Closed Bug 1034460 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[User Story] As a user I would like to handle gracefully conflicts between Loop and GSM Calls


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Loop, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: oteo, Unassigned)



User Story

1.GSM Call established or being established

Case A: Established GSM Call, Loop call is received

- In case there is an ongoing call on the GSM dialer while an incoming Loop call is received, the GSM call will be put on hold and the Loop call continues (ringing) until the Loop call is accepted or rejected.

- If Loop finishes the call, the dialer will NOT resume automatically the GSM call (it will be still on hold). 

- If the user resumes the GSM call manually before Loop call finishes, Loop call will be put on hold (see case D).

NOTE: If the dialer is handling multiple calls at the same time (one active call one on hold), there is no way to put all them on hold, so Loop will not progress with the call and will notify the user about that.

Case B: Established GSM Call, user starts a Loop call

- During an ongoing GSM, user tries to start a Loop Call, GSM call will be put on hold automatically. (same as case A) 

Case C: GSM Call being established, Loop call is answered and GSM call is established afterwards

- If during the establishing process of a GSM call (either incoming or outgoing) a Loop call is received and answered, Loop call will be established. If the user completes afterwards the establishment of the GSM call, Loop call will be put on hold.  

2. Loop Call established or being established

Case D: Established Loop call, GSM call is received

- If during an ongoing Loop call, an incoming GSM call is received, the Loop call will be put on hold and the GSM continues (ringing) until the GSM call is accepted or rejected.

- If the GSM call is finished, Loop call will NOT be automatically resumed(it will be still on hold). 

- If user resumes the Loop call manually before the GSM one finishes, dialer call will be put on hold (see case A). 

Case E: Established Loop Call, user starts a GSM Call

- During an ongoing Loop call, user tries to start a GSM Call, Loop call will be put on hold automatically (same as case D)

Case F: Loop Call being established, GSM call is answered and Loop call is established afterwards

- If during the establishing process of a Loop call (either incoming or outgoing) a GSM call is received and answered, GSM call will be established. If the user completes afterwards the establishment of the Loop call, GSM call will be put on hold.
1.GSM Call established or being established Case A:Established GSM Call, Loop call is received - In case there is an ongoing call on the GSM dialer while an incoming Loop call is received, the dialer call will carry on until the Loop call is accepted. In that moment the GSM call will be put on hold and the Loop call will continue. - If Loop finishes the call, the dialer will resume automatically the GSM call. If the user resumes the GSM call manually, Loop call will be put on hold (see case D). NOTE: If the dialer is handling multiple calls at the same time (one active call one on hold), there is no way to put all them on hold, so Loop will not progress with the call and will notify the user about that. Case B: Established GSM Call, user starts a Loop call - During an ongoing GSM, user tries to start a Loop Call, GSM call will be put on hold automatically. (same as case A) Case C: GSM Call being established, Loop call is answered and GSM call is established afterwards - If during the establishing process of a GSM call (either incoming or outgoing) a Loop call is received and answered, Loop call will be established. If the user completes afterwards the establishment of the GSM call, Loop call will be put on hold. 2. Loop Call established or being established Case D: Established Loop call, GSM call is received - If during an ongoing Loop call the user accepts an incoming GSM call via the regular dialer. Loop call will be put on hold. - If the GSM call is finished. Loop call will be automatically resumed. - If user resumes the Loop call manually and the dialer call is still ongoing, the dialer call will be put on hold (see case A). Case E: Established Loop Call, user starts a GSM Call - During an ongoing Loop call, user tries to start a GSM Call, Loop call will be put on hold automatically (same as case D) Case F: Loop Call being established, GSM call is answered and Loop call is established afterwards - If during the establishing process of a Loop call (either incoming or outgoing) a GSM call is received and answered, GSM call will be established. If the user completes afterwards the establishment of the Loop call, GSM call will be put on hold.
For more info, in, Jose Antonio explained with some diagrams the possible use cases we might have.
Depends on: 1016277
Depends on: loop_start_call
Summary: As a user I would like to handle gracefully conflicts between Loop and GSM Calls → [User Story] As a user I would like to handle gracefully conflicts between Loop and GSM Calls
Updated the US in US field and introducing some modifications according with the last changes in bug 1016277. The diagram flows will be updated according to these changes too.
User Story: (updated)
Depends on: 1037054
Depends on: 1043971
Depends on: 1050146
Depends on: 1069793
Depends on: 1091790
WON'T FIXING it since Hello does not exist anymore.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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