Closed Bug 107786 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

The subsets of Character coding menus are not working


(Core :: Internationalization, defect, P1)






(Reporter: marina, Assigned: shanjian)




(Keywords: intl, regression, smoketest)


(2 files)

in today's build 2001-10-31-03 i am not aboe to turn auto-detect off. everytime
the checkmark goes back to "all". might be a general problem not mail specific.
Marina, please check this with browser.
yep, same thing with browser, every time i am turning auto-detect off it
switches back to "All". changing component to browser
Product: MailNews → Browser
Marina, do you know when did this start?

Reassign to shanjian.
Assignee: nhotta → shanjian
i think it started with today's build and i see one more wierd thing happening:
when the message with no-mime or wrong mime info is displayed the first time its
display is correct ( even though the mime is not present or is wrong (BodyMime
folder. zip, any message) but when i am changing the charset to the right one to
override the display is incorrect ( it might be related to the yesterday's fix
for the charset override or to the fact that i deleted my xul.mfl file in
attempt to reproduce bug # 107333)
This might be a dup of 106749. I will look at it after 106749 is fixed. 
Depends on: 106749
it might be that auto-detect turn off function not working started earlier with
106749 but the correctness of the charset not working is problematic only in
today's build. My comments from 2001-10-31 10:31 are true only for 2001-10-31-03
build, it didn't happen in 2001-10-30-03 build, i was able to correct the
charset of the nomime (or wrong mime) message body by manually selecting the
charset, now when i am doing so the display is unreadable.
Shanjian, is your fix for bug #107084 checked in? Could that be that what i am
seeing is a side effect of this fix? I am attaching BodyMime test folder, please
look at the shift-jis and Greek-8859-7 messages. First time display is correct
but when you manually change the charset the message body is unreadable 
Attached file here is a bodymime folder (deleted) —
Could you send such an email to my address?

Shanjian, go to the above URL and chose Nomime folder, there select a greek
mail: first the display will be correct but the checkmark will point to the
wrong charset ( western, latin1), when the user want to manually correct it and
manually set to Greek it'll display garbage, so the first problem is : user can
not override the auto-detector that is on. Second problem: in the same folder
select GB2312, the first display will be arabic ( auto-detector in this case is
not working). I guess there are several bugs in this bug report. Please take a
look and then if valid i'll file separete bugs. Thanks.
and one more observation: the charset of the greek mail can not be manually
changed if it is not on the list of the active charsets ( i mean if you have to
go Character coding|More|West European|Greek-8859-7) , in case Greek charset is
already on the active charset list ( after you added it) when selecting it
manually the message reloads correctly.
that last comments makes me think that the subset menu is not working at all,
only the active charset, then it would make this problem generic, changing  summary.
Keywords: intl, regression
Summary: Unable to turn auto-detect off → The subset of Character coding menu is not working
changing qa contact
QA Contact: ji → marina
see comment on 106749. This bug may be fixed soon
Doh, no. I am wrong.  
Node name in MultiplexHandler(event) isn't 'detectorGroup'.
It's always 'charsetGroup'.   Something went wrong in deeper space.
it today's build (2001-11-01-03) the charset used from the More... menu is added
partially to the active list ( though if you chose it to reset the encoding
manually it still doesn't work. The screen shot to follow
upgraded to blocker and changed to all platforms

seen on commercial builds:

mac 2001-11-02-04-trunk
linux 2001-11-02-06-trunk

I believe this has regressed further since orignianlly reported.  The Character 
Coding submenus don't appear at all:  Autodetect>  nothing.  More> all 
menus > nothing and the expected list of charsets normally listed below 
Customize is also gone.
Severity: normal → blocker
Keywords: smoketest
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: The subset of Character coding menu is not working → The subsets of Character coding menus are not working
Several bugs might contribute to this problem. Besides 106749, 107869 is also 
one of them. Bug 107869 will be fixed soon.
>charsets normally listed below Customize is also gone.

Tracy the increased severity of the problem could be a carry-over from bug 
64146 - somehow I did an incomplete checkin for that bug and the things you 
were seeing could be a consequence of that.

I just checked in a modified version of charsetoverlay.js and 
charsetoverlay.xul, which should make everything a-OK. Could you please look at 
the next round of builds and confirm that? If everything works I'd suggest 
downgrading this bug and leaving it with Shianjian. Otherwise please file a bug 
for the remaining issues against me. I'll be around to address them.

apologize for the intrusion, but I checked in lazy charset menu initialization 
the other day, so I was following any potential issues. Seems like the problems 
with blank charset menu items are a result of my activity and I just tried to 
address that. I look forward to working with you and Tracy to address any other 
issues my checkin might have caused.
this seems like a dupe of 106749 - and as I just mentioned there, the quick fix
would be to duplicate this event handler in each <menu> node.. that way you
wouldn't get bit by event bubbling.
The menu is now available to change the settings, but the settings don't stick 
(revert back to all). I'm going to downgrade this defect to critical to get the 
tree open asap. 
Severity: blocker → critical
Do not duplicate event handlers please.  That would have a negative perf impact.
After bug 106749 was fixed, I could not reproduce the problem any more. 
Resolve it as wfm. 
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
yes, it is working now with 11-13-03 build, verifying
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