Closed Bug 1200564 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[B2G][SMS][MMS] New MobileMessageTransactionManager API


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: RIL, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



tracking-b2g backlog


(Reporter: bevis, Unassigned)




In bug 898364, bug 1020209, bug 1106663, bug 856966 and bug 1037573, we saw several requests to have better UX in the management of stored SMS/MMS messages in the device.
In current MobileMessageManager design, the management of threading and the storage of the mobile message is done in gecko which limits the design without the Web API changes to support enhanced control of message threading, filtering, context search, etc.

Per discussion in Whistler Work Week, instead of adopting DataStore in Gecko, we agreed that an new API set to manage the transactions of MMS/SMS is required to separate the storage logic of mobile messages from gecko to allow web applications to manage their transactions and the storage of message in various ways.

I've summarized the discussion we have done and defined the 1st draft of the new API in
(Draft, slides and the ideation history of this API are included inside the etherpad.)

It's about time to file this bug to get more feedback from different perspective to finalize this approach.

In short, this API is going to replace the MobileMessageManager currently used by various applications and the major impact of this change are:
1. Gecko 
1. All the outgoing messages are managed by its originating app.
2. Each application can manage its own transactions through the web api by internally identifying the *origin* of the app.
3. All the incoming messages are cached by system and are notified to the the apps who has interest in them.
4. Only the default app is allowed to clear the incoming messages cached by the system.
5. The affected modules are
   - Gecko: Payment, Android-Backend
   - Gaia: Sms, Settings, Cost Control, Privacy Panel.
No longer blocks: 1172794
no longer following up this bug.
Assignee: btseng → nobody
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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