Closed Bug 11366 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[FEATURE] Print Address Book Card


(MailNews Core :: Printing, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: scottputterman, Assigned: chuang)



bug tracking feature in summary.
Blocks: 10791, 11091
Target Milestone: M10
setting M10.
while it's far from done, I've landed a few changes for printing for the

File | Print in the addressbook will print out what you are looking at in the
address book, kind of like a screen shot.

the reason it does this is the webshell I use to print with is the window.

the next step is to get it to print the right thing.
QA Contact: lchiang → esther
I've posted to n.p.m.layout, for advice on how to print something that isn't in a
web shell.

moving to m11...I don't think I'll hear back in time to implement this.
Target Milestone: M10 → M11
Target Milestone: M11 → M14
from don cone:

Currently we layout to a platform, so for printing we intall a printing
presentation shell and context, this set up the printer and all the graphic
calls in the
renderingcontext are sent to the printers or to a file (in the case of

With a Webshell:
You can put your HTML document into a webshell and use the printing mechanisms.
Anyone can create a new Webshell and add the content (or open it)
A frameset creates a new WebShell  and opens a document.  Once that is done, it
is printable.
Gecko lays it out, but the RenderingContext calls are now re-routed to the
printer and not the screen or other device.

Without a Webshell:
You can also set up the printers mechanism mirroring how nsDocumentViewer::Print
does it. Then the caller needs to call only the RenderingContext
graphic routines which will be routed to the current device (which the printer
not the screen).  HTML is not needed now, but the caller is responible for
laying out the content.

moving to m14.  not going to happen by m11.
for now, the "screen shot printing" of address book card will have to do.
No longer blocks: 11091
target milestone is not m11 or m12 so removing this from the mail beta tracking
Summary: [FEATURE][DOGFOOD] Print Address Book Card → [FEATURE] Print Address Book Card
Removing [dogfood] from bug summary
Target Milestone: M14 → M16
giving this to candice
Assignee: sspitzer → chuang
cc rhp since he worked on this
sync pri to beta2 criteria

Priority: P3 → P2
Priority: P2 → P1
Rich volunteered for this.
Assignee: chuang → rhp
Actually, Candice is doing this and I am trying to help with some back end 

- rhp
Assignee: rhp → chuang
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Code checked in.  Please note, it won't print a card without an email address 
and won't print mailing list.  It will print multiple cards in separate pages.  
Using M16 build 2000-04-29 on win98 and mac this is printing (a card), Linux 
isn't printing anything right now, so I can't test that platform.  For multiple 
selected cards, on mac it presents the print dialog for each card.  On win98 it 
prints all (3) cards with only one presentation of the print dialog.  Also, it 
doen't print the "card view", it prints a table with the information.  Will test 
more after I find out what to expect when printng "card view"
My linux system is not printing.  2000-0-01.  It behaves like the Mac when 
printing multiples presenting a print dialog for each card.  Also, prints the 
information in table form.  I will reopen this to get input of how the card is 
suppose to print to see if this is fully fixed.

1. Should printing multiple selected cards present a print dialog for each?
2. How should the printout look: a.) as the Card view is presented in product or 
 b). In table form with 2 columns.  A row for each field that has data in it. 
The Title of the field in the 1st collumn and the content in the 2nd column.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
For comment above, correction "my linux is NOW printing"
Close as fixed.  For the 2 questions, please file a new bug for rhp.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This bug as stated is fixed.  build 200-05-09 on win98,mac and linx.  
New bug for #1 38691
New bug for #2 38688
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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