Closed Bug 1098188 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Keyboard settings can't be pre-localized when handwriting layout included


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Not set


(blocking-b2g:2.2+, b2g-v2.2 fixed)

2.2 S1 (5dec)
blocking-b2g 2.2+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.2 --- fixed


(Reporter: timdream, Assigned: wdeng)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)


1. Remove in-HTML English labels in apps/keyboard/settings.html
2. |GAIA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS=en,zh-Hans-Handwriting APP=keyboard make install-gaia|
3. Settings -> Keyboard -> Built-in Keyboard


1. See labels


1. Empty screen


mozL10n emit the following error when the id clearly exists in

[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: settingsPageTitle
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: vibration
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: clickSound
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: autoCorrect
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: wordSuggestion
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: handwritingKeyboard
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: strokeWidth
[/build_stage/keyboard/settings.html: mozL10n: A non-existing entity requested: responseSpeed

I am not sure who is at fault here since this bug only happens when we run the step annotating settings.html. We probably need to someone to trace the build step here.

PS: We are indeed missing some ids for the handwriting section; I plan to add them in bug 1098124 if this is not fixed in time.
Flags: needinfo?(wdeng)
Flags: needinfo?(stas)
Flags: needinfo?(gandalf)
Yes, missing some label values for l10-ids in handwriting settings section, but I don't think it's the root cause of "empty screen".

Tried to reproduce it step by step as above, I can see the error log, but also I can see the labels, even switch system language to Traditional Chinese(from English), I can still see the labels though they are English for handwriting part.

My gaia commit: a6c295a7a6bddf5bcd42d970725300c4c30760b8

I will update to the latest code and try it again.
Flags: needinfo?(wdeng)
It looks like the problem is with the utils.writeContent function which escapes the braces in the URI template for the l10n resource.

Before the following line is run

the href of the localization link is


Right after it's run, it's:


Which means that the pretranslation mechanism in

can't fetch the proper file and fails.
Flags: needinfo?(stas)
Actually, I might be wrong.  It looks like the file is fetch correctly, even if the braces are escaped.
Do you have bandwidth to work on this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(gandalf) → needinfo?(wdeng)
Assignee: nobody → wdeng
Flags: needinfo?(wdeng)
Yes, I will try it.
Attached file patch - pull request 26324 (deleted) —
It's ridiculous, serialize DOM tree with nsIDOMSerializer, see [1], it seems some dom element attributes, like href='url', string values are encoded with encodeURI.

Attachment #8525954 - Flags: review?(timdream)
Wei, would you mind moving this logic into apps/keyboard/build/settings-config.js instead?  Maybe just before the following line is run:

   utils.writeContent(utils.getFile(distDirPath, 'settings.html'), sDoc);

I don't think it belongs in l10n.js.
Comment on attachment 8525954 [details]
patch - pull request 26324

According :stas, this doesn't seem to be the reason why localize failed?
Attachment #8525954 - Flags: review?(timdream) → review?(stas)
Hi stas,
   Thank you for your advice. Agree, for only this bug, I think we can do it the way you suggested.

   But I think, modifying source files in building is general for many apps, the building process diagram, see[1], localization is in the final phase(post-app.js). It means, l10n.js would translate all the changed html files, no matter how they were modified. So, I think make changes in l10n.js can make it more robust.

Now, the settings.html is changed as: settings.html->string->DOM(manipulate DOM)->string->settings.html.
It's too complex, actually I dislike it very much. A more elegent way I think is:
  1, put all the content in one single file settings.html,
  2, comment some parts(js in <head> and other sections in <body> ),
  3. in the building process, we can uncomment any comment.

But, I still don't know how to uncomment comments, do you have any ideas?

This patch can be suspended.

Thank you.

Comment on attachment 8525954 [details]
patch - pull request 26324

Never mind, :stas give his comment 3 hours ago.
Attachment #8525954 - Flags: review?(stas)
Comment on attachment 8525954 [details]
patch - pull request 26324

hi stas:
  Do you have time take a look? Thank you.
Attachment #8525954 - Flags: review?(stas)
Comment on attachment 8525954 [details]
patch - pull request 26324

r=me, thanks!
Attachment #8525954 - Flags: review?(stas) → review+
Closed: 10 years ago
Keywords: checkin-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2 S1 (5dec)
plus'ing fixed regression.
blocking-b2g: 2.2? → 2.2+
Keywords: regression
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