Closed Bug 1177187 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

weird Timezone selection


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::First Time Experience, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tarek, Unassigned)



(Keywords: foxfood)

When I started the phone, version 3.0.0 / 41.0a1 / dogfood. Git commit from 2015/06/19 - no sim card inserted.

I got a pretty weird selection of cities, and cities prefixed with states only for the Indiana state (?).

I could not find Paris or San Fransisco..
Whiteboard: foxfood
Component: Gaia → Gaia::Feedback
Keywords: dogfood
Whiteboard: foxfood
Hey Sam, any chance of getting this a bit more visible
Component: Gaia::Feedback → Gaia::First Time Experience
Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)
Ted, do you have any guesses at what's going on here? 
QA: could you reproduce and get us STR? A logcat and screenshot would be useful. I'm interested to know if this is specific to the dogfood build & the aries device or reproduces on stock flame/master. Also, is this only first run after flashing, or do we see this when running FTU from dev settings or webIDE.
Flags: needinfo?(sfoster) → needinfo?(tclancy)
Keywords: qawanted
I was not able to reproduce comment 0. As for duped bugs (965215 and 1177416), it is not clear to me what bug 965215 is talking about, and 1177416 I was able to reproduce but this Date and Time page has been acting this way since forever so it should be treated as a feature request.

What I saw on today's Flame 3.0/2.5: On Date & Time page it gave me four selectors - continent(?) selector, city selector (this changes based on what continent was selected), date selector, and time selector.

It would help if the reporter could attach screenshots of what they're seeing, as well as what device was being used.

Conclusion: Original bug was not reproducible on Flame central. Bug repro rate: 0 out of 5.

Tested on:
Device: Flame (full flashed, 319MB, KK)
BuildID: 20150629010206
Gaia: 8a1e4ae522c121c5cacd39b20a5386ec9055db82
Gecko: eaf4f9b45117
Gonk: a4f6f31d1fe213ac935ca8ede7d05e47324101a4
Version: 41.0a1 (2.5 Master) 
Firmware Version: v18D-1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:41.0) Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(ktucker)
Keywords: qawanted
Tried 3 times on Aries and couldn't reproduce this bug either. What I saw on Aries was the same as on the Flame.

Device: Aries (Dogfood debug build)
BuildID: 20150629130312
Gaia: 0b166043ef2a1f235a4d7d4f40a51b625784195a
Gecko: e137fc38c431
Gonk: 2916e2368074b5383c80bf5a0fba3fc83ba310bd
Version: 41.0a1 (2.5 Master) 
Firmware Version: D5803_23.1.A.1.28_NCB.ftf
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:41.0) Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0
Launching first time use via Dev settings could not reproduce the bug either.
Tarek, we are having trouble reproducing this issue. Is there any other information that you could provide that might help us out here?
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage+]
Flags: needinfo?(ktucker) → needinfo?(tarek)
Rob, Can you look at this bug.  It's seem like a UX issue than QA.
Flags: needinfo?(rmacdonald)
I was not able to reproduce the issue with a sim card inserted, that happened only without any sim card. I will try to see if I can reproduce without the sim card.
Flags: needinfo?(tarek)
Needinfo me again if this becomes reproduceable.
Flags: needinfo?(tclancy)
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage+] → [QAnalyst-Triage+],[foxfood-triage]
Re-evaluate once bug 1201254 is fixed.
Depends on: 1201254
Flags: needinfo?(rmacdonald)
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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