Closed Bug 1201234 Opened 9 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add selected files from the JSON version of the Unicode CLDR to Gaia's L10n


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Build, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tedders1, Unassigned)



For various reasons, we need access to the Unicode CLDR.

ICU provides some access to the CLDR, but it's too limited for our needs, and it's not accessible from Javascript.

Unicode publishes a JSON version of the CLDR, available through a GitHub repository ( It would be easy to include it as part of Gaia. 

However, the complete CLDR is huge. It would be nice to be able to specify a subset of files to include, and it would be nice if locale-specific files were included only when the associated locale is part of the Gaia build.
Blocks: 1201237
Interesting, it doesn't look like they publish the plural rules?

L10n.js ships with all plural rules for all Gaia locales.  Multiply that by the number of apps which include l10n.js and it's clear that we could benefit from a more centralized way of storing the plural rules.  I wonder if that's something we could ask CLDR to add.
Those are the things I'd love to see available soon:

My priorities right now would be:

1) plural rules
2) lists
3) units
4) relative time
5) relative date ("in 1 day", "1 day ago" etc.)

Second priority would be things like:

1) List of Countries/Regions
2) List of Timezones
3) List of language names

I can see us looking to extend Ecma 402 Intl API to accommodate those, and I'd love to have access to CLDR to shim the Intl v2 API for Gaia use for now.
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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