Closed Bug 117484 Opened 23 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Wrong display with Thai Character Tho Thahan (U+0E17)


(Core :: Internationalization, defect, P3)

Windows 98





(Reporter: markpeak, Assigned: shanjian)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.7) Gecko/20011221
BuildID:    2001122106

happened on 0.9.6 and 0.9.7

When open any Thai web page, the character 'To Taharn' (alphabet number 23,
press ALT+183 on windows) is too small and the vowel over
this character is move to the next character.

especially with font 'MS San Serif' and page that specify browser to
use this font.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. set font in preference to MS San Serif
2. open some thai website (for example : 
3. see the strange character.

There is no problem like this on 0.9.5 and below. only 0.9.6 above, so I think
there is some problem occur on this time.
Attached image screen capture (deleted) —
sorry, our knowledge about is very limited. Could you enlarge the screen shot
and circle with some mark with the problem area. It will be nice if you can also
produce some smaller test page for this.
>We don't officially support Thai. (correct me if I'm wrong)

I don't think that is our position. We know there are still a lot of line
breaking problem on thai. But we try to fix display problem as possible as we can. 
Priority: -- → P3
Dear ftang

the area is the character like 'n' (big and bold) in the captured image.
Could you post the correct display with "MS San Serif" font? I am also wondering if 
the problem is the font is really "MS San Serif". On my system, I could not find 
"MS San Serif" contains any Thai characters. This should be a font problem if you 
don't see this problem with other font. You might also want to post your font here 
for us to examine. 
Attached image screenshot #2 (enlarge issued areas) (deleted) — in Mozilla 0.9.8 on Windows 98 SE
Attached file html test case (deleted) —
test case (+ brief report)
Thai Character Tho Thahan --> unicode 0E17

from the html test case,
we've found that the problems may occur only with "MS Sans Serif" font.

1. font size of Thai Character Tho Thahan will differs from others. (bigger or
** see green circles in screenshot #2 **

2. none of characters will able to be cell-composed with Thai Character Tho
Thahan, they will be pushed behind.
** see red circles in screenshot #2 **

Windows 2000 and newer doesn't has "MS Sans Serif", it has only "Microsoft Sans
"Microsoft Sans Serif" is a newer version of "MS Sans Serif".


confirm this bug.
this issue with "MS Sans Serif" doesn't occurs in Internet Explorer (viewing the
same page/url)
This appears correctly according to enlarged screen capture for me.  I am
running Windows XP.  This might be a font issue.  Also, Windows 98 does not have
as much Unicode/international support as NT-based systems.  Perhaps the problem
reporter could try updating their fonts at

The font properties extension at can list the font
version as well as Unicode types supported, presence of Euro character, etc.
Dear Brant
    'MS San Serif' is quite standard thai font on Windows 98/ME machine. (although
Win ME users can use 'Microsoft San Serif' instead and get no problem). I think 
that's difficult for making all Win98 users to update their fonts.

So we need to fix it.
Ever confirmed: true
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2
the same issue also occurs in printing
(tested in Windows 98 SE)
Blocks: thai
hi arthit,
Do you find the same issue on CTL enabled build on linux/Solaris 
(--enable-ctl)? I just tried it and Tho Thahan (\u0e17) was
rendered correctly on both Solaris and Linux. So it seems that 
proper presentation form is not generated on windows for MS San Serif.
Moving arthit's mail into the bug.

Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 11:18:26 +0700
From: Art - Arthit Suriyawongkul <Arthit.Suriyawongkul@Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: [Bug 117484] Wrong Display with Thai Character (Alt+183)
To: "Prabhat.Hegde" <Prabhat.Hegde@Sun.COM>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
X-Accept-Language: th, en-us
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.0.0+) Gecko/20020525

this bug occurs only on Windows,
with "MS Sans Serif" font.

Linux/Solaris are not affected by this.
(or may be it is because Linux/Solaris don't has that font ?)

Summary: Wrong Display with Thai Character (Alt+183) → Wrong display with Thai Character Tho Thahan (U+0E17)
I'm using Firefox on Windows XP. I look at the HTML test case (id 68815) and I
don't see the problem. Could it be that the problem is fixed or it only happens
on Windows 98?
This is probably a font issue.
I mean a combination of font + OS,

MS Sans Serif + Windows 98.
This bug can be found in Win95/98 only. Windows ME and above doesn't have this bug.
WONTFIX Win9x-only bug.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Attachment #68815 - Attachment mime type: text/html → text/html; charset=TIS-620
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