Closed Bug 1075134 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Implement MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONALLY_LEAK_OBJECT macro to indicate intentionally leaked objects


(Core :: MFBT, defect)

33 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: Yoric, Assigned: Yoric)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: dev-doc-needed)


(1 file, 4 obsolete files)

LeakSanitizer supports Leak Annotations, in, but our code can't use it.

I'd like to use it. Pretty please?
What do you mean our code can't use it?

I assume the implementation would be something like MOZ_ASAN_BLACKLIST.
Blocks: LSan
Component: XPCOM → MFBT
Well, as far as I can tell, and unless I missearched my objdir, leak_annotations.h is not exported anywhere during the build process, so we can't include it. So, unless I'm missing something, we need to reimplement it.
Ah, I misread that and thought __lsan_ignore_object was an annotation for some reason, not a call.
Ok, it looks like it is some function implemented in LSan itself.

Does it work if you just declare it somewhere like in leak_annotations?  I don't know how we link with LSan stuff.
Those are all declared in public header <sanitizer/lsan_interface.h>. Chromium redeclares them for historical reasons. 

Those symbols should be available whenever you build with -fsanitize=address or -fsanitize=leak.
Incidentally, that header also declares __lsan_do_leak_check(), which can be used to move leak detection to an earlier time. I've used that in Chromium to avoid reporting shutdown leaks. I think you've mentioned somewhere that you've been having issues with those, so maybe that approach can work for you too.
Thanks for the explanation, that sounds like it would be pretty easy to implement then.
I think we're talking past each other. I want to make use of macro ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(X) or something equivalent. We do need to reimplement that macro, don't we?
One thing that makes me a little nervous is that adding easy support for this will make it easier for people to decide themselves that it is okay if they start leaking stuff.  Right now with the suppression file, I get emailed any time somebody makes a change to it.  I guess we can have some kind of comment about requiring a superreview for such changes by the macro.  In practice, nobody has tried to change the suppression file on their own.

(In reply to David Rajchenbach-Teller [:Yoric] (use "needinfo") from comment #8)
> I think we're talking past each other. I want to make use of macro
> ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(X) or something equivalent. We do need to
> reimplement that macro, don't we?

Yes, I'm discussing the implementation of that macro.  But it sounds simple.
Summary: Leak Annotations → Implement MOZ_LSAN_ macro to indicate intentionally leaked objects
I'm willing to pick up that bug, if someone is willing to mentor me on it.
The only lsan_interface.h I see is part of clang. Is that the one we are supposed to use?
(In reply to David Rajchenbach-Teller [:Yoric] (use "needinfo") from comment #10)
> I'm willing to pick up that bug, if someone is willing to mentor me on it.
> The only lsan_interface.h I see is part of clang. Is that the one we are
> supposed to use?

No, we do not use the Clang header directly. Right now, we add the necessary interface definitions to mfbt/MemoryChecking.h. You can copy any necessary definitions to that file and also define your macros there.
Should I reuse macro MOZ_ASAN or should I introduce a new MOZ_LSAN? If the latter, how do I determine that we are in LeakSanitizer mode?
Typically there is a has_feature macro builtin to Clang for each tool and since LSan is a sub-tool of ASan I would have recommended using that together with MOZ_ASAN to define MOZ_LSAN, like:

But on the LeakSanitizer page I don't see a specific macro for that. Maybe you want to try this with a simple program and see if the macro exists. Otherwise, adding MOZ_LSAN directly into the build system is probably ok.
Are you saying I should add --enable-leak-sanitizer? If so, I'll need some guidance, because it's not clear to me how I should go about disabling it cleanly.

Also, the clang headers only contain references to features "address_sanitizer" and "memory_sanitizier", no "leak_sanitizier", so we probably shouldn't rely on it.
There is no compile-time check for LeakSanitizer.

You can call those functions whenever you build with ASan. If LSan is not supported (e.g. on Windows or Mac), they will be defined as nops. If you disable LSan at runtime (i.e. detect_leaks=0), then it simply won't do anything with that information.
Given what Sergey is saying, you can just add the LSan macros under MOZ_ASAN then, it will work in both cases then (I forgot that leak checking is a runtime option). If you need more help, you can also ping me on IRC :)
Assignee: nobody → dteller
So, I have an experimental patch, but applying it, I get oranges just about everywhere.
Just to be sure, am I running the right tests?
Needinfo for mccr8 since those seem to be LSan failures.
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
Yes, that's the right thing to run.
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
You can also just make an ASan build locally if you have a Linux machine and run any Mochitest and you should get LSan.
Attached patch Introducing MOZ_LSAN_* (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8503579 - Flags: review?(continuation)
Comment on attachment 8503579 [details] [diff] [review]
Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*

Review of attachment 8503579 [details] [diff] [review]:

This looks reasonable to me, I guess.  It should get a review from an MFBT peer.  It might help if you uploaded the patch in bug 1044020 that shows how you are using these.

As for my concern about adding these to the tree, jst has a script that can watch for the use of certain key words and email people, so we can just add these to the list when it lands.

::: mfbt/MemoryChecking.h
@@ +55,5 @@
>  #define MOZ_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(addr, size) \
>    __asan_unpoison_memory_region((addr), (size))
> +
> +/*
> + * Thes definitions are usually provided through the

nit: Thes -> These

@@ +56,5 @@
>    __asan_unpoison_memory_region((addr), (size))
> +
> +/*
> + * Thes definitions are usually provided through the
> + * sanitizer/lsan_interface.h header installed by LSan.

This should say "by ASan" not "by LSan", as the latter is really just an execution mode of the former.

@@ +122,5 @@
> +#  define MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_LEAK(X) /* nothing */
> +#endif // defined(MOZ_ASAN)
> +
> +#if defined(MOZ_ASAN)
> +class ScopedLeakSanitizerDisabler MOZ_FINAL {

What do you need this for?  Does it disable Lsan entirely, or just ignore leaks that are allocated during the disablement?

This needs a comment.

You probably want to indicate that this is a stack-only class.
Attachment #8503579 - Flags: review?(nfroyd)
Attachment #8503579 - Flags: review?(continuation)
Attachment #8503579 - Flags: feedback+
> This should say "by ASan" not "by LSan", as the latter is really just an execution mode of the former.

I think the comment is correct as it is. LSan can be used without ASan, and we plan to also have it in MSan eventually.
Comment on attachment 8503579 [details] [diff] [review]
Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*

Review of attachment 8503579 [details] [diff] [review]:

Andrew's comments are all good.  I'm suspicious about adding ScopedLeakSanitizerDisable, though; I think that might make it too easy to introduce unintentional leaks.  Do you need it for the dependent bug, or is it just a convenient way of avoiding multiple MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_LEAKs?  I think forcing people to write out MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_LEAK is a good thing...
Attachment #8503579 - Flags: review?(nfroyd) → feedback+
So, it ignores things that are allocated within the scope.

I need it for the dependent bug:
- `RunWatchdog` calls `PR_Sleep`, which allocates when starting to sleep and deallocates when waking up. Since we generally end the process while the watchdog is sleeping, LSan considers it a leak. The alternative is whitelisting the allocation in `PR_Sleep`, but that strikes me as weirder, since it's a specific call to `PR_Sleep` that we want to whitelist.
- `RunWriter` calls `PR_Open`, writes stuff, then closes. It may also be killed while it's writing. We might whitelist this specific call to `PR_Open`, of course.
David, just so you know, an alternative would be to have some kind of cleanup code that runs at shutdown only in debug and ASan builds.  I'm not sure which is better though.
Blocks: 1082665
I can't think of a way to do this that wouldn't complicate the code of the watchdog too much to my taste. Since this code is important for safety, I'd like to keep it as simple as possible.
Attached patch Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*, v2 (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Applied feedback.
See also bug 1044020 for updated patch using these macros.
Attachment #8503579 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8506976 - Flags: review?(nfroyd)
Benjamin, do you think the thing in there about needing a super review is reasonable, or is super reviewing so far in the ash bin of history that we should just rely on the usual reviews plus people's common sense?  (I figure it makes sense to ask a super reviewer about that...)  There's an example of the use in the patch in bug 1044020.
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
Comment on attachment 8506976 [details] [diff] [review]
Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*, v2

I think API/design review can still be valuable, yes. In this case, I think we already have the right set of people doing that, so I don't think you should worry about the flag itself. I realize that neither mccr8 nor froydnj are in the official super-reviewer list, but I should probably just figure out a way to fix that.
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg  [:bsmedberg] from comment #31)
> I realize that neither mccr8 nor froydnj
> are in the official super-reviewer list, but I should probably just figure
> out a way to fix that.

It's Halloween-time, not April Fools!-time.  OTOH, that's a scary idea, so maybe Halloween is appropriate...
Comment on attachment 8506976 [details] [diff] [review]
Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*, v2

Review of attachment 8506976 [details] [diff] [review]:



::: mfbt/MemoryChecking.h
@@ +113,5 @@
> + * MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_LEAK(X) is a macro to tell LeakSanitizer that X
> + * points to a value that will intentionally never be deallocated during
> + * the execution of the process.
> + *
> + * Use of this macro requires a super-review.

I think super-review is not the proper category.  Maybe "Additional uses of this macro should be reviewed by people conversant in leak-checking and/or MFBT peers"?

Attachment #8506976 - Flags: review?(nfroyd) → review+
(In reply to Nathan Froyd (:froydnj) from comment #33)
> Comment on attachment 8506976 [details] [diff] [review]
> Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*, v2
> Review of attachment 8506976 [details] [diff] [review]:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_SCOPED_LEAK is more of a footgun.

The scoped annotation is useful mainly for wrapping calls to leaky external code, where you don't have access to the actual leaked object. Of course, that makes "intentional scoped leak" a misnomer.

> r=me with the MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_SCOPED_LEAK removed.
> ::: mfbt/MemoryChecking.h
> @@ +113,5 @@
> > + * MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONAL_LEAK(X) is a macro to tell LeakSanitizer that X
> > + * points to a value that will intentionally never be deallocated during
> > + * the execution of the process.
> > + *
> > + * Use of this macro requires a super-review.
> I think super-review is not the proper category.  Maybe "Additional uses of
> this macro should be reviewed by people conversant in leak-checking and/or
> MFBT peers"?
> The macro should be named MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONALLY_LEAK_OBJECT.
Perhaps `MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONALLY_LEAKING_CALL(stmt)` would be less footgunish.
In my sample, this would give

while (true) {
 // ...
Summary: Implement MOZ_LSAN_ macro to indicate intentionally leaked objects → Implement MOZ_LSAN_INTENTIONALLY_LEAK_OBJECT macro to indicate intentionally leaked objects
Attached patch Introducing MOZ_LSAN_*, v4 (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Oops, wrong bug#.
Attachment #8508596 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8510305 - Flags: review+
I emailed jst about adding the macro to his watch list.
Thanks for working on this, David, this will be a cool thing to have in our toolkit.
Thanks for guiding me.
Hey Yoric, seems this patch didn't apply cleanly:

applying lsan.diff
patching file mfbt/MemoryChecking.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 28
1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file mfbt/MemoryChecking.h.rej
patch failed, unable to continue (try -v)
patch failed, rejects left in working dir
errors during apply, please fix and refresh lsan.diff

could you take a look at this. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)
Keywords: checkin-needed
Attached patch Rebased (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8510305 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)
Attachment #8510925 - Flags: review+
`hg pull --rebase` seemed to WFM
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla36
This should get a little bit of documentation on the ASan page, in the LSan section.
Keywords: dev-doc-needed
Depends on: 1182378
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