Closed Bug 1153326 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

TelemetryEnvironment doesn't capture e10sEnabled properly


(Toolkit :: Telemetry, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
e10s - ---


(Reporter: Felipe, Unassigned)



TelemetryEnvironment captures "e10sEnabled" through the pref "browser.tabs.remote.autostart", but there are actually several prefs that control whether e10s is enabled or not, along with other conditions like hardware-accel, etc.

The proper way to capture it is to check `Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart`. This can't be watched like prefs can, however this value doesn't change during runtime (a restart is required), so I guess it doesn't need to be watched.

Is there any per-window data collected? Even if this pref is true/false, some windows might have a forced e10s/no-e10s. Although that case is rare.
Thanks for the details Felipe.

(In reply to :Felipe Gomes from comment #0)
> Is there any per-window data collected? Even if this pref is true/false,
> some windows might have a forced e10s/no-e10s. Although that case is rare.

I don't think that's something to worry about right now, especially if it's rare.
tracking-e10s: --- → -
I'm not sure that this bug as filed is valid. I think that what we care about in the telemetry environment is what the *user* chose (via the pref UI).

It may make sense to *also* record the runtime state, but that would be a question of use cases and how you're using telemetry data.

Roberto, is that important to you in terms of the e10s telemetry/quality report?
Flags: needinfo?(rvitillo)
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg  [:bsmedberg] from comment #2)
> I'm not sure that this bug as filed is valid. I think that what we care
> about in the telemetry environment is what the *user* chose (via the pref
> UI).
> It may make sense to *also* record the runtime state, but that would be a
> question of use cases and how you're using telemetry data.
> Roberto, is that important to you in terms of the e10s telemetry/quality
> report?

Yes, for the e10s telemetry quality report we need to know the runtime state. Felipe, how rare is the situation you are mentioning quantitatively?
Flags: needinfo?(rvitillo) → needinfo?(felipc)
Blocks: 1122482
No longer blocks: 1120356
(In reply to Roberto Agostino Vitillo (:rvitillo) from comment #3)
> Yes, for the e10s telemetry quality report we need to know the runtime
> state. Felipe, how rare is the situation you are mentioning quantitatively?

Roberto, the case that I mentioned was rare was different settings per window. The situation from the bug title, where the pref "browser.tabs.remote.autostart" doesn't match the correct runtime state (available through `Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart`), is the majority of the case.
Flags: needinfo?(felipc)
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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