Closed Bug 1125221 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

4.66 - 21.5% animation test regression on mozilla-inbound (v.38) Jan 22nd from push ed9225015e22


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: vaibhav1994, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf, regression, Whiteboard: [talos_regression])

There is a regression on linux32/linux64 and win platforms:

for revision ed9225015e22
Blocks: 1122690
Summary: 4.66 - 21.5% animation test regression on mozilla-inbound Jan 22nd from push ed9225015e22 → 4.66 - 21.5% animation test regression on mozilla-inbound (v.38) Jan 22nd from push ed9225015e22
you can see that we have regressions in CART/TART on a mix of windows/linux in the above link.

It appears this is a fix for a security issue, so we might have to accept this as a regression.

As this isn't a surprise, it is sort of expected, I would like to know:
* is there any optimizations we can make to this to reduce the impact?
* if there isn't, I would like to get something kind of conclusion that we understand this and won't fix it right away so we can, understand when we will ship with this and what versions.
Flags: needinfo?(cam)
this appears to have landed on beta/aurora- since this landed on beta, I want lsblakk to weigh in here on any concerns.
Blocks: 1108235, 1084461
Flags: needinfo?(lsblakk)
This patch disabled a major piece of recent performance work, so performance regressions are expected.
Thanks dbaron!  I suspect this will be a wontfix bug due to the nature of it- if there is tracking work to re-enable this work, that would be good to somehow associate with this bug!
Depends on: 1125391
Thanks Joel - I'm tracking bug 1125391 and the bug it relies on so that we hopefully avoid shipping this perf hit in 36.
Flags: needinfo?(lsblakk)
The fix and re-enabling of the optimisation landed on inbound and Aurora, but had to be backed out of Aurora.  I'll continue looking into that early next week.
Flags: needinfo?(cam)
keep in mind next week Aurora will uplift to Beta.  That shouldn't change anything, but worth keeping in mind.
Keywords: perf, regression
Whiteboard: [talos_regression]
With bug 1125391 landed, can we close this one?
yes, these graphs look fine on trunk as of Feb 22nd as well as aurora!
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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