Closed Bug 113992 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

My keyboard is 'disabled' - can't type anything


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)

Mac System 8.5
Not set





(Reporter: fredrik, Assigned: saari)



From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.77 (Macintosh; U; PPC) - Had to use NN to report this ;)
BuildID:    2001112011

I can't type anthing into the URL field; on any web site or the search field. 
Have also tried to access my preferences, but the problem is still there. It's 
like the keyboard has been disabled. 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install earlier build
Blocks: keydead
-> saari, for triage
Assignee: aaronl → saari
WorksForMe using Mac/2001112011.

Fredrik, be sure you click in the area you want to type into. If that doesn't
work, switch away from Mozilla to another application, then switch back.

Reducing Severity to Normal.
Severity: blocker → normal
Tried to click in the area I want to type in. Also tried to switch application 
and then return to Mozilla. Still same thing. No response from my keyboard. Not 
even CMD + Q works. I've got an Apple Adjustable Keyboard - maybe that's what 
causing it?
Fredrik, try a newer nightly build, and/or a new Mozilla user profile.
Greg, Thanks for the input! I've been trying everything. Thrashed all prefs and 
the previous install. Tried Build 2001121004: same problem... I'll keep trying 
with other builds, though. I'm not giving up on this one!
Tried build: 2001121011 - got error message on install. 'Disk Space available: -
Fredrik, do you have mail&news launched with browser (at least on os startup)?
No, nothing is launched at OS startup. I haven't come as far as opening the mail 
& news in the browser yet. I'll keep trying with new builds!
Finally, Mozilla 0.9.7, 2001122106 works fine! I'm gonna stick to this version
for a while now.
Resolving as worksforme, according to reporter's comment. If it regresses,
please reopen the bug.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
mass verification of WorksForMe bugs: to find all bugspam pertaining to this,
set your search string to "IfItWorksForSlappyTheSquirrelThenItWFM".

if you think this particular bug is *still* an open issue, please make sure of
the following before reopening:

a. that it's still a problem with ***recent trunk builds*** on the all
appropriate platform[s]

b. provide clear steps to reproduce (unless a good test case is already in the
bug report), making sure it pertains to the original problem (avoid morphing as
much as possible :)
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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