Closed Bug 1207525 Opened 9 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Camera]When user presses any part of progress bar and then moves finger, the progress slider will move to the point where your finger pressed.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Camera, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(tracking-b2g:backlog, b2g-v2.2 affected, b2g-master affected)

tracking-b2g backlog
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.2 --- affected
b2g-master --- affected


(Reporter: wangxin, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [2.5-aries-test-run-2] ux-tracking)


(2 files)

Attached file Bug log: logcat_1708.txt (deleted) —
[Aries KK v2.5][Flame v2.2&v2.5][Camera]When user presses any part of progress bar and then moves finger, the progress slider will move to the point where your finger pressed.
See log:"logcat_1708.txt"
See video:"Aries_v2.5.3GP"
Found time: 17:08

[2.Testing Steps]: 
1. Launch Camera.
2. Switch to "Video" mode.
3. Record a video .
4. Tap the thumbnail  and play the video in preview page.
5. Press on any part of the progress bar and move your finger.

[3.Expected Result]: 
Step 5. The video playing should not be impacted.

[4.Actual Result]: 
5. The progress slider will move to the point where your finger pressed.

[5.Reproduction build]: 
Device:FlameKK v2.5 build (Affected)
Build ID               20150922150204
Gaia Revision          68361828ae88dffd04b250121b5f2472a63f4bf0
Gaia Date              2015-09-22 03:46:57
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version          44.0a1
Device Name            flame
Firmware(Release)      4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental)  eng.cltbld.20150922.183124
Firmware Date          Tue Sep 22 18:31:40 EDT 2015
Firmware Version       v18D v4
Bootloader             L1TC000118D0

Device: AriesKK v2.5 build (Affected)
Build ID               20150923004630
Gaia Revision          864500d40633bbf0e9a83c92a03cea46bb901906
Gaia Date              2015-09-22 17:27:46
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version          44.0a1
Device Name            aries
Firmware(Release)      4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental)  eng.worker.20150923.000647
Firmware Date          Wed Sep 23 00:06:55 UTC 2015
Bootloader             s1

Flame 2.2(Affected):
Build ID               20150922032504
Gaia Revision          5dd95cfb9f1d6501ce0e34414596ef3dd9c2f583
Gaia Date              2015-09-21 11:20:23
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version          37.0
Device Name            flame
Firmware(Release)      4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental)  eng.cltbld.20150922.065434
Firmware Date          Tue Sep 22 06:54:45 EDT 2015
Firmware Version       v18D v4
Bootloader             L1TC000118D0

[6.Reproduction Frequency]: 
Always Recurrence,5/5

Free test
Attached video Bug video: Aries_v2.5.3GP (deleted) —
I don't think this is a bug, it look like the drag action causes the slider to reposition.  aosmond, is this by design?
Flags: needinfo?(aosmond)
I'm not really the person to ask. This uses the shared media code to display the videos and its controls, so this should be consistent with gallery. djf? Doesn't appear to be a regression since it worked this way on 2.2.
Flags: needinfo?(aosmond) → needinfo?(dflanagan)
I'm not sure whether we ever got clear guidance from UX way back in the beginning about whether things like this should only respond when you drag on the thumb, or whether you should just be able to tap anywhere on the timeline to make the thumb move to where you want. The video app lets you tap anywhere.  I think the intent in video player (used by Camera and Gallery) was that you had to drag the thumb.

There is a real bug here, though: just tapping on the timeline does not move the thumb. But touching anywhere on the timeline and then moving a couple of pixels does move the thumb. So depending on how carefully you tap, it can look like the app sometimes responds and sometimes does not.

We should probably fix that, and it would probably be easiest to fix it so that camera and gallery behave like the video app.

Let's ask UX how this should work: should the video timeline be sensitive to taps anywhere or only drags on the thumb?
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan) → needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
This would be a good thing to fix, but it is certainly not a blocker.
We would like to first have all the playbacks controllers be the same controller so that they look the same visually and have the same behaviour. See bug:

I'm sure this will also make bug fixing and enhancements easier :)

We can then use the current video apps UI and interaction design for it.

~Your friends from UX triage!
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(dflanagan)
Whiteboard: [2.5-aries-test-run-2] → [2.5-aries-test-run-2] 2.6UXnom
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:
Per comment 5, it's not a blocker, and this seems to be the effect of bug 1011795
Depends on: 1011795
Whiteboard: [2.5-aries-test-run-2] 2.6UXnom → [2.5-aries-test-run-2] ux-tracking
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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