 'S', please help take a look.
Attachment #8471500 - Flags: ui-review?(kerim)
Looking good. Go for it.
Comment on attachment 8469062 [details]
Bosnian keyboard layout

ui-review+ from Kerim.
Attachment #8469062 - Flags: ui-review?(kerim) → ui-review+
Attachment #8471500 - Flags: ui-review?(kerim)
This is ready to land.
Bruce, could you help do the squash, let me know if you need me to help.
Flags: needinfo?(bruhuang)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Don't we need a word list for spell checker for the language? Needinfo product to clarify.
Flags: needinfo?(bhuang)
Bug 1050558 has been filed to track the suggestion part.
Kevin and I are working on it.
(In reply to Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (MoCo-TPE) (please ni?) from comment #27)
> Don't we need a word list for spell checker for the language? Needinfo
> product to clarify.

Yes, originally there was a question on whether we could directly leverage the Croatian word list, but that's being addressed in bug 1050558.
Flags: needinfo?(bhuang)
Flags: in-moztrap?(gchang) → in-moztrap?(kerim)
Hey Gerry, what do you need from me? Frankly, not sure what this flag "in-moztrap" really is?
Hi Kerim, 
I re-mark "in-moztrap" as +, you just perform the normal tests for L10N in Bosnian including keyboard and language.
Flags: in-moztrap?(kerim) → in-moztrap+
(In reply to Gerry Chang [:cfchang] from comment #32)
> Hi Kerim, 
> I re-mark "in-moztrap" as +, you just perform the normal tests for L10N in
> Bosnian including keyboard and language.

Gerry - If l10n is driving the testing here, then I would expect MozTrap test cases to be created, except I think it would be driven by Delphine specifically. We would use these MozTrap test cases during our l10n test run. As such, I think there are test cases we need to create here. Should we flag in-moztrap? to Delphine then?
Flags: needinfo?(gchang)
Hi Jason,
I've talked this with William, according to William, L10N should choose the existing tests in moztrap as they usually do for other languages. 

Hi William,
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Flags: needinfo?(gchang) → needinfo?(whsu)
As I known, L10n team should pick i18n test case to verify the content/wording since we are not language expertise.
But, for QA, we can have a test case to make sure that Bosnian keyboard is ready for test.
Does it make sense?

@ Test case for QA:

@ Test case for l10n team

Thanks for the help! :)
Flags: needinfo?(whsu)
After doing GAIA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS=en,pt-BR,es,de,fr,fr-CA,pl,zh-Hans-Pinyin,en-Dvorak,bs make install-gaia, "Bosanski" is displayed in keyboard list.
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