Closed Bug 1121010 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

FHR data migration: org.mozilla.sync


(Firefox Health Report Graveyard :: Client: Desktop, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gfritzsche, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [measurement:client])

We need to migrate the Sync FHR provider to Telemetry.
That consists of:
* org.mozilla.sync.sync
* org.mozilla.sync.devices
* org.mozilla.sync.migration (soon, per bug 1097406)
Blocks: 1137160
No longer blocks: 1120356
The numeric values here should be straight-forward to migrate to histograms or keyed histograms.
We can intercept e.g. at FxaMigrator.recordTelemetry():

I'm not so sure about the other paths off-hand, Mark can you maybe point to the rest?
Flags: needinfo?(mhammond)
No. I think we need to understand what questions the sync team is trying to answer and then make sure the data answers those questions. It may be that this is already duplicated in telemetry.
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg  [:bsmedberg] from comment #3)
> No. I think we need to understand what questions the sync team is trying to
> answer and then make sure the data answers those questions.

The SyncMeasurement1 fields are tracking the sync enabled state, success and error counts and the protocol version per day.  I'm not sure if the dashboards *actually* answer that though.

The SyncMigrationMeasurement1 fields are basically tracking how the user interacts with the migration UI, and how far they get through the migration process, so we can identify if there is anywhere in the migration flows causing the user to "stall".  Note that currently we have *zero* visibility into this data due to the complexities in accessing the FHR data, and this is a problem for us.  We *really* want this data by the time 36 hits the release channel (and it's somewhat ironic that we chose FHR over telemetry to ensure we had good data from the release channel, then realized the complexities in actually getting the data means we have zero visibility on any channel)

(In reply to Georg Fritzsche [:gfritzsche] [away Feb 27 - March 15] from comment #1)
> The numeric values here should be straight-forward to migrate to histograms
> or keyed histograms.
> We can intercept e.g. at FxaMigrator.recordTelemetry():
> modules/FxaMigrator.jsm#l515
> I'm not so sure about the other paths off-hand, Mark can you maybe point to
> the rest?

IIUC, services/sync/modules/healthreport.jsm works primarily form observers, so all measurements in that file could probably be ported to telemetry without touching other files (ie, by sticking to the observer pattern already used).  I hope that answers the question.
Flags: needinfo?(mhammond)
Benjamin, you wanted to check on the use-case here - any update?
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
Whiteboard: [rC] [unifiedTelemetry]
There is an email thread about this, clearing NI.
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
Blocks: 1122482
No longer blocks: 1137160
Whiteboard: [rC] [unifiedTelemetry]
NI to BDS - is this issue still valid, if so whats the time frame for resolution?
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
Whiteboard: [measurement:client]
Since I haven't gotten a clear answer, I think we should close this INCOMPLETE and if the sync team comes up with a clear set of questions we can reopen.
Closed: 9 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox Health Report → Firefox Health Report Graveyard
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