Closed Bug 1201321 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

delivery: Puppet support for provisioning extra ssh keys on staging hosts


(Cloud Services :: Operations: Miscellaneous, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nthomas, Assigned: oremj)


RelEng uses separate ssh keys for the staging and production infra for releases. It would be helpful if hosts like
were provisioned with the staging and production keys in ~ffxbld/.ssh/authorized_keys, while
gets only the production keys. Currently we're manually adjusting the staging hosts, but this gets wiped out when they are re-provisioned. 

There are three of these systems, but mostly care about ffxbld and tbirdbld for this bug. There's a stage-ffxbld in ldap, and possibly one for Thunderbird too.

We are not sure how long we'll need these upload systems, so it may be worth scoping the extent of work before committing to it.
Any progress on this? Right now uploads fail when building in staging, and it sounds like I need (yet another) manual workaround to get staging builds to do anything useful. This makes it more difficult to test nightly builds for things like bug 1217431.
Sending this to the Release and Engineering component.
Component: Operations → Other
Product: Cloud Services → Release Engineering
QA Contact: mshal
Does that move mean "this isn't a high priority compared to our other work, so please continuing to workaround" ?
Component: Other → Operations
Product: Release Engineering → Cloud Services
QA Contact: mshal
Assignee: nobody → oremj
We moved this bug by accident, sorry. I've assigned to oremj to take a look at it.
A quick fix for this would be to use different usernames for stage and prod e.g., ffxbld and ffxbldstage. Is that possible?
Yeah, it should be. There might already be a stage-ffxbld in ldap.
Yep, it looks like we do have a stage-ffxbld user. I gave that user access to
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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