Closed Bug 1168951 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[User Story] Pin Page


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System::Browser Chrome, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



FxOS-S4 (07Aug)
feature-b2g 2.5+


(Reporter: benfrancis, Assigned: benfrancis)



(Keywords: feature, Whiteboard: [systemsfe])

User Story

As a user I want to pin a page to save it for later, so I can view it at a later time.


(2 files)

      No description provided.
A Pivotal Tracker story has been created for this Bug:
Assignee: nobody → bfrancis
Optimistically setting to this sprint :)
Target Milestone: --- → FxOS-S3 (24Jul)
Target Milestone: FxOS-S3 (24Jul) → FxOS-S4 (07Aug)
feature-b2g: --- → 2.5+
WIP patch added, currently cherry-picking patch from bug 1168948 until that lands.
Comment on attachment 8640640 [details]
[gaia] benfrancis:1168951 > mozilla-b2g:master

Hey Alberto, would you be able to take a look at this for me?

This patch puts the browser chrome in a pinned state and marks the page as pinned in the Places DB when you tap the pin button.
Attachment #8640640 - Flags: review?(apastor)
Hey Ben,

The code looks good, but I don't understand the behavior here. Why a pinned site cannot interact (collapsing and expanding) with the chrome anymore? Can't we go back to a previous page after pinning, for example?
Flags: needinfo?(bfrancis)
Thanks Alberto,

This is part of the design. When a user pins a page the browser chrome collapses into a pinned state so that it no longer expands/collapses on scroll (see slide 4

For now the browser chrome just exits the pinned state when you navigate away from the page (locationchange), but eventually it will automatically collapse into the pinned state when you navigate to a pinned page or a page of a pinned site, and expand out of it again when you navigate away (bug 1168962). When the browser chrome is in the more app-like pinned state the navigation controls are collapsed by default, but you will always be able to manually expand the browser chrome by tapping it if you need to, for any type of window (bug 1043928).

All of this was implemented in the prototype if you'd like to see how it all fits together.

Does that make sense?
Flags: needinfo?(bfrancis)
Ok that makes sense. So we are kind of 'transforming' the page into an app when pinning. I would like to hear Francis impressions about this. Should we somehow give more feedback to the user that this transformation is happening? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(fdjabri)
Attached file Pin Page - Specification (deleted) —
They haven't turned the page into an app, they've just pinned the page to their device for future reference. The collapsing browser chrome is meant to give visual feedback that the page has been pinned to the device by pinning the browser chrome to the status bar. In previous designs we had a separate interaction for pinning pages vs. pinning sites but the feedback was that the distinction was too confusing so we combined the two interactions into this one design.

I've attached a mockup of the design we're currently working from for reference.

I'm interested to get Francis' input on whether this design needs improving to provide more feedback to the user that they have pinned the page, other than the browser chrome collapsing down into the pinned state. But let's not block on that otherwise this "sprint" may become more of a "relay" :)

We will test this design further through user testing and can re-visit it in future sprints but this sprint is already underway and I'd like to get this landed as it is blocking other feature work, rather than try to re-design it inside the sprint. I hope that's OK.
Comment on attachment 8640640 [details]
[gaia] benfrancis:1168951 > mozilla-b2g:master

Ok, let's do that. It looks weird to me that I cannot interact with the browser anymore after pinning a page, but if that's the design, the code does that well.
Let's follow up with UX.

Attachment #8640640 - Flags: review?(apastor) → review+
Thanks Alberto,

Note that you can still access the browser chrome by tapping on it, and it expands again as soon as you navigate to another page, but yes I can see that people might find that unexpected as it's not something other browsers do.

Merged with master
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #8643043 - Attachment description: Pin Page - UI Mockup → Pin Page - Specification
Clearing flags
Flags: needinfo?(fdjabri)
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