Closed Bug 1204336 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[compositor-thread animation] Download button's animation doesn't redraw if I immediately start new download


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox41 --- affected
firefox42 --- affected
firefox43 --- affected
firefox44 --- affected
firefox45 --- affected
firefox-esr38 --- unaffected


(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)


(2 files)

(Win7_64, Nightly 43, 32bit, ID 20150910030225, new profile, safe mode)

There's at least 3 ways to reproduce this: (A), (B), (C) and (D). (A), (B), (C) are normal usecases of downloading a file which result in this bug (they don't include case when you download a file by clicking on a link. But I think (B) covers That).
(D) is recommended for testing, because it's 100% reproducible.

1. Click menu (≡)->Customize, place downloads button before all tabs
2. Open
   (or any other small image) in a new tab, pin that tab, make it the 1st tab.
3. Drag and drop that tab on the downloads button
4. While downloads button animation is still performing, repeat Step 3 [watch video]

1. Open any PDF file in browser (you can download and open the following sample PDF file)
2. Open about:preferences#applications, set action "Save file" for PDFs
3. Switch to the tab with PDF file
4. Hover mouse over refresh button and press Shift+MiddleMouse
5. While downloads button animation is still performing, repeat Step 4

1. Dock the browser window to the left side of screen
2. Open Browser Console (Ctrl+Shift+J), dock it to the right side of screen
3. Open
   (or any other small image) in a new tab
4. Drag that tab to downloads button
5. Then immediately move mouse to conole, click on its contents and move mouse over entries in console

>>> (D) 100% reproducible <<<
1. Click menu (≡)->Customize, place downloads button before all tabs
2. Open new browser window
3. Open Scratchpad, execute the following code in browser context:
> addEventListener( 'keydown', (e)=>{ if(e.which == e.DOM_VK_S && e.ctrlKey && e.altKey)
>   saveDocument(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocumentAsCPOW, true) })
(that'll add hotkey "Ctrl+Alt+S" to save without asking a filename)
4. Open
   (or any other small image) in a new tab
5. Press Ctrl+Alt+S
6. While downloads button animation is still performing, repeat Step 5

Result:       Downloads button (big blue outline) doesn't redraw
Expectations: Big blue outline should disappear correctly

Workaround:   layers.offmainthreadcomposition.async-animations -> false
             (I could reproduce this on Fx ESR 38, if that pref is set to "true")

Note:   It's actually more common issue. I also saw it on web pages (e.g. 2048 game), but couldn't
        reproduce reliably. I believe it's been reported numerous times without reliable STR 

        Also, sometimes it happens by itself. Please request a video on any of my STRs.
        (I also believe that it can't be reproduced on Mac OS in VM, just like other OMTC issues)
That "screenshot (C)" represents the result of scenario (C). The animation is ended, so blue outline should've disappeared, but it stays on page. I can move mouse around, and outline doesn't go away.

Workaround (to cause the redraw):   Drag and drop the nearest tab to another position.
Summary: [OMTC] Download button's animation doesn't redraw if I immediately start new download → [compositor-thread animation] Download button's animation doesn't redraw if I immediately start new download
Component: Graphics → CSS Parsing and Computation
I can't reproduce on my local linux box at all. gfx driver issue?

I can see another problem. The problem is that gray arrow image was animated instead of blue one. The gray image is actually download-notification-start.png so I guess changing (or loading) the image was late. You can see this problem in the video in comment#0. Anyway it's another problem though.
It would be useful to know if other people can observe this bug as well.
I successfully reproduced (D) on another Win7 machine. It's important to maximize_window to test (D)
BTW, I saw some "unsafe CPOW" messages in console, and just to make sure it doesn't affect the bug, I tested the following (modified) code in STR (D). It always downloads the same site - ""
>   addEventListener( 'keydown', (e)=>{ if(e.which == e.DOM_VK_S && e.ctrlKey && e.altKey){
>     var url = "";
>     saveURL(url, url, null, true, true, null, document);
>   }})
Has STR: --- → yes
(In reply to David Baron [:dbaron] ⌚️UTC-7 from comment #5)
> It would be useful to know if other people can observe this bug as well.
Well, it's been 7 month of issues listed in comment 0. Did anybody got Win7 PC and tried to reproduce
this bug implemented in bug 980770? (What is regression 980770 is doing in Release and ESR anyway?)
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
Oh, sorry. It's fixed in bug 1161978. I just stuck on Firefox 45 (bug 1259951) so I see this every day
> Fix range:
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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