Closed Bug 1108286 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Canvas analog clock hangs Firefox


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: mark, Unassigned)




(Keywords: hang)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
Build ID: 20141125180439

Steps to reproduce:

I went to W3schools for a canvas tutorial it is used to demonstrate the use of canvas drawing an analog clock.

Actual results:

Firefox starts the animation just fine. after about 15 seconds or so, it becomes laggy, and another 10 seconds later the browser just completely chokes up.

Windows' "not responding" dialog box has the following details:

  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	AppHangB1
  Application Name:	firefox.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	5479be43
  Hang Signature:	0d22
  Hang Type:	0
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	2057
  Additional Hang Signature 1:	0d2247cf47154e532790f7f954ae32de
  Additional Hang Signature 2:	f6a5
  Additional Hang Signature 3:	f6a5084e134ca375a2e7a19f422e0cc9
  Additional Hang Signature 4:	0d22
  Additional Hang Signature 5:	0d2247cf47154e532790f7f954ae32de
  Additional Hang Signature 6:	f6a5
  Additional Hang Signature 7:	f6a5084e134ca375a2e7a19f422e0cc9

I've checked with Nightly, same thing happens.

Expected results:

The Canvas animated clock should run and keep running without hanging the browser.
Severity: normal → critical
Checked with a brand new install of Firefox-release in a Windows 8 VM; the exact same thing happens. This VM is not hardware-accelerated, so it's likely not HWA/driver related. Brand new install on a new profile, no extensions.
Component: Untriaged → Canvas: 2D
Keywords: hang
Product: Firefox → Core
Version: 34 Branch → Trunk
Same issue with the old FF8.
Could you run the Profiler Add-on and upload the Cleopatra profile when it starts hanging.

I can also reproduce high CPU usage on IE11. I think the demonstrate is poor coding(algorithm).
How, exactly, am I supposed to use an in-browser profiler when the browser becomes completely unresponsive? I tried using the tool, it's impossible. Do note that once it starts seriously hanging, the only way out is killing the process and restarting the browser. That won't allow me to capture or save any profiles.

There's also a difference between high CPU usage and a hard hang like in Firefox. The programming is an example, and is very straightforward. it's even explained exactly what is done in the 4 pages leading up to that one :)
This doesn't reproduce on Mac, so it almost looks like it's related to the Windows drawing code...

Bas, is there any chance this is graphics-related? (see also the profile in comment #3)
Flags: needinfo?(bas)
I don't see this problem in Windows 7.  The memory usage doesn't seem to get out of hand, but there are Flash ads on this page, does disabling Flash make the problem go away?
Flags: needinfo?(bas)
I cannot reproduce on latest Nightly(2014-Jan-06) as well as on the bad build(2014-Dec-06)....
(Did the site change something?)
I think the site must have changed something. I did shoot w3schools a message about the problem.

I didn't save the original script, sorry, and they never responded in e-mail either.
By the way, Flash was not the issue, I already tested it with that disabled.
I poked at, and found out what was changed -- the problem was in the Javascript itself and must have been a mistake of the w3schools people.

It still causes an issue because the unresponsive script routine is never triggered (since it ends up hanging on the draw routine, but not completely).

The problem is using setInterval recursively. They had drawClock() containing a setInterval with a call to itself. This would start exponentially stacking draw commands on the canvas:

function drawClock() {
  drawFace(ctx, radius);
  drawNumbers(ctx, radius);
  drawTime(ctx, radius);
  setInterval(drawClock, 1000);

Yes, bad scripting - is it possible to somehow safeguard against this kind of thing?
(In reply to Mark Straver from comment #10)
> I poked at, and found out what was changed -- the problem was in
> the Javascript itself and must have been a mistake of the w3schools people.
> It still causes an issue because the unresponsive script routine is never
> triggered (since it ends up hanging on the draw routine, but not completely).
> The problem is using setInterval recursively. They had drawClock()
> containing a setInterval with a call to itself. This would start
> exponentially stacking draw commands on the canvas:
> function drawClock() {
>   drawFace(ctx, radius);
>   drawNumbers(ctx, radius);
>   drawTime(ctx, radius);
>   setInterval(drawClock, 1000);
> }
> Yes, bad scripting - is it possible to somehow safeguard against this kind
> of thing?

That's really a JavaScript question :-). But I doubt there is.
Component: Canvas: 2D → JavaScript Engine
> That's really a JavaScript question

No, it's a DOM question.  setInterval is not part of JavaScript.

Per spec, there's not much that can be done here short of trying to throttle the interval timers or something...
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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