Open Bug 1178909 Opened 9 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Devedition dark theme on win8+ uses inverted new tab / tab list icons irrespective of whether accent color is bright or dark


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox42 --- affected


(Reporter: Gijs, Unassigned)


In the dark theme, when tabs are overflowing, the new tab and tablist dropdown icon are outside the "dark" styled portion of the #TabsToolbar.

However, it seems like the entire toolbar gets the [brighttext] attribute and therefore we use the inverted graphics. Because they have outer borders, they are not invisible, but I believe it would still be better if we used the same icons we would have used without the dark devedition theme being active.
I wonder what the best way to tackle this is.  We could just override the particular *-inverted.png with the corresponding *.png icons in devedition.css.  Or we could add an additional attribute to the TabsToolbar (or :root) indicating that we have the DE theme applied and then modify the selector to not apply the inverted icon in the first place when that's true.  Or we could add some metadata to the lw theme system that allows a similar attribute to be applied more generically.

I think in any individual case going with the first approach (just override the most narrow thing possible) is easier, but I do wonder as stuff like this adds up if it'd be easier to just handle some of the DE stuff directly within the browser.css files.  We avoided that originally so the DE theme didn't get any special treatment.  But it can bite as images get converted to 2x, for example (as evidenced in Bug 1165360 which was triggered by Bug 1147702).  And I could see the same problem happening here.

Can this be closed ?

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)

(In reply to Tim Nguyen :ntim from comment #2)

Can this be closed ?

I don't have access to win8 at the moment, so I don't know if it still reproduces. What makes you think it doesn't?

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs) → needinfo?(ntim.bugs)

Given that this is a pretty old bug without a screenshot and me using MacOS, I can’t test this.

Flags: needinfo?(ntim.bugs)
Severity: normal → S3
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