Closed Bug 119608 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Creation of entries on Mailing List doesn't work consistently


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Address Book & Contacts, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: racham)


Adding entries to the mailing list will sometimes add correctly, and other times an entry will be added with just an e-mail address. In the latter case, a new entry will also be added to the address book, which from an e-mail address standpoint is a duplicate entry. This happens whether I use the keyboard, or D&D. With D&D, it doesn't matter whether I drop on the input box or not. With Keyboard, it doesn't seem to matter whether I type enough characters to uniquely id an entry and press enter, or type some and then use the down arrow to select one and then press enter. I am using Mandrake 8.1 with a 2.4.17 kernel, with Mozilla installed via RPMs.
What build are you using? Please supply step-by-step instructions so that duplicating the problem is easier.
I am using the RPM of build 2002011100. It's fairly straight forward. 1. Create a new list by selecting "Personal Address Book" and clicking the "New List Button" 2. Type the name "n" and the description "n". 3. Drag the first four entries from the list into the mailing list dialog. 4. Click OK. Results vary. In the test I just did, the second entry was added correctly, the other three had "bad"* entries added to both the mailing list and the address book. * Bad=new entry with only the email address filled in (no name, nickname, etc.)
This appears to be a duplicate of 2 different bugs. - Bug# 120445: Drag-n-drop multiple cards into a list and only the 1st addresses remains in the list. - Bug# 44710: * Bad=new entry with only the email address filled in (no name, nickname, etc.)
Similar, but I would not call it an exact duplicate. Here's another scenario: 1. Create list under personal address book. 2. type name and description 3. start typing the name of the first entry in the list, letting autocomplete finish it off, and press enter enough times to get to the next entry. 4. repeat step 3 to create a total of four entries. 5. save list by tabbing to OK and pressing enter. My results have the second entry added correctly, with the other three being added with only the e-mail address filled in. Additionally, these same three entries (e-mail address only) have been added to the personal address book. I then reopened the list and added more entries. Only the last entry was stored correctly. Also, If I delete the "blank name" entries from the personal address book, they are also deleted from the mailing list. I suppose this behaviour is correct, but it would have been nice for it to pull the entry with the matching e-mail addresss.
how are recent builds? or even moz 1.0 ?
Now using Mandrake 8.2 with mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.0.tar.gz. Is it better? No, even worse. 1. Created the new list by selecting the New List button. 2. Tried to drag new addresses - Address book won't receive focus. 3. Manually typed an address and hit enter (expecting to move to the next line), and the new list window closed. The new address did get saved. 4. Selected new list and pressed the delete button (it was only a test after all). The confirmation dialog appears. I selected OK (which should be Yes/No, not OK/Cancel). The list is not deleted. When I manually added entries (by typing and using the mouse to get to the next line), the reported problem still exists. Sorry, I wish I had better news.
how is it with 1.1a or a current nightly ?
Using Mozilla 1.1b Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020722 on Mandrake 8.2 w/ kde301. Better, but not really usable. I deleted the old lists (that I created with 1.0, but couldn't delete), so that problem is fixed (for now at least) with the exception that the confirmation dialog is still OK/Cancel, and not Yes/No. After clicking on the new list button, I tried to drag addresses. No luck. Then I noticed that the instruction line says to, "Type email addresses to add them to the mailing list". So I did. I added 4 or 5 names, pressing enter after each one. One more enter closed the window. Checking the results, I was very pleased to see everything looking good. Now the bad news. I selected the list, and pressed the properties button to open up the list for more entries. I added several more and pressed ok. Some of the new items were saved, some were not. The addresses that were saved did not have the name saved with them. In addition, more blank named addresses were added to my personal address book as a result. Thanks, Nick
Not being able to drag is unpleasant, but I can live with it for now. However, I would at least like to be able to view different books while adding, so I can run down my lists for people who belong on my different lists. As it is, I can only see one book, and that happens to be the list I'm working on (which obviously only shows me the entries I've already added). On a side note, six months is a long time to leave this bug as unconfirmed. Can someone at least mark it as New? I've confirmed the problems on 3 separate builds (including Moz1.0) over the course of the last six months. If I can't mark it as confirmed, then why am I being asked to confirm that the problem still exists?
When you type the email addresses is it using autocomplete? If so then I assume you see the entry in the list in the form of 'Display Name <email address>". Is this entry coming from the currently selected address book or from a different address book? If it's autocompleting with an entry in a different address book then the problem is the same as bug# 44710.
I'd say the current behavior is a duplicate of 44710, with the following exceptions (I just don't want to lose details of either bug report): 1. You can't D&D on Linux. 2. You can't view another address book while adding.
The two issues in comment# 11 appear to be duplicates of bug# 143355.
I agree. I'll add my e-mail to 44710 and 143355, and this can be marked as a duplicate.
Marking a duplicate of bug# 143355 (although also a dupe of other issues such as 44710). *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 143355 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified duplicate.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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