Closed Bug 1191952 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

disable dromaeo_dom on all platforms


(Testing :: Talos, defect)

Not set


(firefox41 fixed, firefox42 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox41 --- fixed
firefox42 --- fixed


(Reporter: jmaher, Assigned: jmaher)




(3 files)

with persistent issues with dromaeo_dom (mostly on windows xp/7 pgo), we are going to disable this test until we can get it fixed.  I have attempted to fix it in the past unsuccessfully.
Attached patch dromaeo_e10s_off.patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
I feel bad doing this whilst :bz is afk on pto, he can help us turn it back on when he gets back and can look into why this hangs the browser.
Assignee: nobody → jmaher
Attachment #8644523 - Flags: review?(ryanvm)
Comment on attachment 8644523 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8644523 [details] [diff] [review]:

Attachment #8644523 - Flags: review?(ryanvm) → review+
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla42
ni for Joel so this doesn't get missed when bz is back (bz is not accepting ni :))
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
So wait, if the issues are on Window PGO, why did we disable on all platforms?
windows pgo, windows e10s, and windows in general.  We already disabled it on osx 10.10 and windows xp.  The problem is it is not as simple as flipping a bit or doing |skipif = os == 'win'|

I am fine enabling it for linux and possibly windows 8 assuming we can get someone to look at why we get OOM so frequently on the other platforms.  Without an owner responsible for this test, I have no motivation to run it and to be honest the time the sheriffs and I put into this test to date is disproportionate to other tests.
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
I'd appreciate enabling this test on Linux.  I can live without Windows coverage...

We understand why the test OOMs: it generates huge DOMs on fast enough hardware, because it runs for a fixed amount of time adding stuff to the DOM.  What we don't have a good idea for is how to modify the test to avoid this problem.
Depends on: 1199351
the builder diff is here:
Builders added:
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 fx-team pgo talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 fx-team pgo talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 fx-team talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 fx-team talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-central pgo talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-central pgo talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-central talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-central talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-inbound pgo talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-inbound pgo talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-inbound talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 mozilla-inbound talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 try talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 try talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 fx-team pgo talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 fx-team pgo talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 fx-team talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 fx-team talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-central pgo talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-central pgo talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-central talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-central talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-inbound pgo talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-inbound pgo talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-inbound talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 mozilla-inbound talos g3-e10s
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 try talos g3
+ Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 try talos g3-e10s
Attachment #8663689 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek)
reopening this until we have results working for linux
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Attachment #8663689 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek) → review+
I also added a small bit of cleanup to the patch so we can keep talos.json clean.  This will need to land on beta/aurora as well.
Attachment #8664787 - Flags: review?(armenzg)
Comment on attachment 8664787 [details] [diff] [review]
talos.json patch to add g3 (1.0)

Review of attachment 8664787 [details] [diff] [review]:

Attachment #8664787 - Flags: review?(armenzg) → review+
Keywords: leave-open


when those are done running jobs, I will land the buildbot-configs change, then a reconfig will make actually turn on the tests.
Depends on: 1208959
Armen, please can buildbot patches like this not get r+ until Treeherder has been updated first?
Joel, please can we make sure the Treeherder changes are not forgotten / made after this is already deployed? This has happened several times now - and means sheriffs can't hide jobs properly.

Thanks :-)
Ed, it is easy to forget this- we cannot test this until it is live, sort of a catch 22 unless you do this all the time.  Can we make treeherder smarter to work with this easier?  Can we have a better process in place for updating all pieces of the system for buildbot changes?  I agree this is frustrating and would be happy to do what is needed if I am aware of it.  Same for when I am reviewing.  A month from now I will forget about it and make the same mistake.
There was no need to test - we were adding a new job, so we needed a new entry in Treeherder - same as last time :-)
I've filed bug 1209109 to make Treeherder just treat these things as hidden so they don't bother the sheriffs.
Closed: 9 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Is the summary of this bug a correct reflection of what was checked in?
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
well, it is running successfully on linux64, but we don't run it on other platforms.  I am changing to wontfix.  Thanks for the sanity check!
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
Resolution: FIXED → WONTFIX
Removing leave-open keyword from resolved bugs, per :sylvestre.
Keywords: leave-open
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