Closed Bug 1110216 (webide-tab) Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

WebIDE in a tab


(DevTools Graveyard :: WebIDE, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jryans, Unassigned)



Several people have commented that WebIDE would be easier to use if it opened in a tab instead of a window. It is possible to try it in a tab by going to chrome://webide/content/, however most of WebIDE's DevTools toolbox for a target fails to function correctly in this setup. I am sure this will make Paul chuckle, since as I recall, one of main reasons he moved WebIDE to a new window (from App Manager in a tab) was precisely these toolbox issues. A secondary concern is that you can't really open two WebIDE tabs and use them independently, as they share a bunch of modules and start mirroring each other as you make changes. Anyway, I thought we should have this on file and at least discuss how difficult it would be to support, since it is mentioned frequently. I think this is another possible alternative to alleviating some of the window management problems (so it's related to bug 1078959 about WebIDE in it's own process).
We changed so many things in our toolbox code and in WebIDE, that it might be worth it to try that again. Maybe the situation is better now. Also - might be easier just to switch to a chrome docshell in a tab.
+1 I'm really interested by this feature?
- +1 I'm really interested by this feature? + +1 I'm really interested by this feature
We don't plan to alter the WebIDE interface at this stage, since it's planned for removal (bug 1314811). Once remote debugging is moved to about:debugging (bug 1212802), at least that feature set will take place in a tab.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Product: DevTools → DevTools Graveyard
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