Closed Bug 1173790 Opened 9 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Pressing the "@" key on the symbol keyboard automatically returns to the letters keyboard


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(tracking-b2g:backlog, b2g-v2.1 unaffected, b2g-v2.2 affected, b2g-master affected)

tracking-b2g backlog
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.1 --- unaffected
b2g-v2.2 --- affected
b2g-master --- affected


(Reporter: jlorenzo, Unassigned)



(Keywords: foxfood)

1. Open any field that is not email specific (like a name field in Contacts or a password field on Gmail)
2. Press any symbol (except @) => You remain on the symbol keyboard
3. Press @

Expected results
Like any other key on that keyboard, you should remain on the symbol keyboard

Actual results
You're taken back to the letter keyboard. This could make sense for an email input field, but not for the others.

Build info
REPROES on master[1] and 2.2[2] but DOESN'T on 2.1[3]

[1] Build ID               20150611041939
Gaia Revision          d2f31eb85837aae6eca04d022d1f5b2023bc778c
Gaia Date              2015-06-10 19:57:58
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version          41.0a1
Device Name            aries
Firmware(Release)      4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental)  eng.worker.20150605.140045
Firmware Date          Fri Jun  5 14:00:54 UTC 2015
Bootloader             s1

[2] Build ID               20150611002505
Gaia Revision          90ac4339c3c8411bff153bb41900bc4f6e000022
Gaia Date              2015-06-11 00:53:58
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version          37.0
Device Name            flame
Firmware(Release)      4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental)  eng.cltbld.20150611.034952
Firmware Date          Thu Jun 11 03:50:02 EDT 2015
Bootloader             L1TC000118D0

[3] Build ID               20150506161202
Gaia Revision          b4a03b7ee61de5a479b3cf0916f47e91a43b0f50
Gaia Date              2015-04-30 21:31:55
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version          34.0
Device Name            flame
Firmware(Release)      4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental)  eng.cltbld.20141120.194707
Firmware Date          Thu Nov 20 19:47:17 EST 2014
Bootloader             L1TC00011880
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]: Regression that happened in 2.2. Too late to fix it there, but as a dogfooder, this is a pain when you need to only use the symbol/digit keyboard.
blocking-b2g: --- → 3.0?
Keywords: dogfood
(In reply to Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] (QA) from comment #1)
> [Blocking Requested - why for this release]: Regression that happened in
> 2.2. Too late to fix it there, but as a dogfooder, this is a pain when you
> need to only use the symbol/digit keyboard.

Not a regression -- a feature landed in bug 996332.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Thanks for pointing this out. I personally find this behavior disturbing (I might be the only one, though :) ). Is is possible to create an option in the keyboard settings, so none of the experiences would be broken?
Blocks: 996332
Flags: needinfo?(timdream)
Keywords: regression
We generally prefer less options than more options...

ni UX Harly.
Flags: needinfo?(timdream) → needinfo?(hhsu)
For Firefox Desktop there is an about:config for people to tweak the behavior; we don't have that in Gaia/HTML to fit that use case ...
From a UX standpoint, I don't think adding an option for this use case in keyboard settings really make sense. And due to the fact that we already have "@" displayed in email keyboard; therefore, I don't really see a reason why we need to auto jump back from symbol keyboard to normal keyboard when pressing "@". That's my thoughts on this. Thanks :)
Flags: needinfo?(hhsu)
It might be worth to reopen the bug, then.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: Not a blocker for 2.5. Adding to backlog.
blocking-b2g: 2.5? → ---
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 9 years ago6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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