Open Bug 1226116 Opened 9 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Unprefix -moz-text-size-adjust


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, task)





(Reporter: Ms2ger, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: dev-doc-needed, site-compat, Whiteboard: [layout:backlog])

Per <>, everyone supports -webkit-text-size-adjust already, and it is very unlikely that the unprefixed version would be able to behave any differently. We probably should have done this before taking the webkit-prefixed version.
Keywords: site-compat
There's also although we're moving towards maybe removing the feature; I don't think it's enabled anymore, although I might be wrong.
by removing the feature, I mean removing font inflation, which is what text-size-adjust affects
Fennec turned off automatic font-inflation in 39 in Bug 1127441, but b2g still uses it:

If the plan is to remove automatic font inflation, then I suppose it doesn't make sense to keep the ability to disable it via (-moz-|-webkit-|unprefixed)text-size-adjust, unless we find that pages are using that to adjust to a specific non-disabled value (something other than 100% or none, right? Based on a quick glance at GitHub usage, every token property value on the handful of pages I looked at is either `100%` or `none` -- but that's not representative of the web.

Does text-size-adjust have any effect on Desktop?
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
It doesn't have any effect on Desktop.

We also never added support for a % value; we only support 'auto' or 'none'.

I'd like to understand a little better why it was disabled on Android before we start ripping stuff out, though.  I still think font inflation is important for getting to older content on the Web, or content designed without consideration of mobile.
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
Type: defect → task

Putting this on the backlog per CSS use counter data, though we may want to file a new bug specifically about implementing the unprefixed version, rather than removing the prefix on -moz-text-size-adjust.

Whiteboard: [layout:backlog]
Depends on: 1609729
Severity: normal → S3
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