Closed Bug 107764 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

DOESN'T INSTALL IN /usr/local/mozilla EVEN IF SPECIFIED IN configure


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: eternal, Assigned: cls)


Why the hell after I've done configure --prefix=/usr/local/mozilla ...
then compiled it for 45 (!) minutes (15 min longer than XFree86 4.1.0), the directory
I was in (~/temp/mozilla) became 1.5G (!) in size, and all compiled stuff were placed
to ~/temp/mozilla/dist (well, not actually placed, but symlinked). Make install doesn't do
anything. I can't even copy entire ~/temp/mozilla/dist contents to /usr/local/mozilla because of
cp copies symlinks, not the files (and there's no options to copy files symlinks point to).
Mozilla itself runs ok from dist directory, but I don't want to keep 1.5G dir on my temp.
How the hell do I install it?!!! The point this is in documentation is because there're lots of
docs on how to build it, and NONE at all on how to install what I have built! Also (offtopic this), somebody explain me,
what's --enable-mathml and --enable-svg options in configure are for?
i know it's DUP, but those DUP doesn't seem to get resolved or even spoke of!
is it that hard to follow autoconf standards?!
This is a build bug first.

<imajes> sleestack: well then is this a build bug?
<walk84> imajes: mozilla doesn't have a make install target
<sleestack> imajes: give that bug to (Dauphin)
<jrgm> actually, find the duplicate (I'm sure it exists)
<sleestack> imajes: this might be user error, hard to tell
<imajes> sleestack: what component?
<imajes> sleestack: I know it could be a user error
<sleestack> imajes: build or config?
<imajes> sleestack: ok, I'll port it over there
<sleestack> oh, it's a doc bug
<sleestack> yeah.
<imajes> sleestack: yah... but if it's installing in /tmp that's probably a bad
<imajes> although, that seems really wierd
<jrgm> no, the guy is just looking for 'make install' to work (he built in
~/temp of his own accord)
<imajes> jrgm: ok, so, er.. does make install not work?
<imajes> or maybe he forgot to prefix
<walk84> imajes: <walk84> imajes: mozilla doesn't have a make install target
<imajes> ah ...
<imajes> ok, is that on purpose?
<jrgm> we used to have a make install target, but it was actually what is now
known as 'make libs'.
<jrgm> it was renamed so that 'make install' could have its usual meaning, but
(I guess) it hasn't been implemented.
<imajes> ok.
<imajes> so I'm going to stick this in build.
<jrgm> although, in that bug, the guy claims there is no way to do a deep copy
of symlinks from dist/bin to somewhere else, but there is 
<jrgm> but not in the make system
<imajes> ah
<imajes> lets send it over to build first, perhaps then make install can be
fixed, or that it can be written about...
Assignee: endico → seawood
Component: Mozilla Developer → Build Config
Product: Documentation → Browser
QA Contact: endico → granrose
Version: unspecified → other
giving to Dauphin
Assignee: seawood → cls
QA Contact: granrose → seawood
Of course, it doesn't install in /usr/local. There's no 'install' target to make
it do so.  :-P

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 56601 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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