Closed Bug 1098502 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Swahili Autocorrection in Firefox OS


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: delphine, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



There is no Swahili autocorrection on Firefox OS.
Swahili is now a main focus. We will need autocorrection for Swahili from 2.2 and onwards.
Kevin: would you be able to help with wordlist and dictionary please?
Can't add localizer for review as he doesn't have a bugzilla account and still hasn't created one yet. Arky might be able to help on this, though.
Flags: needinfo?(kscanne)
I can work on this.

Have there been any discussions about improving autocorrect for morphologically complex languages?  Swahili is going to be like Basque and Finnish in the sense that a simple word list can never give good coverage of the words one sees in a typical corpus.   This will also be an issue for languages coming down the pipe like Zulu (cc'ing Friedel).
Flags: needinfo?(kscanne)
I'm definitely interested, but time is a pretty big problem. Zulu will be quite similar to Swahili from what I understand. I have some ideas, but have not had any real time to work on it. Kevin, I'll be keen to discuss my ideas, especially if it means we can work on solving it together - I don't quite have the time to tackle this on my own at the moment. Maybe next year.
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:
Partners have requested this locale from 2.0 and onwards. Marking as blocker
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.0?
Flags: needinfo?(bbajaj)
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:

[Triage] Considering current 2.0 timing and the need from partner, nom. to 2.1 (or even 2.2?) instead for consideration.
blocking-b2g: 2.0? → 2.1?
Clearing blocking nom, refer to comment in :
blocking-b2g: 2.1? → ---
Flags: needinfo?(bbajaj)
Adding Swahili localizers so they can give their input on word prediction that is needed. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(wanjaustev)
Flags: needinfo?(ndegwa90)
There is a Swahili dictionary known as "kamusi ya kiswahili". Most of what speakers of the language use and consider effective majorly constitutes slang though. I therefore think that this is not that urgent as it would not be most useful to a majority of users.
Flags: needinfo?(ndegwa90)
Thanks Dennis! 
Also, adding Kevin Scannell to this discussion.
Kevin: could you please give your input on this as well? Just want to make extra sure that we would not need to generate a wordlist and dictionary for this locale, as per comment 8. thanks all!
Flags: needinfo?(kscanne)
Oops sorry Kevin, read too fast this bug, you already did give your input, and so did Friedel.
Let me know if you need any more input on this.thanks!
Dennis raises an important issue.  Even if we were to produce an enhanced autocorrect engine to support Bantu languages, language models built from generic web text (lots of government documents and religious material) won't do a good job modeling the language of typical users on their phones.  I could look at collecting posts from social media and that might work better for modeling text messages, but it's hard to be sure.  If Dennis or someone else from the Swahili team is interested in looking at this with me, please drop me a line.
Flags: needinfo?(kscanne)
Hi Kevin. I am interested. I will be glad to be of help. Just drop me an email with directives and I will do what I can.....will also check with others from the Swahili team to see if they are interested.
Hi Kevin,
Do you have any update?
Flags: needinfo?(kscanne)
I, Kevin and some other folks are in discussion on email about implementing this.
Yes we've been able to gather a good bit of informal text (15M words or so) that should help in modeling text messages; we'll continue that discussion via email. But we're also still blocked by the morphology issue (bug 1139255).
Flags: needinfo?(kscanne)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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