Closed Bug 107421 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

--disable-mailnews build broken


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: waterson, Assigned: bugs)



(Keywords: memory-footprint)


(2 files)

Ben, I figured out why btek is broken. The problem is that I'm doing a
--disable-mailnews build (so that my turnaround time is good): I don't need
mailnews to run the performance tests. Until last night, that is! I'm getting
the following error on startup:

  *** Failed to load overlay chrome://messenger/content/mailOverlay.xul

And after that, my browser window is trashed.

So, I guess we either need to decide that browser now _requires_ mailnews, or
you need to fix something in the chrome here.
Keywords: footprint
browser should not require mailnews, period full stop.

This is a major problem to me as well.  I depend on using --disable-mailnews. 
Raising severity to blocker (IMHO, change if you like).
Severity: normal → blocker
This also affects release builds if you check "custom" and don't install
mailnews -- the browser doesn't work.
I'm surprised this isn't considered important enough to hold the tree closed.
> I guess we either need to decide that browser now _requires_ mailnews, or

Bahahah, that's funny.

*** Bug 107661 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is NOT the same as 107661 !!!!!!! I did NOT disable-mailnews in
my build. The error message from loader <attach 55838) does indicate
failure to load MailOverlay.xul, but I specified a COMPLETE install.
The problem must be in  <2001103011>
Art Wagner
Same thing here, 2001103108 homemade build

"*** Failed to load overlay chrome://messenger/content/mailOverlay.xul
Warning add child failed!!"

blue window, contains parts of statusbar and "Document: Done."
thankfully I only compile mozilla for the GTK embedding widget :)

I tried to reproduce the error by going through a complete mozilla-install using
the same copy of mozilla-install I used previously. I failed to reproduce the
error but i got a new build (2001103012) instead of (2001103011) previously.
I am absolutely sure I did a "complete" install of the original build.
The GOOD news is that I could not reproduce the error. Might have been a glitch
in the 103011 build process????
This should've been a smoketest blocker originally.
Keywords: smoketest
Someone will have to adopt this -- I don't think Ben Goodger is awake at this
time. Any volunteers?
*** Bug 107810 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
cc'ing twalker since people claim this should be a smoketest blocker. However,
smoketests are performed against release builds and embedding builds, both built
without this option (--disable-mailnews) I believe, so I don't think he could
have detected this bug.
Should this keep the tree closed ? (that's what smoketest blocker typically implies)
It's still seen with release builds, if you install "custom" and don't install
mailnews.  Anyone trying to install a release build to test just the browser
would see it, and would be unable to test the browser without going back and
reinstalling everything.
ok, then it defenitely sounds like a blocker.
So is this the 3rd day this happens, or has it been around longer?
I always deselect mailnews in the installer. Started happening two or three days
ago, no longer.
Ben's 10/29 checkins look suspicious, has no one else made progress on this yet?
 I'll have a look.
on 10/29 ben added editor/ui/composer/content/editorNavigatorOverlay.xul, which
depends on chrome://messenger/content/mailOverlay.xul.  If this file is missing,
we mess ourself.  Upcoming patch drops the dependency, at the expense of some
mailnews commands in editor menus.
seems ok to remove the reference - r=andreww
sr=sfraser, but we need Ben to look at this later.
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
patch checked in.  I leave it up to Ben to deal with the bug.
looks okay with respin on linux commercial 2001-10-31-13-trunk
This was fixed yesterday, right?
Severity: blocker → major
Keywords: smoketest
*** Bug 107613 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch do the right thing? (deleted) — Splinter Review
No, that line was actually not necessary, and a mistake on my part. It 
shouldn't be added back in. I'm going to remove the line altogether. 
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified with latest builds
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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