Closed Bug 1203969 Opened 9 years ago Closed 6 years ago

MozReview should provide a better way to indicate which file you're looking at


(MozReview Graveyard :: Review Board: Upstream, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kats, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [to be fixed in core])

Right now if I'm reviewing a patch that touches a lot of files, and I'm looking at a random part of the patch, it's hard to tell which file I'm in. In splinter view on Bugzilla I would usually navigate using the per-file diffs so it was a lot easier to know which file I was looking at, and if I forgot I could just scroll back up to the top of the page to find out. In MozReview scrolling back to the top doesn't tell me anything and I just lose my place. What would be nice is if the header for each file diff section was position:sticky or something so that as I scroll within that file's diff it is always visible.

See also my related request in bug 1178030 to allow marking individual files as having been reviewed, the way you can in Splinter.
Filed this as a Review Board core bug:

It's probably best fixed in core, but we could probably hack something up if it's not desired there.
Whiteboard: [to be fixed in core]
Product: Developer Services → MozReview
Component: General → Review Board: Upstream
See also bug 1115705, which arguably eliminates the need for this bug, and which I'd like to implement soonish, given that a number of people have asked for it.
MozReview is now obsolete. Please use Phabricator instead. Closing this bug.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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